[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]"It is not an infant formula factory," Gen. Colin Powell said, "... It was a biological weapons facility, of that we are sure. [/background][background=rgb(252, 252, 252)].[/background]
I'll bet Bush hand painted it 🙄That was also during the first Bush presidency. I remember the "baby milk plant" sign hand painted for the press to see.
What?I'll bet Bush hand painted it 🙄
Desert Storm was a necessary and effective operation. I think the special ops should have finished the job when things cooled in theater. We probably would not have the issues we have now.
Just my Monday morning QB opinion.
Yep, during Desert Storm, last time I checked Clinton wasnt President then.
More lies from the right wingers on this website, lol.
But hey, when does the right use facts when it comes to their attacks? lol
My recollection is that the coalition, as tenuous as it was would not have supported the elimination of Hussein. Even Cheney acknowledged that. Most people have acknowledged that removing Husein was a mistake. He may have been a SOB but he was the only person keeping Iraq on lock down and Iran in check. Removing him opened up a Pandora box. W Bush went in with barely and entrance strategy and no exit strategy. I believe there is a video of Rumsfeld saying the who Iraq war would be a few month and Cheney said we would be welcomed as liberators. Yea. Not so much.
I really do not care if it's better for them or not. It is not better for us. It is not better for the 5,000 soldiers who died fighting a war that the Iraqis should have been fighting had they been so inclined to do so.
The Syrians are fighting for their freedom because they want it. I have no issues with giving them weapons to fight their battle. I do have an issue with with putting US soldiers lives at risk for a battle that is not ours.
How stupid are you?You kind of remind of Steve Martin in "The Jerk" thinking the sniper hated the oil cans !
Oh no...............the Americans are killing cans of milk....................uugggg, the humanity !
So, you have spoken to an Iraqi lately, and asked if the life is better now or before !
How many parents or spouses of American soldiers killed in Iraq take comfort in knowing that their loved one died not in the quest to keep America safe nuclear or biological attack, but to make life better for an Iraqi? Would you have signed up for that Mission?
I really do not care if it's better for them or not. It is not better for us. It is not better for the 5,000 soldiers who died fighting a war that the Iraqis should have been fighting had they been so inclined to do so.
The Syrians are fighting for their freedom because they want it. I have no issues with giving them weapons to fight their battle. I do have an issue with with putting US soldiers lives at risk for a battle that is not ours.