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Amfa Fails To Get Election At Aa

Ken MacTiernan said:
cio & twuer, please post where the NMB has ruled there is not enough interest for an election at AA. All the NMB has done is favor the company and stated that there are 18,661 eligible people to vote. AMFA has till June 30 to submit arguments to Ms. Hennessey's ruling.

In the past the NMB has flatly stated yes or no for any representational election. They have not done that here. Even your unelected leader jim little does not claim there will not be an election.

Even if the company's & twu's fraudulent tactics work and AMFA does in fact not have enough interest due to inflated eligibility lists there will be an election. Do the math. If there are 18,661 eligible names now how can the company and twu further inflate this list within a year? Is AA planning on buying USAir? UAL AMT's were denied a representational election because of inflated eligibility lists. They simply waited the one year necessary before filing again with enough interest.

Now tell me twu supporters. Why is the twu going to fight now to get back what jim little gave away? I would not be surprised if AA buys routes from UAL or USAir with our money. Arpey will get as much from our lousy contract language as possible before AMFA can get back what was stolen from us.

Remember... NO VOTE / NO PEACE

Haven't seen you in a while. I tried to stay away for a bit but it kept calling me back. 😉

With all due respect, what kind of arguments do you think are left for amfa to make? Mrs. Hennessey has concluded the number of eligible voters at 18,661. If amfa does not have 50% of that number then it is slim to none that the appeals will work. I guess anything is possible.

As for your question about why is the TWU fighting to get back what we lost? Why shouldn't we fight?? We fought against amfa didn't we???? I intend to do my part of the "fighting".
Ken, No need to show the documentation. Dave and several others have already indicated they lack the cards. And the Amfa hotline already indicated they plan an appeal.

Dave if you were 54 cards short than the first numbers AA put out would have been sufficient to call an election.

Credibility is lacking,
twuer said:
As for your question about why is the TWU fighting to get back what we lost? Why shouldn't we fight?? We fought against amfa didn't we???? I intend to do my part of the "fighting".
Is this fight going to take place in the Local 514 Parking Lot?

Who are the principles of this match-up and what is their W/L record?
Checking it Out said:
Ken, No need to show the documentation. Dave and several others have already indicated they lack the cards. And the Amfa hotline already indicated they plan an appeal.

Dave if you were 54 cards short than the first numbers AA put out would have been sufficient to call an election.

Credibility is lacking,
So what?

The number first put out was 16,501 according the "statement of fact" in NMB single carrier ruling of 2001.
there will NEVER be unity between the mechanics as long as the twu represents our class and craft!.....AND YOU GUYS CALL THIS A VICTORY FOR THE TWU? :down:

Now it is our fault if Randy Mcdonald gets reelected. You can't be serious! You and your cohorts on this board have said many times that we do not have that much support here in Tulsa. Are you now saying that we are a force to be reckoned with? You blame everything on AMFA.

Watch your personal mail, in the next couple of days we may let you in on where we buried Jimmy Hoffa. Now don't tell anyone it's a secret.
I suppose this clears the way for the TWU to allow the closure of Class 2 stations and put the pension on the chopping block.

Can you please explain how Little is going to fight for us?
Why did I know I'd be reading this "crying" in here? Maybe next time, maybe not. TEAMTWU will be waiting with more AMFA history to assist our cause.

54 cards short? Only takes 1 short, the number is not important. Had AMFA been successful then it would have been a "well run campaign" with no heart feelings. Try refocussing your drive to support your local instead of tearing it down. You don't have enough "credit" to get your "new car", time to get the old one fixed.

Time for a siesta.....HAHAHA!
Decision 2004 Posted: Jun 16 2004, 01:25 PM

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Well, we're still waiting Dave. Is this like "wait for FM1!"
twuer said:
Haven't seen you in a while. I tried to stay away for a bit but it kept calling me back. 😉

With all due respect, what kind of arguments do you think are left for amfa to make? Mrs. Hennessey has concluded the number of eligible voters at 18,661. If amfa does not have 50% of that number then it is slim to none that the appeals will work. I guess anything is possible.

As for your question about why is the TWU fighting to get back what we lost? Why shouldn't we fight?? We fought against amfa didn't we???? I intend to do my part of the "fighting".
twuer, AMFA will argue the people they believe are not eligible. Why did Ms. hennessey not flatly deny an election if there is not enough interest? She is leaving the NMB and simply did what most government officials do. That is she ruled without making a ruling.

I believe that the eligibility lists were indeed inflated. I also believe that AMFA has enough interest to call for an election. Time will tell if I am mistaken.

As for fighting to get back what was stolen, not lost, from us why is the twu going to fight now? Why didn't the twu fight before we were robbed? Why didn't little simply allow a full revote back then? Nothing has changed in the twu. The international still does not hold itself accountable.

The NMB has only delayed the inevitable. The twu will be removed from AA property as far as representing our profession. If not after AMFA's argument after the 30th of this month than in one years time.

The twu simply can not and will not fight evenly for skilled and unskilled labor together. Look at the twu's allowance of farming out cabin cleaners on overnights. The twu will sacrifice the few to protect the many. I predict that Stores will be the next target of the company. We are seeing it already out here on the line.

As I have said before. I want nothing but the best for my profession and my airline. In that order. I do not believe little and the other unelected international officers will fight to get anything back. Actually I believe they will give up even more.

And as you say I too will do my part of the fighting. But fight for our profession.
How many times must you be told...
Only a fool would try to deny working men and women the RIGHT to join the union OF THEIR CHOICE!

If anyone has used fear in this campaign it is the TWU.
If any union is in bed with the company it is the TWU. Just read the NMB determination.


Uniting under the TWU is an effort in futility. On what grounds do I determine that?

If I recall right, the same thing happened at United. Aren't they represented by the AMFA now?? twu wannabes help me out here. This is an easy one for you. What makes you think the same thing is not going to happen at AA?? If you think the AMFA movement is dead at AA you're on Crack!! The NMB introduced some new "players" to the game, THAT IS ALL!!! Do you think it is beyond the AMFA organizers to contact these people and get a card signed?? My crew has been 100% signed up on both shifts for almost a year now. Every one of them is willing to re-sign their cards. I wouldn't call that a twu victory. At best the twu has secured dues for another year and the company can finish cleaning house. The twu hasn't done anything to change anyones mind. Only an election, where winner takes all, will re-gain the twu support of the people wanting the AMFA.
Things we know:
1) The craft and class number will be appealed.
2) The AMFA has an accurate list of craft and class, complete with addresses, phone numbers etc.
3) We have until 2008 to work on getting the AMFA on the property at AA.
4) Every AA AMFA drive has gotten us closer to getting the AMFA on the property.
5) Everyone is aware of how far the company will go to keep the twu.
6) Cards are still coming in for the current AMFA drive.
7) The twu hasn't done anything to change anyones opinion on the matter.
8) If we don't get the AMFA in now, that will be 1 year of dues we won't have banked going into our next contract negotiations.
9) I look forward to going out and getting cards signed and wearing my AMFA shirts to work everyday.
10) Randy McDonald is our man. I also think an all female ballot is the way to go.
11) NO VOTE, NO PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep the Faith........AMFA NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thousands of the 18,661 were denied the ability to vote on the last concessionary contract. It COULD affect them as they COULD be recalled by AA. I believe the contract should be voted on again and the 18,661 should be doing the voting.

Funny the great lengths the company and its puppet union will go to to deny a vote for representation. Why is that?

Anytime the company and the union agree on something I can guarantee you we are about to take it in the shorts (again).
proAMFA said:
Thousands of the 18,661 were denied the ability to vote on the last concessionary contract. It COULD affect them as they COULD be recalled by AA. I believe the contract should be voted on again and the 18,661 should be doing the voting.

Funny the great lengths the company and its puppet union will go to to deny a vote for representation. Why is that?

Anytime the company and the union agree on something I can guarantee you we are about to take it in the shorts (again).
Good point proAMFA. Another point is that we now know for sure with proof that the mechanic Craft and Class gave much more than our share of the concessions. Would the twu take up the fight to get this share back???
twuer said:
Elections are a serious matter to most and it is really pathetic to hear you talk this way
And I guess according to you they should be avoided at all costs!

You know maybe Randy should just stay President until 50% plus 1 sign cards calling for an election. But that 50% will include those who were laid off, terminated, died, transferred, quit etc. That would be fair now wouldnt it?