Id like to see contract where in labor gets to negotiate wages and conditions. They should not be able to dictate who gets hired/fired. A company needs to be able to terminate for abuse. Promote those who work the hardest and terminate this who just skate. I also do not like the idea of a union holding a company hostage.
A company can fire a unionized worker at anytime, it just has to follow the "just cause" doctrine, just because they are unionized doesnt prevent a company from firing a worker.
Were the 4 dead Americans in Benghazi, union members or something?
A company can fire a unionized worker at anytime, it just has to follow the "just cause" doctrine, just because they are unionized doesnt prevent a company from firing a worker.
Yes and no. Has to be done in seniority order, can't be done because they are not as productive as others... there are a lot of stipulations aside from just cause that are not valid for termination. The abuse that I saw take place with the APFA was obscene.
Unless and until something happens that pisses off the MSM, All the President's Men & Woman will skate. We don't have Woodward & Bernstein anymore. The young pups aren't able to develop their skills in the constant battle for ratings
What are you smoking? The company doesnt have to follow seniority when firing someone, that has to be done in case of layoffs only.Yes and no. Has to be done in seniority order, can't be done because they are not as productive as others... there are a lot of stipulations aside from just cause that are not valid for termination. The abuse that I saw take place with the APFA was obscene.