Another School Massacre

Better disarm this lady right away!...Before she does something rash like protect her employees and property! I mean really; who knows what she might do, maybe even kill some armed thugs or something! The weapon does appear to be one that might well be made illegal under the rounds limitations desired by the pathetic little pimps at the top of what only laughably passes for "American" government these days.

Anyone care to bet that the punks didn't legally obtain their weapons...or care even the least bit about any insane "gun laws" at all?

Speaking of brain-dead government pimps...Note that they don't even believe their OWN BS!

The good news is that there's an easy solution at hand! ;)
Better disarm this lady right away!...Before she does something rash like protect her employees and property! I mean really; who knows what she might do, maybe even kill some armed thugs or something! The weapon does appear to be one that might well be made illegal under the rounds limitations desired by the pathetic little pimps at the top of what only laughably passes for "American" government these days.

Anyone care to bet that the punks didn't legally obtain their weapons...or care even the least bit about any insane "gun laws" at all?

Speaking of brain-dead government pimps...Note that they don't even believe their OWN BS!

The good news is that there's an easy solution at hand! ;)

She fought them off with a handgun, not a semiauto, and she sent 5 thugs running after firing 2 shots. I guess that shoots down the, "yeah, but what if there were 5 thugs who didn't care about gun laws and a law abiding citizen with a 7 shot limit. " argument.
She fought them off with a handgun, not a semiauto, and she sent 5 thugs running after firing 2 shots. I guess that shoots down the, "yeah, but what if there were 5 thugs who didn't care about gun laws and a law abiding citizen with a 7 shot limit. " argument.

That's exactly how it works out every time KC.
She fought them off with a handgun, not a semiauto, ....with a 7 shot limit....

Incredible! The weapon she used IS a "semiauto". Would you care to bet on it's designed capacity being 7 shots or less while we're at this? Naturally; we're all of course certain that every one of those punks would have been brought down with a mere 7 shots total? In any duck-and-cover type of's umm "always" certain that each round fired will find it's mark...? You ARE really just joking around here....right? Please tell us that you're just exercising a subtle and wry sense of humor here....?




Adam Lanza Shot Himself As 1st Responders Closed In

Bottom line? It took guys with guns FINALLY showing up to end that unspeakable the "rational solution" should be to disarm decent citizens and of course, keep "gun free zones" that can only ever exist inside Fantasyland?....And just hope that no truly sick and evil people ever show up? How would that horror have played out had even one responsible and decent person been armed at that school? How many of those poor kids would still be with us?

She fought them off with a handgun, not a semiauto, and she sent 5 thugs running after firing 2 shots. I guess that shoots down the, "yeah, but what if there were 5 thugs who didn't care about gun laws and a law abiding citizen with a 7 shot limit. " argument.

KC, looky what you can do with your handgun. Instant assault rifle. Show and tell day?

Incredible! The weapon she used IS a "semiauto". Would you care to bet on it's designed capacity being 7 shots or less while we're at this? Naturally; we're all of course certain that every one of those punks would have been brought down with a mere 7 shots total? In any duck-and-cover type of's umm "always" certain that each round fired will find it's mark...? You ARE really just joking around here....right? Please tell us that you're just exercising a subtle and wry sense of humor here....?

Just watched the video that YOU posted East...5 armed thugs, one old lady, two shots fired. Not using any hypothetical "yeah but if there would have been SEVEN thugs, they MIGHT not have turned tail and ran and she WOULD have run short on ammo." Nope, just a fact filled video that indicated that one little old lady firing two shots got rid of the threat. And she still had 5 shots left.

Edited to add...where in the video was it stated that the old lady had a semiauto? They said "handgun"...not semiautomatic handgun....just handgun.
Just watched the video that YOU posted East...5 armed thugs, one old lady, two shots fired. Not using any hypothetical "yeah but if there would have been SEVEN thugs, they MIGHT not have turned tail and ran and she WOULD have run short on ammo." Nope, just a fact filled video that indicated that one little old lady firing two shots got rid of the threat. And she still had 5 shots left.

Edited to add...where in the video was it stated that the old lady had a semiauto? They said "handgun"...not semiautomatic handgun....just handgun.

I've not the slightest concern for what "they said". Anyone with even the slightest familiarity with weapons can see the pistol's configuration....which ain't that of any single-shot, cock-the-hammer-back or even revolver variety.

"and she still had 5 shots left"? Oh!...So you now magically know the size of the contained clip...but can't even understand that it's a frikkin' semi-auto to start with? Sigh! I see. Note that none of the thugs returned fire and instead just fled. Tell us all how long your presumed 5 shots would've lasted her, had events turned differently? No matter. I say we "logically" MUST disarm that lady "gun nut" immediately! Just imagine how much "safer" people could then touchy-"feel" themselves to be around here!?...Umm...Especially the armed thugs.

Bottom Line = I don't care how many spineless "liberals" wish to place even their very lives into the hands of nothing more than the fantastic "faith" that police will, against ALL known historical data, instantly beam themselves down to the planet lib and magically save them....Well...Don't logically even DARE attempt to sell that sort of Blanche Dubois, insane dependence: "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers" crap to any of us that very clearly, better understand the nature of our species and the real world we live in. Umm...Did you notice where in the video "the government" stepped in to save the day?...Or any "gun laws" helped the lady and briefly held hostages in that situation at ALL? I must have missed it completely.
I've not the slightest conern for what "they said". Anyone with even the slightest familiarity with weapons can see the pistol's configuration....which ain't that of any single-shot, cock-the-hammer-back variety.

"and she still had 5 shots left"? Oh!...So you now magically know the size of the contained clip...but can't even understand that it's a frikkin' semi-auto to start with? Sigh! I see. Note that none of the thugs returned fire and instead just fled. Tell us all how long your presumed 5 shots would've lasted her, had events turned differently? No matter. I say we "logically" MUST disarm that lady "gun nut" immediately! Just imagine how much "safer" people could then touchy-"feel" themselves to be around here!?...Umm...Especially the armed thugs.

Bottom Line = I don't care how many spineless "liberals" wish to place even their very lives into the hands of nothing more than the fantastic "faith" that police will, against ALL known historical data, instantly beam themselves down to the planet lib and magically save them....Well...Don't DARE even attempt to sell that sort of Blanche Dubois, insane dependence: "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers" crap to any of us that very clearly, better understand the nature of our species and the real world we live in. Umm...Did you notice where in the video "the government" stepped in to save the day?...Or any "gun laws" helped the lady and others in that situation at ALL? I must have missed it completely.

Semiauto or not...7 shot magazine, 30 shot magazine, 100 shot magazine - doesn't matter. The job got done and order was restored with 2 shots. Assuming she was "legal" with 7 shots, she still had 5 shots left. Bottom line

5 thugs with guns
1 granny with a pistol
2 shots fired

Tell me again (without a what if there were 7 and they decided to fight back argument) how allowing her to have a 13 shot clip would have made a damn bit of difference. Instead, it's a discussion how a person who admittedly doesn't own a gun cannot recognize the make, model or caliber of a gun from a fleeting glimpse from a security camera. Something always left out of the argument when tossing in the "there are 5, no 7, no 12 bad guys coming into a store....". It's called "human nature" and it was demonstrated in this video (did I mention that YOU were the one who posted it??)....that is, even if 5 thugs are holding a gun of their own...when a bullet is fired in their direction, human nature dictates that the who group says "Holy sheet Batman...this #### is CRAZY", and runs for the door.
Tell me again (without a what if there were 7 and they decided to fight back argument) how allowing her to have a 13 shot clip would have made a damn bit of difference.

...when a bullet is fired in their direction, human nature dictates that the who group says "Holy sheet Batman...this #### is CRAZY", and runs for the door.

1) You've simply GOT to be kidding with that first question?....Aren't you?

2) Perhaps by your definition of "human" nature. Herds of animals unthinkingly react as you describe. There are plenty of folks that would think it best to cover, draw, aim and fire instead, but we all make our own choices. Hint: Any bullet ever fired can and will outrun even the fastest Olympic sprinters.

Btw, per your instantly assuming a 7 round capacity clip?..Well..many pistol clips have twice that capacity and even a bullet for change chambered. Should hers have indeed been one such..should she nowadays be instantly made into a "criminal"?

Should the weapon she successfully used to protect herself and those in her store be surrendered to fruit bats like Biden and Obama just to make you "feel"...umm..."safer"?

How about this young man? Should we all now ask and then fret over how many rounds the weapon held? I say that if it was only 7, or 10, or whatever sick fantasy's currently controlling the brain-dead, would-be-dicators in DC and their feeble-minded enablers, then the young man's a bit of a hero for defending his siblings. IF, on the other hand; the clip held too many rounds to be "fashionable"...I say we immediately arrest and jail him! I mean...what's "legal" is the issue here, not what's actually SANE, isn't it? http://www.theblaze....ngs-in-phoenix/
1) You've simply GOT to be kidding with that first question?....Aren't you?

2) Perhaps by your definition of "human" nature. Herds of animals unthinkingly react as you describe. There are plenty of folks that would think it best to cover, draw, aim and fire instead, but we all make our own choices. Hint: Any bullet ever fired can and will outrun even the fastest Olympic sprinters.

Btw, per your instantly assuming a 7 round capacity clip?..Well..many pistol clips have twice that capacity and even a bullet for change chambered. Should hers have indeed been one such..should she nowadays be instantly made into a "criminal"?

Should the weapon she successfully used to protect herself and those in her store be surrendered to fruit bats like Biden and Obama just to make you "feel"...umm..."safer"?

How about this young man? Should we all now ask and then fret over how many rounds the weapon held? I say that if it was only 7, or 10, or whatever sick fantasy's currently controlling the brain-dead, would-be-dicators in DC and their feeble-minded enablers, then the young man's a bit of a hero for defending his siblings. IF, on the other hand; the clip held too many rounds to be "fashionable"...I say we immediately arrest and jail him! I mean...what's "legal" is the issue here, not what's actually SANE, isn't it? http://www.theblaze....ngs-in-phoenix/
You seem to have ignored 99% of my post, but that's okay. I'll try to spell it out...if limiting clips to 7 shots is going to endanger millions of Americans from an invasion of 3, no 5, no7, no 30 home come this incident of 5 armed thugs was thwarted by a granny firing 2 shots? THAT'S why I use the magical number of 7 shots....Obama and the liberals want good God fearing gun owners to die because thug groups of upwards of 100 MIGHT come after them, and they won't stand a chance with a 7 shot limit. Yet....granny sent 5 thugs running with 2 shots. That's 5 fewer than Obama and those commie liberals are proposing. So would having a 13 or 50 shot magazine have made a damn bit of difference????

Human nature...if you entered a building with less than honorable intentions and found yourself on the recieving end of gunfire....would you stand your ground, or turn and run (as the thugs did)? Everything that happened in the video that YOU posted would have still protected the store owner and customers.
That's 5 fewer than Obama and those commie liberals are proposing.

Call me the very first moment that they likewise, and equally "logically", limit all federal agents and law enforcement people to the same. After all "how would having a 13 or 50 shot magazine" EVER "have made a damn bit of difference????"

Why couldn't any fight ever imagined be successfully concluded with 7 shots maximum? It's guaranteed that you'll always hit with every bullet fired and really, with merely 5 armed thugs...what could ever go wrong the next time such happy, glowing examples of goodness drop by? ;)
KC has no comprehension of the adrenaline effect on one in the most dangerous extremes, let alone the ability to keep a cool head and spend one bullet on one target.