Well we can all, East and West, agree on the subject of how poorly our management is performing and only hope for improvement. The posts to which I am referring seem to generalize everyone from the former America West from the top down.
EMBFA, I know you are an extremely intelligent person with a knowledge of the industry that is bar none. Personally, I would love to have you as the CEO of this airline because I know you could turn things around and make things right. I understand your frustrations of what US Airways has become, I honestly do. I worked as a FA for years with American Airlines and decided to come to America West in Phoenix for my own reasons. I know first hand what it's like to go from a major international carrier (AA) to a smaller airline (HP) and see the differences when it comes to service, working tools, and amenities.
One thing I can tell you, however, it is my coworkers at America West that kept me here. We are a family, we all know each other, and we enjoy our jobs no matter how crummy the circumstances may be. This was something I never experienced during my time with American where everyone was a number and the comradery between employees was almost non-existant. I am not sure if it is still like that there today as I worked there in the Eighties during the Robert Crandall era where employees were pitted against each other as either A-scale or B-scale.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, just come to our Inflight check in room at 830am where the atmosphere is like a party with almost 100 Flight Attendants laughing, catching up with each other and you know almost everyone by name. You probably don't know what I am talking about as I don't think this would ever happen in Philadelphia. This is why I am proud to say that I worked for America West.