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TWLLC Inflight lawsuit news

Monday at 0930. The interesting issue from my perspective is not whether she grants the injunction but what she has to say in her reasoned reply about the behavior of APFA.

I attended the hearing on Thursday. A few interesting sidelights.
1. After repeated denials about the exclusion of STL F/A representatives from union proceedings because the issues being discussed contained information about the seniority integration lawsuit, APFA admitted that information about seniority integration was not being discussed but that it possibly "could" be discussed.
2. From the above and other information it became clear the STL F/As were denied input, but not the right to vote, on the concession package that resulted in the furlough of all TWA F/As.
3. A one point in the proceedings with J. Ward on the stand it was revealed that a concession package could be put together that would negate the requirement for any furloughs. The Judge was quite interested in this line of questioning at one point inquiring of Mr. Ward why he did not attempt to save more jobs. This led to a whole review of salary, benefit and work rule concessions. One of the most interesting was the 50% deadhead credit issue that would save 109 jobs. A collective gasp went out from the TWA F/As when Mr. Ward's response was that the reason we kept this was that we might never get it back. I do not think the Judge was impressed with that answer and kept interjecting herself into the questioning to find out more, the basic premise pointed out by the TWA F/A lawyer being that APFA was not very humanistic towards its members. It was later revealed that changing concessions for those that resulted in no or little headcount reduction and a slightly larger pay cut would have minimal effect on headcount reduction. It appeared to me that Mr. Ward was chief negotiator and that his negotiating committee was a bit of a sideshow secondary and perhaps an ineffectual one, to Mr. Ward?s agenda.
4. Perhaps most embarrassingly was a review of BOD resolutions by Mr. Ward around the tainted vote and the demand for a third vote by Mr. Ward. In effect under questioning Mr. Ward admitted that the vote was tainted and AA had interfered in the voting process. Thus the need for a third vote. The BOD backed his resolution for a third vote. Three or four days later Mr. Ward introduces a resolution to accept the tainted - perhaps even illegal or fraudulent vote - and that is passed by the BOD. Mr. Ward was questioned about his change of mind on the ?tainted Vote? and gave an evasive answer but implied that the threat of Chapter 11 by AA was not the reason. There was questioning about whether all members of APFA including TWA F/As were being represented by a process that denied them their democratic rights. An APFA representative, John Nikides, LAX base chair testified that he strongly felt the APFA constitution had been abridged and that he had introduced resolutions to correct the process but his resolutions were backed neither by Mr. Ward nor the BOD. Mr. Nikides came off as the most forthright and honest witnesses of those from the APFA group. He was genuinely concerned about APFA's failure process the vote in accordance with its constitution. He did not appear to favor the TWA side at all, but his honesty and genuineness were hall-marks in a day where "I don't recall" answers by APFA witnesses appeared to be the standard.
When Mr. Ward was asked if he was aware of the impact of the T/A on the TWA F/A group he implied he was not. When pressed further about the furlough of all TWA F/As, Mr. Ward replied that he was "hoping" that it would not happen. Another collective groan from the assembled TWA F/As who found this statement incredulous. This despite testimony the T/A plus Overage leave takers amounted to an excess of somewhere around 5000.
I have my biases and admit to them, but it was not a good day for APFA by any standard. I would guess that in the future, depositions from BOD members and records of BOD meetings suggest that the veracity of some of Mr. Ward?s testimony will be severely challenged. Mr. Ward was remined by Mr. Gold the TWA F/A lawyer not to lose the records of the BOD meetings. Another subtle way of stating his testimony was felt to be less than truthful.
Is the motion based on the fact the TA vote was NO? That its not legal or fair for AA and APFA to procede as though voting extenstion was legitimate, when it we all know it wasn''t.
Thank you for the info and your efforts to recap the hearing. Monday will be interesting to say the least!
That is one issue among several. Others are discrimination by several routes like exclusion from meetings where the TA was being discussed, and having the TWA LLC F/As share a disproportunate burden of the concessions. The discrimination prong has several issues. I am aware there are legal suits pending by the AA F/As about the voting process also. On the witness stand J. Ward stated that complaints filed by AA F/As about the process through APFA process would be handled internally. I believe that the case has merit in that the TWA F/As showed disportunate harm by the whole process. However, the burden of proof for an injunction is very high and showing irreparable damage (damage that cannot be rectified by monetary means) also has a very high threshold to meet. The Judge must also consider the effect upon AA should she grant the injunction. If the Judge does not grant the injunction, her findings as contained in her written opinion will be closely scrutinized for their effects upon other court cases filed by the TWA F/As.
Well here is the news. The Judge has denied the request for an injunction. She balanced the harm to the individual F/As as against the harm to AA if AA went Chapter 11. She also noted the F/A jobs were not irrevocably lost - a condition of irreparable harm is necessary for an injunction - if the TWA F/As prevail in their seniority integration suit.
On 6/28/2003 2:57:34 PM L1011Ret wrote:

That is one issue among several. Others are discrimination by several routes like exclusion from meetings where the TA was being discussed, and having the TWA LLC F/As share a disproportunate burden of the concessions. The discrimination prong has several issues. I am aware there are legal suits pending by the AA F/As about the voting process also. On the witness stand J. Ward stated that complaints filed by AA F/As about the process through APFA process would be handled internally. I believe that the case has merit in that the TWA F/As showed disportunate harm by the whole process. However, the burden of proof for an injunction is very high and showing irreparable damage (damage that cannot be rectified by monetary means) also has a very high threshold to meet. The Judge must also consider the effect upon AA should she grant the injunction. If the Judge does not grant the injunction, her findings as contained in her written opinion will be closely scrutinized for their effects upon other court cases filed by the TWA F/As.


So what were some of the findings or her opinions? I was all ready for the judge to blast the APFA, AA or somebody from reading your other posts.
No copies of the opinion are yet available. This is the same Judge who is handling the seniority lawsuit. To blast ANY party at this point would possibly prejudice her continuing with the the seniority lawsuit - so I would not expect any "blasting." Along this line of reasoning she may have ruled narrowly on the merits or lack of merits on injunction issues. First reports from my post above indicate that this is what she did.
On 6/30/2003 1:32:39 PM MiAAmi wrote:

Mikey, I thought you just had a vacation recently! Why the negativity towards APFA for preparing a statement?

Yea March 24 - May 06. I was happy to be off during the so called negotiations drama. I am tired of having to get Union information off pulic BB''s and newspaper updates. When this administration knew at 930am. Why does it take till almost 2 pm to post the info?
On 6/30/2003 1:35:30 PM L1011Ret wrote:

Mikey''s post about the APFA hotline is close to my understanding about the denial of the injunction.b

Agreed, I was just posting the APFA hotline info.
Mikey''s post about the APFA hotline is close to my understanding about the denial of the injunction.b
From the APFA hotline. Took them long enough to post info. The Federal District Court in New York this morning denied the motion of the former TWA flight attendants for an injunction to stop their July 2nd furloughs. The Court determined that the former TWA flight attendants could not satisfy any of the three standards that they would have to meet to justify an award of an injunction: (1) they could not demonstrate that they will be irreparably harmed if an injunction is not granted; (2) they could not demonstrate that they were likely to succeed on the merits of their claims against APFA and the Company; and (3) they could not demonstrate that the balance of hardships weighed in their favor.
Mikey, I thought you just had a vacation recently! Why the negativity towards APFA for preparing a statement?

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