To use a football metaphor, We can only produce as well as the players put around us by management and the plays called by the coach. Well, AA management put the players around us and came up with the gameplan. Management that I might add has not taken a economic hit such as Joe mechanic. And they still have the audacity to stall contract negotiations and offer crumbs if that to the employees that gave back and produced more to ensure that AA didnt go bankrupt. Management at this company is morally bankrupt! Ok, stepping off the soapbox and returning to my midnights trying to fix aircraft with no parts like a good little serf. :unsure:I am curious to what rankings you would use to justify the mechanics rankings? Can you come up with one that doesnt factor in managements mistakes (chromealloy apu's, no checks, raping our parts)? Please tell me o'mighty one how much I am personally worth!
I was told along time ago, you dont get what you are worth. You get what you negotiate for. If you think complaining about management bonuses in the shop and on this board will change anything, then I understand why you are in the situation you are in. Albert Einstein said the definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Until you have a different union or AA changes hands, expecting something different is just that.I am curious to what rankings you would use to justify the mechanics rankings? Can you come up with one that doesnt factor in managements mistakes (chromealloy apu's, no checks, raping our parts)? Please tell me o'mighty one how much I am personally worth!
I am fully aware complaining here or in the shop does absolutely nothing. Sometimes a pro-management type makes a comment that boils your blood and you just have to open up your sewer and let it stream out 😛I was told along time ago, you dont get what you are worth. You get what you negotiate for. If you think complaining about management bonuses in the shop and on this board will change anything, then I understand why you are in the situation you are in. Albert Einstein said the definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Until you have a different union or AA changes hands, expecting something different is just that.
AA was at one point minutes away from going to the courthouse. Speculation to the contrary is just noise to distract us from the fact that AMR was indeed in the most dire of situations.
From a former US employee who was on the IAM M&R Negotiating team during the 2nd chapter 11, concessions suck no matter what, but in bankruptcy the unions really have no leverage, we gave the company a complete offer that met the ask, except the pension as we knew judge rubber stamp would terminate it, and US refused the offer saying that it kept too many people employed.
You guys took concessions, but you are way better off than being forced to negotiate when the company is in bankruptcy.
That of course is the legend., then the FA's voted thier contract down, then it was off to Chuck E. Cheeses for the "attorney's on the courthouse steps"
A 10K is not a labor contract. Show me where in the contract it says that the additional job losses were tied to the agreed upon concessions. The dollar figure was met with direct concessions from TWU members, the savings from addition job losses through attrition and productivity gains was not figured in-the company scored double. Show me where in the figures presented and agreed upon by the union it agreed to additional job cuts to reach the figures presented.
The fact is that my assumptions on what may have happened in BK are just as valid as the assumption that AMR would have filed BK at all.
I view it as a mechanic who has been in the industry for 30 years and witnessed it first hand, your view is from 10K reports and what the airlines say happened.
What happened to the other airlines and their overhaul is a little more complex than you make it out to be. There are many factors that led to the abandonment of heavy overhaul by AA's competitors, not the least was the fact that we undercut all of AA's competitors time after time, most significantly in 1995 with the introduction of SRPs. So from 1995 to 2003 AA had been replacing highly paid A&P mechanics with low paid SRPs, later reclassified as OSMs. When hard times came the other carriers were screwed. They had no way to compete with AA in overhaul, so they sent it out. AA had put SRPs in through attrition, the other carriers would have had to convince the unions on their property to allow the company to reduce some members pay by half in order to set up a competitive pay structure-that wasnt possible, both from a union standpoint and a management one so they were forced to send it out. I believe that after the recall periods expire and the economy rebounds that we will see some of those and other carriers try and secure contracts that grant them OSM like classifications and start to bring work back in house again.
According to depositions taken in the RPA legal case, the Board of Directors was not thinking of Chapter 11 at that time.
Although these Labor Agreements enabled the Company to avoid an immediate filing of a petition for relief under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code (a Chapter 11 filing), these Labor Agreements must still be ratified by the unions' memberships.
Executives dont file for bankruptcy, law firms do it, in US' first case all they did was file the petition on a Sunday by getting stamped at the courthouse, Executives dont show up till the first hearing is done so they can continue to operate and pay for certain obligations. You can file 24/7.