Amfa Losses Fource Majoure #1

Checking it Out

Apr 3, 2003
Amfa Loses Big Read More!!!!

Amfa has been preaching about how they were going to win this case. Read to see how they attempt to put a bright light on it!!!!!

AMFA eguals Layoffs and counting!!!!!!!!

Note : It is a shame that these former IAM Brothers and Sisters fell for the lies that amfa preaches. To date The TWU is the only Union holding full Overhaul capabilities.

note: Force Majeure and loses spelled wrong, unable to change. sorry for the error.
Point is they are fighting.................How's our arbitration coming on those MD-80's and Fokkers that are being done at AAR?? That's right, we've rolled over and died. See the difference?? cio, your ship is sinking. It is indeed a noble thing to go down with it.
Here's to the twu............
No hope for Scope...........
Checking it Out said:
Amfa Losses Big Read More!!!!

Amfa has been preaching about how they were going to win this case. Read to see how they attempt to put a bright light on it!!!!!

AMFA eguals Layoffs and counting!!!!!!!!

Note : It is a shame that these former IAM Brothers and Sisters fell for the lies that amfa preaches. To date The TWU is the only Union holding full Overhaul capabilities.
When is our arbitration case coming for the 6000 twu members out??? How about the 29d for the 6000 twu members out????? Is the twu going to stop MCI from closing its warehouse???? How about getting our MD-80s and Fokker back from AAR??? Gave up on those ay cio????

AMFA fought and apparently did not win and, your happy about this you jerk???? What kind of unionist are you???? CAN'T WAIT TIL MARCH AND YOU BACK AT YOUR TOOLBOX!!!!!

BTW stupid, its "loses" and "force majeure". Damn you dumb!!!!!

The twu IS GONE IN 04!!!! :up: :up: :up: :up:
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The link is posted above, Hackman sorry if it offends you to have typo errors. Content is still the truth. Amfa is all about hype with no substance, Please show us something they have done to preserve jobs in the last 90 days? You are preaching to us to follow this path to destruction? Is this correct?
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My speling on the other hand maybe correct in amfa's eye! It is apparent they have mis-understood how to put on a case of this magnitude. On the otherhand if the iron-clad language was in place this would not have happened either!!!!!
Sing it from the rooftops. AMFA lost.
Indeed not the decision I was expecting, but with the Sunshine must come a little rain. At least AMFA put up a fight. We all know what kind of fight we get with the TWU.
Alas. There is yet another Arbitration in the pipeline and I am as optomistic on the next one, as I am about being able to vote for AMFA soon.

Bruised but not Broken.

Keep after the cards guys, every one is another nail in the TWU coffin,..OOPS, LOL, COFFIN. :D
Superside said:
Sing it from the rooftops. AMFA lost.
Indeed not the decision I was expecting, but with the Sunshine must come a little rain. At least AMFA put up a fight. We all know what kind of fight we get with the TWU.
Alas. There is yet another Arbitration in the pipeline and I am as optomistic on the next one, as I am about being able to vote for AMFA soon.

Bruised but not Broken.

Keep after the cards guys, every one is another nail in the TWU coffin,..OOPS, LOL, COFFIN. :D
with the Sunshine must come a little rain.

Come on Superside. Who are you trying to kid here? AMFA brings the rain buddy. Lay-offs, outsourcing, leading their members down the path of destruction. I'd say that is one heck of a storm!!

The TWU may not always make the decisions that you agree with but at least they do what is best for the membership. The whole membership. Sure there will always be the few that "don't make it" but working for the majority is the right thing to do!!

AMFA (and Delle) wants to be the hero, the knight in shining armor who wants to come in and save everybody, and will do whatever it takes to make it there. Well so far they have failed and failed miserbly. Why should we, the TWU, be willing to take that chance? These are peoples lives you're talking about. AMFA has done NOTHING to prove they should be the bargaining agent at AA. NOTHING!!
Hey CIO, what better time to begin the TWU card drive at NWA. The vast majority of their members must be sick and tired of AMFA's failures. You wouldn't be raiding because their not a real union and not a part of the AFL-CIO. Surely the NWA member's recognize that AMFA sucks at negotiating concessionary contracts and would be more than willing to employ the TWU due to their superior skill's. Upon winning in a landslide victory, it would only be a matter of weeks before the TWU could arrange for the rehiring of all but a couple of thousand employee's at a real bargain. You must be wetting yourself in anticipation. Strike while the iron is hot. You snooze, you loose. Rob
When is the TWU gonna challenge the layoffs at AA?! Kirk Wells and his buddy(The guy living in his pickup) are still here at AFW. We have thousands of mechanics still on layoff and with massive concessions to go along with them. Local 514 has almost 9 million dollars in the bank and they haven't given a dime to their laid off members. The TWU pays their secretarys more than an AMT makes at AA and Randy MacDonald is really sharing his sacrifice of his measly $150,000+ salary.
Well much of your earnings as a massage babe have you donated to your furloughed brothers and sisiters?

Actually the news of AMFA's lost is a sad time for brother and sister AMT that have been furloughed at NWA. My condolescence meant in a sincere manner.

Is this the reason for AMFA's new stance for concessions? I read today that AMFA will give concessions "when needed". AMFA's bicep size just dropped, and AMFA will be delegated in arbitrations by the economy and world situations, as do other unions. I have to question what makes AMFA feel they can "go where no AMT has gone before" with their "I'm a skilled man I am" attitude. OUR INDUSTRY is in trouble, not the TWU, not AMFA, but our industry. Look for a moment at the trend of O/H. It's called outsourcing. Sprint and other companies have suffered with furloughs in the 10,000's. Since NAFTA we have lost 700,000 full time jobs!

Here's a fact: I would have rather listened to you AMFA supporters hoot and holler about a FM1 win than to have the 1,000's furloughed lost. I find NO SATISFACTION in your loss, I just wish you had the gunpowder to pull off what you state you can.

And Princess, if you want to begin and head a campaign to receive $$$ for those furloughed let me know. I will be one of your first contributors. Sometimes we need to lay the gloves down and think of others.....Drippy!

Let's see NAFTA was passed by a DEMOCRATIC congress and signed into law by a DEMOCRATIC president. I don't affiliate with any political party, but how come the MIGHTY AFL-CIO didn't stop NAFTA? They along with the TWU spent millions of our dues money for political donations to the very people who signed NAFTA into law. Using TWU logic ,that means the AFL-CIO and the TWU have caused the loss of 700,000 U.S. JOBS!
Huh...I hit this thread , it said something about FM1 and AMFA's loss...whammo..I'm hit with NAFTA from a massage therapist, what gives? This surely isn't an attempt to spin off your failure is it there babe?

And if ya want us to believe that the AFL-CIO wanted NAFTA then you need to pass the crack pipe to your client, slowly back off the table, and get someone in there that knows how to masage.

AMFA lost. I too regret that due to the loss of employment, but I do not go hunting for other injuries to make the current pain go away. If you remember NAFTA and Clinton then surely you remember the AFL-CIO's disbelief in the soaked cigar smoking boy. Nice try...hmmmm...I got an owwwie..can ya make it feel better?
Checking it Out said:
My speling on the other hand maybe correct in amfa's eye! It is apparent they have mis-understood how to put on a case of this magnitude. On the otherhand if the iron-clad language was in place this would not have happened either!!!!!
cio, would you rather fight and lose or lie down like a cowardly dog and fail? I know your answer already. Let me know when the twu goes to court to fight our FM. At least AMFA listened to the members wishes and fought FOR them instead of AGAINST them. I'm sure had the twu fought they would have dragged a coffin behind them. Keep going teamtwu, we get more cards every time you post.
"Delle No, we won't go!" "Delle No, we won't go!" "Delle No, we won't go!" "Delle No, we won't go!" "Delle No, we won't go!" "Delle No, we won't go!" "Delle No, we won't go!" "Delle No, we won't go!" "Delle No, we won't go!" "Delle No, we won't go!" "Delle No, we won't go!" "Delle No, we won't go!"

Kenny babe, the reason I divorced you was due to your inept ability to lose. Well, there was the issue of your stamina, but that's another sad story. The fact that AMFA equals that stamina is my reason for posting. Ken, you and AMFA are wannabes. AMFA leads it's members to Jonestown, but the leaders do not drink.
Oh yeah Ken, send $$$$, the monkey's
Ken MacTiernan said:
cio, would you rather fight and lose or lie down like a cowardly dog and fail? I know your answer already. Let me know when the twu goes to court to fight our FM. At least AMFA listened to the members wishes and fought FOR them instead of AGAINST them. I'm sure had the twu fought they would have dragged a coffin behind them. Keep going teamtwu, we get more cards every time you post.
That's right Ken. I got another card today. Another nail in the twu coffin. I hope I'll be seeing you again on a flight to Washington real soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :up: :up:

THE twu IS GONE IN 04!!!!!!!!

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