The Goose
The answer to your question is ALOT!! all across the system probably will be in the thousands. Now if AA and all the unions decide to weather the economic storm and just give out lets say a small raise and a new contract with the duration of maybe lets say 18 months then you probably wont see many layoffs at all or you might even see none, the bottom line at that point would be a lot of jobs would be saved. BUT!!! you have older more senior people that do not see it that way, they seem to have blinders on and earplugs in when you try to explain this to them, all they want like anyone else is MORE!! MONEY!! that's all they want, so in return if they get the MORE!! MONEY!!! they will probably have to step up to the plate and have to work a lot harder each day because all your junior workers will be gone.
Of course this is only my opinion on this subject its not a fact just an opinion that's why we are all here...
To offer an opinion also - the gains made by the TWU over a good number of years were given up in hopes of mitigating a layoff in 2003. Didn't happen. The company took the money and had a layoff anyway. The company management fared quite well, the TWU's International didn't have to tighten its belt, but the rank & file got hosed.
A union, because of its dues collection, will always attempt to keep employment high at the expense of its membership and as long as the "wages" cost doesn't exceed a predetermined amount, the company doesn't care, except perhaps for the extra in benefits paid out. Let's not forget: in the column that says "Wages", that of the execs is lumped in there also.
Money is the cheapest thing we can be given - the time off and other benefits were fought for over many years because of its cost - and it was given up with hardly any fight at all.