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And some more light reading about Palin and her Church

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This shows the true nature of your heart, 700IAM. You clearly are excited and look forward to seeing people spend eternity in Hell. I can almost picture you wanting to look across the great divide, saying hahahahaha as you point at the souls on the other side.

I am excited knowing this world will pass away along with all it's woes and whoever CHOOSES to follow the Lord will be part of that great day...your choice but so far YOU my dear are on the wrong side of the fence listening to the enmity of the soul and attacking believers.
I am excited knowing this world will pass away along with all it's woes and whoever CHOOSES to follow the Lord will be part of that great day...your choice but so far YOU my dear are on the wrong side of the fence listening to the enmity of the soul and attacking believers.

Of course... anyone who disagrees with you is on the other side of the great divide. How convenient.

I will repeat what I said to you after our first encounter because it seems even more relevant now (of course, you will reply that I am on the "OTHER" side, just as you did then, and now):

You will get nowhere while acting this absurd. God has called us to preach the gospel to all nations. This does not mean that you bang everyone over the head with your thick King James Version Bible and tell them that you will wave to them across the Great Divide while they are burning in sulfer and you are sipping on your gold-sprinkled Margarita.

I fear that you are only turning people off to the great message. Rather than sitting on your high horse and damning those that have yet to enter into faith, I suggest you use your time and energy fostering real relationships with those people in your community. Your life is a witness... not always your words... or worse... your postings on US Aviation.
Please provide the link that Obama has registered himself as a Muslim.

It doesn't matter who registered him (his terrorist father, in this case)...he's on the books somewhere as a Muslim. That's enough for me to not vote for a terrorist like Obama. I don't care if he never voluntarily made the choice. He's a Muslim, which makes him a terrorist or at least a supporter of terrorism.

The Arab terrorists are in love with Obama because he's a Muslim in their minds.
It doesn't matter who registered him (his terrorist father, in this case)...he's on the books somewhere as a Muslim. That's enough for me to not vote for a terrorist like Obama. I don't care if he never voluntarily made the choice. He's a Muslim, which makes him a terrorist or at least a supporter of terrorism.

The Arab terrorists are in love with Obama because he's a Muslim in their minds.

So...the solution to our war on terror is to kill all the Muslims? How "Crusadeish".
It doesn't matter who registered him (his terrorist father, in this case)...he's on the books somewhere as a Muslim. That's enough for me to not vote for a terrorist like Obama. I don't care if he never voluntarily made the choice. He's a Muslim, which makes him a terrorist or at least a supporter of terrorism.

The Arab terrorists are in love with Obama because he's a Muslim in their minds.


You should go straight to your nearest office of the FBI or the US Attorney. If you have any proof at all that a candidate for president is a terrorist, he must be investigated and prosecuted immediately. Of course, if you don't have such proof then you are simply committing slander in an attempt to deceive people much like the publican swift boat liars have done in the past. How un-American.
I look forward with much excitement to judgment day----false GODS to which most are manipulated will be exposed and dealt with, along with their followers.

Believing something is false doesn’t make it so---like a child closing his eyes believing what is scaring him vanishes when his eyes close, in such a way the enmity of our soul snares his prey, the lost are trapped by their own ignorance and arrogance relaying on worldly knowledge which will pass away dragging their soul into the enemy’s lair and into eternal damnation.

It’s a lot easier to think of this stuff as fantasy from fools so you can live your life without the buried fear haunting your God given spirit. Ignoring your spirit while enjoying your natural sinful ways in this vapor of a life is the wisdom of a fool.

Whether you look forward to judgement day or not, it won't change the outcome. You claim as loudly as possible that you are are more Christian than anyone else on this board and repeatedly accuse any who disagrees with you of being un-Christian or worse. Between the throwing of stones and the consistent bearing of false witness, your actions belie your loud claims - showing you as anything but a person with the heart of a true Christian.

Further, don't ever make the mistake of thinking that you know my relationship with God or the depth of my faith. That would truly be a foolish miscalculation.

As for the subject at hand, in your rant you have chosen to ignore the facts placed before you in the Snopes.com link. In fact, it seems you've chosen to simply bury your head in the sand and refuse to even read anything that doesn't conform to the lies that you've spread on this message board about Obama. Talk about the wisdom of a fool.
Whether you look forward to judgement day or not, it won't change the outcome. You claim as loudly as possible that you are are more Christian than anyone else on this board and repeatedly accuse any who disagrees with you of being un-Christian or worse.

There is only ONE path to Heaven. Take up your beef with the creator, he made the rules and he gave you free will to reject him and join the enmity...your choice your destiny.

I really have no say in the matter, none. If you enjoy worldly things and put your trust in them, well then that becomes your GOD, who happens to be false which will absolutely determine your destiny. We are all going to eternity and there are only two places…I see Lily Pad on the one side and you standing next to her lol

Between the throwing of stones and the consistent bearing of false witness, your actions belie your loud claims - showing you as anything but a person with the heart of a true Christian.

Further, don't ever make the mistake of thinking that you know my relationship with God or the depth of my faith. That would truly be a foolish miscalculation.

As for the subject at hand, in your rant you have chosen to ignore the facts placed before you in the Snopes.com link. In fact, it seems you've chosen to simply bury your head in the sand and refuse to even read anything that doesn't conform to the lies that you've spread on this message board about Obama. Talk about the wisdom of a fool.
It doesn't matter who registered him (his terrorist father, in this case)...he's on the books somewhere as a Muslim. That's enough for me to not vote for a terrorist like Obama. I don't care if he never voluntarily made the choice. He's a Muslim, which makes him a terrorist or at least a supporter of terrorism.

The Arab terrorists are in love with Obama because he's a Muslim in their minds.

Never mind.
Quoting 700IAM: "I have no say in the matter, none." That's one of the few times you've actually been right.

And as I said earlier, don't presume that you know a thing about my faith in the Lord...much less sit there and think you can be so arrogant as to say you know where I'm going for eternity. You sit there spreading lie after lie and then run away when confronted with the facts, refusing to address them head-on - with your only response being to spew the misguided, foolish notion that you know where I and others who disagree with you are going to spend eternity. How sad. How pathetic. Let us know when you're actually able to post a response that rises above such a childish level.
Quoting 700IAM: "I have no say in the matter, none." That's one of the few times you've actually been right.

And as I said earlier, don't presume that you know a thing about my faith in the Lord...much less sit there and think you can be so arrogant as to say you know where I'm going for eternity. You sit there spreading lie after lie and then run away when confronted with the facts, refusing to address them head-on - with your only response being to spew the misguided, foolish notion that you know where I and others who disagree with you are going to spend eternity. How sad. How pathetic. Let us know when you're actually able to post a response that rises above such a childish level.

Except when I feel silly like Kookie above...all my responses are exactly as per GOD'S living word which is and of itself Jesus the Christ.

Christ moved history as only God could do. This Jesus of Nazareth, without money and arms, conquered more millions than Alexander, Caesar, Muhammad, and Napoleon; without science and learning, He shed more light on matters human and divine than all philosophers and scholars combined; without the eloquence of schools, He spoke such words of life as were never spoken before or since and produced effects which lie beyond the reach of orator or poet; without writing a single line, He set more pens in motion, and furnished themes for more sermons, orations, discussions, learned volumes, works of art, and songs of praise than the whole army of great men of ancient and modern times.

This is my foundational waters from which I drink. Debating mere man as you, I’ll pass.
Debating mere man as you, I’ll pass.

Two ways to take that statement...

1) You're arrogant enough to think you're able to debate with God - that somehow you are not just a mere man, as well. If that's the case, you are truly delusional.


2) You acknowledge that you have absolutely no leg to stand on when it comes to the issue at hand - particularly since you've been exposed as nothing more than a publican swift boat liar from your earlier postings. By the way, given the vast knowledge of His word that you imply, I'm sure you know what Jesus thought of the publicans.
Two ways to take that statement...

1) You're arrogant enough to think you're able to debate with God - that somehow you are not just a mere man, as well. If that's the case, you are truly delusional.


2) You acknowledge that you have absolutely no leg to stand on when it comes to the issue at hand - particularly since you've been exposed as nothing more than a publican swift boat liar from your earlier postings. By the way, given the vast knowledge of His word that you imply, I'm sure you know what Jesus thought of the publicans.

Your beef is not with me...you know in your spirit I am right, on the right side of truth and that is eating you alive. Your intellect is useless, only your faith will set you free.

There is no debate, it was settled long ago so deal with it, or deal with the consequences. I am not your keeper.

Also, I don’t care what you or any man thinks of me, it’s doesn’t matter one iota.

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