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AMFA/teamsters Senoirity Integration

700UW, on 01 April 2013 - 03:45 PM, said:

You have to remember even if you stayed on the property NW could have imposed a new CBA per the RLA and you would either work under those conditions or strike.

Yes you are correct. However, I do believe NW had a grander plan for us and that was to get rid of us. I think they knew they were going to merge with DL in the future and we were not to be a part of it..JMHO..So in my eyes I believe they would have locked us out.


It is good to see that guys who were there at NWA are posting what really went on Not the versions that other think or were told what was going on. If you know other who can post on this that were a part of NWA have them tell the rest of these people what NWA plan was and how it all panned out.

If you had to fight again would you, ???? even though the CAOS may have been the way but 20/20 hindsite.

Was it worth putting NWA out of business to stand up for what you believed at the time????

WAS it worth having NWA fail after the IAM Ramp, Flight attendants, and Pilots crossed your line?

IT was a shame and different than when we walked at EAL all unions walked, but that wa a different time.

Like I said a lot of things went wrong and mistakes were made on all sides AMFA included. It was more amazing to me to see just how everyone could be bought and paid for from the media to the FAA and the white house. Bush was more than eager to step in and stop us from going on strike in 2000 by invoking a PEB but in 2005 he doesn't do squat. Same with the NMB we got released in record time (like a month) when have you EVER seen the NMB release a union to self help and not have it be years in coming. Again they were all in NW's back pocket. Also having hurricane Katrina happen right after we went out didn't help us either. Actually had a woman scream at me that how dare I walk a picket line and I should be down helping the hurricane victims..Nice huh?. Like I said they knew this merger was coming and we were not to be a party to it. I know hindsight is 20/20 but we didn't put NW out of business we had nothing to do with it, I guess to answer your questions I guess I really didn't expect the other unions to honor our line but in my opinion I don't have any proof but I really believe the pilot group helped NW succeed in busting AMFA. They were willing to do anything to keep NW from filing bankruptcy which they did anyway and not because of us. For how it went down and was planned we really had no choice but to walk.
Like I said a lot of things went wrong and mistakes were made on all sides AMFA included. It was more amazing to me to see just how everyone could be bought and paid for from the media to the FAA and the white house. Bush was more than eager to step in and stop us from going on strike in 2000 by invoking a PEB but in 2005 he doesn't do squat. Same with the NMB we got released in record time (like a month) when have you EVER seen the NMB release a union to self help and not have it be years in coming. Again they were all in NW's back pocket. Also having hurricane Katrina happen right after we went out didn't help us either. Actually had a woman scream at me that how dare I walk a picket line and I should be down helping the hurricane victims..Nice huh?. Like I said they knew this merger was coming and we were not to be a party to it. I know hindsight is 20/20 but we didn't put NW out of business we had nothing to do with it, I guess to answer your questions I guess I really didn't expect the other unions to honor our line but in my opinion I don't have any proof but I really believe the pilot group helped NW succeed in busting AMFA. They were willing to do anything to keep NW from filing bankruptcy which they did anyway and not because of us. For how it went down and was planned we really had no choice but to walk.

I wasn't saying that amfa put NWA airlines out of buz just that they went that way and from all they did to you guys at the end, do you look at it or feel that I am glad I stood up to the mgmt team there and that NWA is gone.
I wasn't saying that amfa put NWA airlines out of buz just that they went that way and from all they did to you guys at the end, do you look at it or feel that I am glad I stood up to the mgmt team there and that NWA is gone.

No I have no regrets standing up to NW management..There are some who thought we should have voted on it but why I mean my landlord at the time was on the negotiating comittee he said at the end AMFA gave in to all of NW demands then NW said well wait a minute we have new demands..So it was clear they had no intention of negotating in good faith..Too bad we couldn't have sued NW for that since it was so blatent. I personally am glad I never have to see a red tail airplane again. I used to have to see NW airplanes everyday driving to my new job I am glad they are gone.
No I have no regrets standing up to NW management..There are some who thought we should have voted on it but why I mean my landlord at the time was on the negotiating comittee he said at the end AMFA gave in to all of NW demands then NW said well wait a minute we have new demands..So it was clear they had no intention of negotating in good faith..Too bad we couldn't have sued NW for that since it was so blatent. I personally am glad I never have to see a red tail airplane again. I used to have to see NW airplanes everyday driving to my new job I am glad they are gone.
NWA having a 'scab school' and scabs getting airport access in a split second that took me 4 weeks of FBI background checks is bullshit!
The unions abandoned NWA M&R and the gooberment was complicit!
The release before a PEB was a total sham.
I still feel your pain!
Never Forget!
B) xUT
NWA having a 'scab school' and scabs getting airport access in a split second that took me 4 weeks of FBI background checks is bullshit!
The unions abandoned NWA M&R and the gooberment was complicit!
The release before a PEB was a total sham.
I still feel your pain!
Never Forget!
B) xUT

I agree, NWAs plan worked because they knew that all the other Unions would help the company instead of another Union. Had the Pilots, FAs and IAM decided to support the mechanics their whole plan would have fallen apart. As Lineguy43 pointed out NWA had no intentions on negotiating, they had already invested so much into breaking the Union. Sadly the labor movement was more preoccupied with their hatred for AMFA than standing up for the rights of all workers.

In the end what does the IAM have to show for their treachery? Nothing but a weakened overall labor movement.

Now we face another pivotal moment in Labor History. Its the TWU and IAM. The employers are merging and the IAM has asked to be released due to the company failing to negotiate. All workers stand to gain from an IAM victory but the TWU as an organization probably feels that they would be better off to see the IAM fail. The groups are facing a possible runoff for the right to represent the combined workgroups. Will the TWU trash all our futures in a bid to undermine the IAM or will they assist the IAM in winning a decent contract at USAIR? History would lead me to believe that they would rather sabotage the IAM to make them look bad, after all it doesn't affect them, I hope I'm wrong but I have yet to see Jim Little or Gary Drummond state that should the IAM get released, and go on strike , that the TWU would honor their picket lines. Even if they don't, we should, because if the IAM wins at US, so do we.