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AMR Faces Union Stalemate in Bid for $800 Million Labor Savings

I dont care who writes the check, as long as its written. Mechanics have a lot of lattitude in how they do their job and as long they are treated right most will do it to the best of their ability, that means both in quality and timliness.

Funny how even though we havent recieved a raise the number keeps going up. I guess they figure that they will scare us into accepting their concessionary deals before the number reaches $1billion. Keep changing the numbers, that only shows the rest of the world how full of crap they are.

You are suppose to be a negotiator for the TWU. You come on here and piss and moan about the company and their lies. If you are any kind of leader then lead, is the rest of the committe that screwed up, or is the AA negotiating team that good, obviously thay must be, they kept the Union from getting any raises now for almost 4 years. You advocate release, I agree, why isnt the rest of the committe on board. As screwed up as this company is they sure have their stuff together in negotiating with this pathetic Union.
You are suppose to be a negotiator for the TWU. You come on here and piss and moan about the company and their lies. If you are any kind of leader then lead, is the rest of the committe that screwed up, or is the AA negotiating team that good, obviously thay must be, they kept the Union from getting any raises now for almost 4 years. You advocate release, I agree, why isnt the rest of the committe on board. As screwed up as this company is they sure have their stuff together in negotiating with this pathetic Union.

Negotiating? This is not really correct.
The company is using the system not to negotiate,and the NMB is letting them .
Not that the union would fare any different if there were actual negotiations , on the benefit and pay part anyway ,
......but lets call it like it is.
The mediator has release the sides if he thinks no chance of a mediated solution.
The AA employee "bricks" foolishly gave in to the cause last time, almost nine years ago, and Centerpork still wants more to feed the PUP swine.

What fight? Didn't see one and still haven't....at least from the Twu.

We gave 1.6 billion....but it's never enough bacon. The Centerpork swine must have more to feed their failed business model....and cover the misguided business decisions.

Hey Hackjob,

I realize you have probably been asleep or living in a cave the last ten years, but airlines have not exactly had an easy go of it! Our problems go far deeper than PUP. Or did you miss it when just about everyone else went bankrupt? That made us the highest paid in the airline industry (yeah... lucky us!) /sarcasm

But you have your hand out... who do you think has the money to pay you? Maybe Delta is hiring...
Hey Hackjob,

I realize you have probably been asleep or living in a cave the last ten years, but airlines have not exactly had an easy go of it! Our problems go far deeper than PUP. Or did you miss it when just about everyone else went bankrupt? That made us the highest paid in the airline industry (yeah... lucky us!) /sarcasm

But you have your hand out... who do you think has the money to pay you? Maybe Delta is hiring...
Hey there Flatline, did you come up for a breath as a official AMR shoe shine boy? It's always good to give those sore knees a rest.

No, not in any cave or sleeping, I've been fully aware of the last 10 years. The airlines haven't had a easy go of you say??? Hmmm..... To make sure I understand your thinking (If that's possible as a non-bootlicker), would that be the MBA multi-millionaires that get rewarded for losing 10 billion, or the lower tier wage slave??? I see your management buddies aren't having too hard of a time with the mortgage and collage tuition for the kiddos in these uneasy times.

You just might want to rethink who has been the "highest paid in the airline industry"..... I'll give you a clue....it's so LUVly isn't it?

I'm not sure who has the money to pay me, maybe you can get me a loan from your friends at Centerpork? They seem to be rolling in the green....
"The income of the average American worker—long the envy of much of the world—has dropped for the third year in a row and is now roughly where it was in 1996, adjusted for inflation"


Cost Neutral :lol:
"The income of the average American worker—long the envy of much of the world—has dropped for the third year in a row and is now roughly where it was in 1996, adjusted for inflation"


Cost Neutral :lol:

It's called class warfare......We should all be lucky to just have jobs according to them.....But they fail to mention the average CEO-worker ratio of American corporation.
It's called class warfare......We should all be lucky to just have jobs according to them.....But they fail to mention the average CEO-worker ratio of American corporation.
It may be called "Class Warfare" but the TWU International has no class, so where does that leave them?
Artlcle in the Tulsa World Business section says that American has announced ..... SURPRISE.... More down sizing of capacity. When in doubt, shrink capacity. It hasn't worked yet so lets keep trying. This spokeswoman by the name of Goulet avoided all questions about BK. She did say that they had not talked about Chapter 7 (Liquidation) and refused to answer anything about Chapter 11. Now with the pilots retirements going at the rate they are, they are being blamed for the down sizing. Good old AMR. "We have to shrink capacity cause we don't have enough pilots now." And "We need concessions from our under worked and over paid employees. Oh, never mind about the last round of concessions where we stole the money and put it in our own pockets. We're really serious this time." Screw us once shame on you, screw us twice shame on us. That goes for you too TWU only you have screwed us lots of times..... 89, 95, 2003....
Delta has also announced a reduction in capacity. WN has stated they have no plans to grow capacity in 2012. Are they in on conspiracy also? Or, could this just be the reduction in available seats we see every friggin' year about this time. 4th Quarter is a slow time except around the holidays.
Hey Hackjob,

I realize you have probably been asleep or living in a cave the last ten years, but airlines have not exactly had an easy go of it! Our problems go far deeper than PUP. Or did you miss it when just about everyone else went bankrupt? That made us the highest paid in the airline industry (yeah... lucky us!) /sarcasm

But you have your hand out... who do you think has the money to pay you?

When did the airlines have "an easy go at it"? I've been in it for over 30 years and I've never seen orders for 500 airplanes or the amount of revenues or cash on hand like we see now. I've never seen such free spending before.

Sure they have the money, to buy new airplanes, to build new terminals, to buy pajamas and add entertainment systems, they even have money to buy plastic tops for the baggage carts, buy flat screen TVs for the ready rooms and do nice landscaping in front of the hangars, sponsor stadiums ,now they are buying all of Eagles assetts and losing $300 million right off the bat, need a few million to save the spotted owl? No problem, go ask AMR, the only charity they will turn down is one that benefits their employees, in fact they have money for every and anything, except for the employees.

Has AA's revenue per employee ever exceeded what it is now? They are set to bring in $24 billion this year, they should be singing "Happy Days are here again". Maybe they are, because they sure are spending like they dont have a care in the world. Every time you turn around you see AMR either buying something or sponsoring something. The last basketball championship had two teams from AA sponsored stadiums playing in it. Was there a corresponding increase in customers that exceeded their rivals? Its not like AA needs to get their name out there, everybody knows who they are.

The fact is that we see airlines building bigger, more lavish terminals than ever before. Years ago, under the CAB they would have an easier time justifying it, but now with internet booking and cheap airfares and very high load factors why bother? Want to talk about successful business models? Show me a carrier that offers tons of amenities that never lost money.