Whether you look forward to judgement day or not, it won't change the outcome. You claim as loudly as possible that you are are more Christian than anyone else on this board and repeatedly accuse any who disagrees with you of being un-Christian or worse.
There is only ONE path to Heaven. Take up your beef with the creator, he made the rules and he gave you free will to reject him and join the enmity...your choice your destiny.
I really have no say in the matter, none. If you enjoy worldly things and put your trust in them, well then that becomes your GOD, who happens to be false which will absolutely determine your destiny. We are all going to eternity and there are only two places…I see Lily Pad on the one side and you standing next to her lol
Between the throwing of stones and the consistent bearing of false witness, your actions belie your loud claims - showing you as anything but a person with the heart of a true Christian.
Further, don't ever make the mistake of thinking that you know my relationship with God or the depth of my faith. That would truly be a foolish miscalculation.
As for the subject at hand, in your rant you have chosen to ignore the facts placed before you in the Snopes.com link. In fact, it seems you've chosen to simply bury your head in the sand and refuse to even read anything that doesn't conform to the lies that you've spread on this message board about Obama. Talk about the wisdom of a fool.