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Another School Massacre

No, I understood that when I posted...Wait a minute...

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

I dont see anything here about ammo.

Nothing can be done to limit that right.

The Strongest Possible Restrictive Language
First and Second Amendment protections were always given the very strongest possible restrictive language – no law shall be passed – shall make no law – inviolable – not be deprived or abridged – not be restrained - shall not be infringed - nor shall the right be infringed - shall make no laws touching - shall make no laws to infringe. The Second Amendment's “right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" language was clearly not intended to allow for extensive reasonable regulation. Rather, it was intended to prevent all laws and regulations that would result in the people being deprived, abridged, restrained, narrowed, or restricted in the exercise of their fundamental right to keep and bear arms.
you are probably right. It doesnt work with prostitution or pot either and enforcing laws already on the books is expensive.

plus, guns are constitutionally protected. Tax the hell out of them and the ammo. dont waste money creating more laws that are expensive to enforce but instead will help pay for Obamacare.

It's legal. Works with gasoline and luxury items and wont require amending the second amendment.

' RDU.
You're (above) post was nothing short of BRILLIANT, and is an excellent Idea.
TAX the "living piss" out of Every AR-15 type assault weapon, and oversized ammo clip sold, while LAUGHING 'All the Way to the BANK" !

(Why didn't I think of that) : (
you are probably right. It doesnt work with prostitution or pot either and enforcing laws already on the books is expensive.

plus, guns are constitutionally protected. Tax the hell out of them and the ammo. dont waste money creating more laws that are expensive to enforce but instead will help pay for Obamacare.

It's legal. Works with gasoline and luxury items and wont require amending the second amendment.

Protected or not the COTUS can be amended and rights are not absolute. The 1st and 4th have limitations. There is not reason the 2nd should not have limitations as well.

I do not think bans or taxes will work. I believe registrations like we do with automobiles and holding the last known owner responsible for the actions of the weapon would start to limit access to the people who should have the guns. All person to person sales would have to have a background check through a federal data base. Title would have to be transferred. Failure to submit a background check or transfer the title would result in fines and prison. If the weapon in used in a crime, last owner on file is on the hook unless you can prove it was stolen. Weapons not in use should be stored in a certified safe. If the guns are stolen, that safe better have a big hole in it.

Given the number of guns in the US it would take quite some time for unregistered guns to get out of the system but at least we do not add new ones to the people who should not have them.
' RDU.
You're (above) post was nothing short of BRILLIANT, and is an excellent Idea.
TAX the "living piss" out of Every AR-15 type assault weapon, and oversized ammo clip sold, while LAUGHING 'All the Way to the BANK" !

(Why didn't I think of that) : (

Regarding the right to bear arms. You can carry weapons at 18 in the military but not on the streets until you are 21. In NYC there is more infringement than that.
Regarding the right to bear arms. You can carry weapons at 18 in the military but not on the streets until you are 21. In NYC there is more infringement than that.

But you still can use your 2nd rights.
Eliminating barrels, ammo, triggers, would render your 2nd rights useless thus infringing on them.
My fear about a tax increase would that sales may go underground. I am somewhat reluctant to penalize gun ownership with higher taxes. Also it does nothing to require responsibility for the weapons a person owns. Under current law, or lack there of, it seems that no one is held responsible for their weapons should they get into the hands of someone who should not have access to them.
Maybe. At least not thugs. Middle class at least

It would not deter thugs.............besides there is no compromise.

The Second Amendment's “right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" language was clearly not intended to allow for extensive reasonable regulation. Rather, it was intended to prevent all laws and regulations that would result in the people being deprived, abridged, restrained, narrowed, or restricted in the exercise of their fundamental right to keep and bear arms.

David E Young-Constitutional scholar and recognized authority on Founding Era Second Amendment developmental history and documents.