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And some more light reading about Palin and her Church

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Go ahead. Vote for Obama. Wait and see.

On that Bobbie.....I agree.

Obama runs on the Saul Alinsky book of Rules for radicals

Look up Alinsky on wiki.....Obama is in there....a disciple.....

And the Lib's are lining up for his soylent green. :lol:
On that Bobbie.....I agree.

Obama runs on the Saul Alinsky book of Rules for radicals

Look up Alinsky on wiki.....Obama is in there....a disciple.....

And the Lib's are lining up for his soylent green. :lol:
Too bad most on here are clueless about soylent green.

I amazes me how brain dead people are. Obama stands for everything socialist and all that means yet you have morons lining up to lick his boots…GOD save them and us from them.
Too bad most on here are clueless about soylent green.

I amazes me how brain dead people are. Obama stands for everything socialist and all that means yet you have morons lining up to lick his boots…GOD save them and us from them.


I thought you loved everybody because God told you too.

I love you. I love you because God told me to. If i wasn't a woman of God, I would probably feel differently. Every hateful thing you say just makes me love you more. And Jesus loves you more, too. And that's not brother Jesus...that's the Lord, Jesus Christ.

I guess that does not apply to Obama voters.

Do you know what the definition of hypocrite is?

The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness.

Except when I feel silly like Kookie above...all my responses are exactly as per GOD'S living word which is and of itself Jesus the Christ.

Christ moved history as only God could do. This Jesus of Nazareth, without money and arms, conquered more millions than Alexander, Caesar, Muhammad, and Napoleon; without science and learning, He shed more light on matters human and divine than all philosophers and scholars combined; without the eloquence of schools, He spoke such words of life as were never spoken before or since and produced effects which lie beyond the reach of orator or poet; without writing a single line, He set more pens in motion, and furnished themes for more sermons, orations, discussions, learned volumes, works of art, and songs of praise than the whole army of great men of ancient and modern times.

This is my foundational waters from which I drink. Debating mere man as you, I’ll pass.

When you lift (i.e. cut and past from someone else) a quote, you really should attribute that to its rightful author, particularly when it is straight from a book -- as your quote above is.
I thought you loved everybody because God told you too.

I guess that does not apply to Obama voters.

Do you know what the definition of hypocrite is?

Man is not alone on this planet. By divine revelation we know of the presence of an enemy. He appears in various forms, we are told, appropriate to the occasion. He may appear as an angel of light or as a roaring lion, depending on the circumstances and his purposes. His name is Satan. It was he whom God allowed to cause Job to suffer. Jesus, in the Parable of the Good Seed and the Tares, explains the ruining of the farmer’s harvest by saying, “An enemy did this: (Matt. 13:28). Satan finds great pleasure in ruining God’s creation and causing misery and suffering. God allows him limited power, but he cannot touch the one in close fellowship with God. “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you†(James 4:7), we are assured.

Take Robinson Crusoe’s answer to the question of why God allows Satan power to bring suffering asked by his man Friday.

“Well, “ says Friday, “you say God is so strong, so great; has He not as much strong, as much might as the devil?â€
“Yes, yes, “ says I; “Friday, God is much stronger than the devil.â€
“But if God much strong, much might as the devil, why God no kill the devil so make him no more do wicked?â€
“You may as well ask, “ answers Crusoe reflectively, “why does God not kill you and me when we do wicked things, that offend Him?â€

We are fall short, we all are sinners, even the saved, the difference is our relationship with the Lord our savior. Calling the saved hypocrites is like calling God to task because you think you know better then he does…whose the hypocrite?
Dell, Bobbie, 700IAM -
Is that really the best the three of you can do? "Radical"? "Socialist"? "Communist"? Oooooh boogy boogy! Your words read like those of small children - nothing of substance just name calling. Do any of you actually have the ability to discuss or debate ISSUES? If name calling is all that conservatives are capable of doing, that's probably one of the best arguments to vote FOR Obama.
Dell, Bobbie, 700IAM -
Is that really the best the three of you can do? "Radical"? "Socialist"? "Communist"? Oooooh boogy boogy! Your words read like those of small children - nothing of substance just name calling. Do any of you actually have the ability to discuss or debate ISSUES? If name calling is all that conservatives are capable of doing, that's probably one of the best arguments to vote FOR Obama.

I am so glad your mental prowess is far superior to ours, but that my friend will not save your very soul which is all that really matters, and not your media GOD Osama/Obama the black soul brother invented by the leftist radical freaks in this country who despise anything Godly and righteous and celebrate everything unclean and immoral. Keep pounding your chest until your moon God rises for all I care.
It doesn't matter who registered him (his terrorist father, in this case)...he's on the books somewhere as a Muslim. That's enough for me to not vote for a terrorist like Obama. I don't care if he never voluntarily made the choice. He's a Muslim, which makes him a terrorist or at least a supporter of terrorism.

The Arab terrorists are in love with Obama because he's a Muslim in their minds.

This has got to be the weakest argument I have heard, Because someone made a decision for him as a minor in which he had no say you have labeled him as a supporter of terrorism and a terrorist?

I cannot even think of an argument against that level of reasoning. My brain cannot conceive of reply to a though process as warped as that.
This has got to be the weakest argument I have heard, Because someone made a decision for him as a minor in which he had no say you have labeled him as a supporter of terrorism and a terrorist?

I cannot even think of an argument against that level of reasoning. My brain cannot conceive of reply to a though process as warped as that.

And my brain can't conceive of anyone sane voting for that guy terrorist aside unless socialism is what you believe we set us free and make the USA great. I’d prefer a vote for Chris Rock, he is smarter and doesn't hold back his feelings, we know exactly where he stands unlike Osama/Obama who is lost for words when they are not written in front of his nose. Osama/Obama is an invention and illusion of the twisted leftist wanting tax dollars and rights for freaks and everything Ungodly…he would bring down hell fire if elected. Thank God, GOD is still in charge! Osama/Obama will flame out and it has already started THANK YOU JESUS!!!!! Praise The Lord…Thank You Jesus
You need to be...."PINK SLIPPED"..........................IMMEDIATELY ! :mf_boff: :wacko:
(If for nothing else, your OWN safety)
I guess that does not apply to Obama voters.

Do you know what the definition of hypocrite is?


Like its ok for one guy to attend a biggoted church while another goes to an evangelical church and each are treated differently under the microscope ?
I am so glad your mental prowess is far superior to ours, but that my friend will not save your very soul which is all that really matters, and not your media GOD Osama/Obama the black soul brother invented by the leftist radical freaks in this country who despise anything Godly and righteous and celebrate everything unclean and immoral. Keep pounding your chest until your moon God rises for all I care.

My soul already is saved.

With racist attitudes in your heart like those expressed above, it's clear that your's is not - despite your loud protests to the contrary. Members of the KKK justified their satanic actions by claiming to wrap themselves in the protection of God's word. That was surely a lie - just as you have been doing. Get right with God before it's too late. By the way, finding ways to express your views without childish name calling might not be a bad start.
Once again, 700IAM and Delldude choose to bear false witness. This certainly doesn't bode well for you on judgement day.


Pray for me and Obama

The AP caption reads: “This registration document, made available on Jan. 24, 2007, by the Fransiskus Assisi school in Jakarta, Indonesia, shows the registration of Barack Obama under the name Barry Soetoro into the Catholic school made by his step-father, Lolo Soetoro. The document lists Barry Soetoro as a Indonesian citizen, born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, and shows his Muslim step-father listed the boy’s religion as Islam. (AP Photo/ Tatan Syuflana)â€￾ :shock:

Suddenly its quite quiet......... :lol:

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