Dog Wonder
Playing the party hack talking point geek now?
Next he will be posting RNC attack campaign ad videos.
Playing the party hack talking point geek now?
So hpu admit the "lies" you have been ranting about had nothing to do with the deaths. Has andone brought forth any proof that Clinton or Obama told the troops to stand down? I have not been following much of those story so I don't know.
Next he will be posting RNC attack campaign ad videos.
I guess this means that Clinton and Obama are going to lose your support. Sounds like you may not even consider voting for Hillary if she runs!
Apparently "The Lies" I've been ranting about "DID" lead to the deaths of 4 Americans !
And looky's not just Fox covering this deceit !
"White House emails reviewed by ABC News suggest the edits were made with extensive input from the State Department. The edits included requests from the State Department that references to the Al Qaeda-affiliated group Ansar al-Sharia be deleted as well references to CIA warnings about terrorist threats in Benghazi in the months preceding the attack."
And I'll repeat, "References to CIA warnings about terrorist threats in Benghazi in the months preceding the attack, were deleted" !
Not only did the state dept. lie but , so did the WH............... "The White House said repeatedly the documents were put together almost entirely by the intelligence community, but White House documents reviewed by Congress suggest a different story."
Looks to me like something's sticking to the wall......................Barry-O !
"After the talking points were edited slightly to address Nuland's concerns, she responded that changes did not go far enough.
"These changes don't resolve all of my issues or those of my buildings leadership," Nuland wrote.
Give you one guess who the "Buildings Leadership", happens to be !
How many Iraqi infants died when Clinton blew up the baby formula factory. I doubt there were WMD, but yet we never really got any figures back then, or maybe the Iraqis weren't having babies.Hey wind,
What about the thousands that died in Iraq cause of Bush lies?
What about that more diplomatic personnel died under Bush than Obama?
Last time I checked, 60 is 56 more than 4.
When CNN's Peter Arnett reported on the seventh day of Desert Storm that an infant formula plant in the Abu Ghraib suburb of Baghdad had been bombed, Washington was categorical in its dismissal. "It is not an infant formula factory," Gen. Colin Powell said, "... It was a biological weapons facility, of that we are sure. .