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AMFA not filing

I for one will,.. with a clear conscious vote no union,.....protection my ass. Unionism is now officially dead in this country ( I had hope for AMFA). My dues do nothing but support a hierarchy which does not support me but only does for themselves and their fellow cronies..(.i.e the ridiculous pay rates at the international level and the blatant nepotism). I detest communist like Trumka and any association related to AFL/CIO. As in all communism, things or rulers can not be ousted and dictatorships rule the day......wake up people they rule for their own self interests. Just my 2 cents, from a forum follower in the shadows.
Could one of the organizers verify?  Glad to here from 1AA that the card collection will continue.  Also, "IF" there is a vote for this association, better pray for a "write-in" option.  This will be your guys last chance to rid this association.  You can write in AMFA, TWU or IAM, although I am pretty sure the favorite would end up being AMFA and would be the best option.  Still hoping you guys get a vote...
If the NMB does the right thing, a ballot with a line for "write in" will be presented.  Then, if no one union receives at least 51% of the votes, a runoff between the two unions that received the most votes - will be had.
Vortilon said:
If the NMB does the right thing, a ballot with a line for "write in" will be presented.  Then, if no one union receives at least 51% of the votes, a runoff between the two unions that received the most votes - will be had.
Run-Off? The Association may be hard to digest, but its real.
cf6mech said:
I for one will,.. with a clear conscious vote no union,.....protection my ass. Unionism is now officially dead in this country ( I had hope for AMFA). My dues do nothing but support a hierarchy which does not support me but only does for themselves and their fellow cronies..(.i.e the ridiculous pay rates at the international level and the blatant nepotism). I detest communist like Trumka and any association related to AFL/CIO. As in all communism, things or rulers can not be ousted and dictatorships rule the day......wake up people they rule for their own self interests. Just my 2 cents, from a forum follower in the shadows.
You have always had the ability to go non union, its called management.
mike33 said:
Run-Off? The Association may be hard to digest, but its real.
Hard to digest?  For AMTs, I'm afraid that would be an understatement. 
There is no way the NMB will allow any form of an election. In the past the NMB has inflated the list  with fleet service, cleaners, planners, people laid off TWA for years and years and the dead. This Alliance has never had to show the NMB a SINGLE CARD from a SINGLE UNION MEMBER yet the Alliance will get the nod  from the NMB. What does that tell you?
The NMB does not care one bit whether this untested organization has the support of the membership or not. An election might have unwanted results.      
 It's a tilted wheel. The guise of legitimate representation. Anyone who buys in is a sucker
Lets hope we get a voice, I may be wrong but getting all the title groups & two unions
with major differences in work scopes and retirement plans on the same page to 
negotiate a fair & equitable contract for all will be impossible. 
In the past an election has been denied even though AMFA supporters had well over 50%+1 cards in boxes in Washington D.C. ready to file. That time the TWU had an Alliance with the Teamsters, the airline and the NMB. These parties clearly did not and do not wish for the membership to have a fair represenatational election.

They want to and will decide for you.

If the NMB were truly impartial why would a simple vote matter?

Tilted Wheel

Not one card from the TWU/IAM Alliance has been turned in.
cf6mech said:
I for one will,.. with a clear conscious vote no union,.....protection my ass. Unionism is now officially dead in this country ( I had hope for AMFA). My dues do nothing but support a hierarchy which does not support me but only does for themselves and their fellow cronies..(.i.e the ridiculous pay rates at the international level and the blatant nepotism). I detest communist like Trumka and any association related to AFL/CIO. As in all communism, things or rulers can not be ousted and dictatorships rule the day......wake up people they rule for their own self interests. Just my 2 cents, from a forum follower in the shadows.
I couldn't agree more.
It's about the pensions. The twu guys don't want any part of the iam pension plan. The iam guys don't want to lose their contributions to the iam plan. The twu guys want to keep the 401k match and want to work on improving the match percentage. Both sides don't want this association shoved up our rears without a say. Seniority integration on both sides is another reason. So yes it's us and them but we all want what's fair for all. Just look over at ual and cal. Negotiations dragging on for 5 plus years and still no jcba. We have only just begun. So to say we should all work together good luck because we have different interests. We will have 6 vs 6 at the negotiation table with the iam as the tie breaker. We will soon see how well we work together between the two unions based on how many tie breakers will occur. Those are some of the known issues. The unknown issues are the ones that we all should be highly concerned about.
1AA said:
It's about the pensions. The twu guys don't want any part of the iam pension plan. The iam guys don't want to lose their contributions to the iam plan. The twu guys want to keep the 401k match and want to work on improving the match percentage. Both sides don't want this association shoved up our rears without a say. Seniority integration on both sides is another reason. So yes it's us and them but we all want what's fair for all. Just look over at ual and cal. Negotiations dragging on for 5 plus years and still no jcba. We have only just begun. So to say we should all work together good luck because we have different interests. We will have 6 vs 6 at the negotiation table with the iam as the tie breaker. We will soon see how well we work together between the two unions based on how many tie breakers will occur. Those are some of the known issues. The unknown issues are the ones that we all should be highly concerned about.
True, but the IAM may be the tie breaker but the LAA people outnumber the LUS people by at least 2 to 1. Even thought they may bring a POS contract to a vote, it can still get shot down.
It doesn't make sense for a 401K match vs the IAM defined benefit pension. Most LUS AMT have 25 plus years. With annual pay of $76K how can you parlay a 6% match into enough cash to live off during retirement. A match of $4500 a year over 15 years is $67,500 even if you triple that your far better with a dbp. I understand the compounding will add to this greatly. But LUS 401K match was only 3%. In the 2008 jcba we voted for the IAM pension. We traded the 3% and are far better off for it. LAA had the best dbp in the industry. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Give the option to the employee. Match or IAM pension . If your 23 and want the match great. For senior AMT's we could stay within the dbp. The IAM does not want your pension. Too much liability!
Q: Does American Airlines want to merge the AA frozen pension plan into the IAM National Pension Fund (IAMNPF)?
A: Discussions about merging AA’s frozen pension plan into the IAMNPF have not occurred. The IAM has never merged an airline industry pension plan into the IAMNPF. In fact, when Northwest Airlines, United Airlines and US Airways either froze or terminated their employer-sponsored, defined-benefit pension plans, the IAM did not merge these frozen and terminated plans into the IAMNPF. They remained administered by either the company or the PBGC, resulting in IAM members receiving two pension checks in retirement – one from the IAMNPF and one from their previous employer-sponsored plan. - See more at: http://www.usaamerger.com/2015/05/04/usaa-pension-q-a/#sthash.yoP3SeSc.dpuf

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