Overspeed said:
How much longer? The point is you had it four years ago. We were advised by the vote no coalition to vote it down remember? Also SK balance increase and elimination of the 50% SK pay was in the 2010 TA. When you vote on your next deal remember what you were advised to vote down based on the advice of many of your current 591 E Board.
And before you say they were going to BK anyway, the contract would have been back up for negotiations in 2013 which was right when AMR filed BK.
- Sick Leave: Increase the sick leave accrual rate from 5 to 8 days per year and increase the maximum accumulation of sick time from 150 days to 250 days. This was made in conjunction with the Retiree Medical proposal. All SK days will be paid at 100%.
And swamt is pointing out that the deal that was in the TWU 2010 TA was part what AMFA has but still kept the retiree medical intact for the 50 and older crowd which is better than the AMFA deal then and now. Unfortunately enough members believed in the vote no coalition, so much so they voted them to negotiate them in at 591 to negotiate our new JCBA for us. Optimistic about their ability to get us a good deal? Good thing the IAM is in the Association driver seat.
First, I'm still waiting to hear what Weaasles thinks is ample time to pass before we should expect to get our money back, or just admit, that was a stupid statement, and yes, we got rolled by the company on the company match.
Sorry, but that one sticks in my craw because I was told by the TWU the language on the prefunding was iron clad, turns out it really wasn't.
Second, let's not totally revise history.
The 2010 TA.
There were things in it I did not like and there were things missing that I wanted.
At the end of the day, the 2010 TA wasn't voted down by some rogue "vote no" coalition.
It was voted down by over 2/3 of the membership, the vote wasn't even close, because most of the membership felt that it fell far short of what it should have been, given the circumstances at the time.
I guess the majority of the membership that voted down the TA, thought the company needed to step up with a better deal, because the company and the union told us they would when we bailed them out in 2003, should be blamed in the end, because we trusted the company would make good on their word to us.
What I've learned from the 2010 TA , and the ensuing BK and the fallout from that is, you can't really trust anyone. To illustrate, I give you T. Horton & Jim Little as examples...
Our contract language is only good until things get so bad, the company pleads with us to change it so they can all keep their high position jobs and pay.
The contract was changed in a matter of WEEKS back in 2003, weeks, not months.
When the economic climate changes dramatically better than what our language is written for, we can't change it nearly as quickly, in fact , we went 4 YEARS without a raise, 4 years...
Just let that sink in for few minutes.
They took our pay and benefits away in a matter of weeks in 2003.
We then went 3+ years without a raise while we "negotiated"?
We finally got a raise 4 yrs and 4 months after our 40 cents per hour raise.
May 1, 2008 was our 5th year in a row for a 40 cents per hour raise each yr.
Our next raise was 82 cents per hour September 12, 2012.
So when I read Weaasles write: (paraphrasing "don't be in a hurry to get the company match back, because they might roll it into something really cool and liberal") I say, kiss my ass , pay me what you owe me now, I'll decide what to use MY money for, I don't want the union deciding what to use my money for, it's not like they don't have the money.
Fast forward to today, the land of plenty at AA, as in 4 Billion with a "B" in profits.
It would take nothing more than a stroke of the pen by Parker to add to our pay, without any JCBA.
There would be no challenge or objection by either Union to add some pay to our compensation as a showing of good faith.
It didn't take any special conditions to take our pay away, it shouldn't take any special conditions (JCBA) to give some back.
But, the games continue, and it will likely be another year or more before we see any meaningful improvement.
Don't be upset with guys wishing to have better union representation, it's not personal, there are some things the TWU failed at.
It's the right of the membership to demand something better, and that's really what this is all about.
Its the right of the membership to hold their representatives responsible for their standing in the industry.