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Amfa Drive Mci

Received: 10/13/03 22:30:13 EDT
Name: x
Employer: AA
Location: AFW
Re: Kirk Wells

TEAM TWU front man Kirk Wells got doused.
Its all over the AFW base that Kirk went to the potty and while he was sitting in the stall he got doused with a bucket of water. That had to be quite shocking. Looks like rainman was caught with his pants down. 😀 😀

I am very glad to hear DA Kirk Wells is having so much fun at AFW, I have heard more interesting things about Kirk Wells, I think he has a few skeletons in his closet. :shock:
:huh: Keep in mind! The majority of AMT's here at MCI will be in a position to retire within the next five years! That's with this "Concessionary" contract in tact for that whole time period, no matter what Union is in power!!!
I hear you MCI Transplant and I can see why very few people at MCI are signing and while I am an AMFA supporter if I were retireing in five years under the concession, I probably would not care about a change either.
but I am not retiring in five years I have 15 years left so I would very much like to see a change in representation.

Here is a link http://home.comcast.net/~amfa-aa/contracts.htm to many Airline Contracts from the amfatulsa website we are not afraid to present other Airline contract like the TWU, we want our fellow Mechanics to research the other Airlines contracts and when you do you will realize that AMFA is the smart choice.
Here is a link to an Airline pay and benefits chart also from the amfatulsa website as I said we want the Mechanics to be informed. http://home.comcast.net/~amfa-aa/airline%2...%20benefits.pdf

If you got more than five years left sign a card.

AMFA NOW :up: :up:
It has always appeared to me that AA is pitting one base to another. AA is very good at manipulating their unions and this time they have manipulated cities and who ever else they could find. I have heard from management that Tulsa may be the one closed and the same with MCI and Alliance. To say one would probably close before the other is not something we will never know before it actually happens.

KCflyer says it would be because they were last to join the bases, this makes no sense to me. Why not the first or second? These are manipulation points for the company and the company union. If the TWU finds this as a leverage point that will keep AMFA out they will also manipulate the MCI employees in that direction. If the company and the company union see eye to eye on the subject they will use every ounce of manipulation they can muster.

Kansas City has offered a butt load of money to AA to make sure it stays open. In a lot of ways I find it hard to believe AA will not accept it but, I have no sure way of saying one way or the other. Personally, I think the MCI employees are just being manipulated but, I have no way of knowing that any more than anybody else. There will only be one way of finding out and that is if the company closes the base after the election be it TWU wins or AMFA wins. We will still be under the same contract either way; union affiliation will have nothing to do with it.

I see no reason for closing any of the bases as they are basically making money from these bases (exception might be Alliance) just for being open. Just my opinion!!!
KCflyer--- You've hit the nail right on it's head! And no! I'm not promoting the TWU!!!!! But, let's get back to the real world here! American has to make up their minds on MCI before the lease at MCI expires at the end of the year! They have been saying it'll be "soon"! Whatever that means! But I believe it'll be a non-issue by the time there would be a representation "vote", if there is going to be a vote! Which I feel will happen! But the fate of MCI should be settled well before then

If I were a gambling man I would bet on a 6 month extension to get all the figures together, just a guess.
MCI transplant said:
:huh: Keep in mind! The majority of AMT's here at MCI will be in a position to retire within the next five years! That's with this "Concessionary" contract in tact for that whole time period, no matter what Union is in power!!!
I don't believe anyone should ever sell-out their profession before retiring!!! It's just not right. Mechanics and related should weight the pro's and con's and make a decision for those that will follow. Just my opinion.
MCI transplant said:
:huh: Keep in mind! The majority of AMT's here at MCI will be in a position to retire within the next five years! That's with this "Concessionary" contract in tact for that whole time period, no matter what Union is in power!!!
Keep in mind that we have an employee here at JFK that has 62 years seniority and to the best of my knowledge HE HAS SIGNED TO GO WITH AMFA!

He started here when some of your coworkers who are retiring were born! If you guys dont care then why dont you fill out a card, then let those who you feel should care, determine who represents us through an election?
Bob Owens said:
Keep in mind that we have an employee here at JFK that has 62 years seniority and to the best of my knowledge HE HAS SIGNED TO GO WITH AMFA!

He started here when some of your coworkers who are retiring were born! If you guys dont care then why dont you fill out a card, then let those who you feel should care, determine who represents us through an election?
Not to nitpick here Bob, but the selling point of AMFA is that when a laid off mechanic is called back, he'll reap full benefit of "class and craft" when a postition opens up, either thru an improved industry or retirement of current mecanics. So, if a 25 year old mechanic is laid off and the 30 year old mechanic who escaped the cut gets in his 62 years of seniority, he'll be, what...70 by the time he's recalled???
Can you see the industry cycles in this chart?

Are we in a permanent or short-term down cycle?

Keep in mind that we have an employee here at JFK that has 62 years seniority and to the best of my knowledge HE HAS SIGNED TO GO WITH AMFA!
WOW, so this guy was here in 1945 when the TWU raided the mechanics union that was here before huh. Thats a lot of years ago!!! :up:
Rusty said:
No KCflyer, I am a mechanic in Tulsa!
Then it's rather easy to speak on behalf of MCI mechanics. Here's why if a base is closed, it will be MCI - they used to be a part of TWA. Regardless of how much money Kansas City coughs up for AA, it's just another "asset" they purchased from TWA.
KCFlyer said:
Then it's rather easy to speak on behalf of MCI mechanics. Here's why if a base is closed, it will be MCI - they used to be a part of TWA. Regardless of how much money Kansas City coughs up for AA, it's just another "asset" they purchased from TWA.
I don't beleive I ever said I was speaking for MCI! Please reread my posts!

Are you saying the Tulsa and Alliance bases are not assets?
Rusty said:
I don't beleive I ever said I was speaking for MCI! Please reread my posts!

Are you saying the Tulsa and Alliance bases are not assets?
No...Alliance and Tulsa are also assets...they are American Airlines assets. MCI is the red headed stepchild, purchased out of bankruptcy asset. What has AA done with similar assets they got from this merger?

You sign your posts with "AMFA - A union of professionals". Given that just about any AA employee who is a former TWA employee feels that the end of their careers are pretty near, are you suggesting that they vote for AMFA to "sacrifice" themselves for the betterment of their "brothers", many of who resented them becoming a part of AA because of the TWA buyout?

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