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American Trying To Make Profit In Heavy Maint.

TWU informer said:
Well why not have Burchette and Carmine write into one of those lovefest letters about this issue?

Surely if they can sign letters agreeing to work togehter to make this happen, then there could be a letter of understanding regarding the $500 million is to be returned in part to those that earned it?

I figure it will be just the oppposite happen.

The third party work will be here, negotiations will begin, and the TWU will once again be threatened with removal of third party work, and job loss if the desire to get back what was lost has any strength.

"Considered" my A$$, it should be DEMANDED!!!

If you choose to use a more forceful word as "DEMANDED"???

I still agree..... 😉
TWU informer said:
I for one hope that the strategy to do outside maintenance work succeeds.

This is a far better alternative for those of us working heavy O/H than outsource of work.

I hear some Fed Ex work is already secured also. Of course we must wait until the current FedEx third party contract expires. And the timing of the announcement should closely follow the layoff of 600+ MCI former TWA Mechanics.

My only concern is with where the profits end up. If those of us in maintenance create the profit, then I would hope to be seated across from negotiators that have the profit on the table.

I fear, the profits will be lost in the over managed albatross airline and the finance department. It is far more likely management bonuses will be paid with the profit rather than a return of any M&R concessions.

I also acknowledge that this is a decision of AA Management not TWU.

If a profit can be turned with TWU on the property, then so too can a profit be turned with AMFA on the property.

Bankruptcy pros and cons, and maintenance in or out, is not what the TWU/AMFA debate is about.

Craft Union versus Industrial Union debates have raged for over 100 years, and most of these debates never included AA or the TWU.

So please stop attempting to use this as a wedge against the Craft Union advocates. It is getting you no where!

Until someone proves that the AFL-CIO, strength in numbers, or dictator rule is better than Political Freedom, Strength in Skill, and Membership empowerment, then you will never succeed in lowering the belief and trust in Craft Union ideals.

I think that the "strength in numbers (or lack of numbers in this case)" theory will be tested with the AMFA members at UA and NW in the not too distant future.
aafsc said:
I think that the "strength in numbers (or lack of numbers in this case)" theory will be tested with the AMFA members at UA and NW in the not too distant future.
Well aafsc, I think the iam and the afl-cio should have done something instead of cower and US Air!!!! Ya think??? How many times did the worthless iam accept concessions??? THREE???? Where is the afl-cio???? Cowards.

Now AMFA is to come in and stop the hemorhaging after the contracts were allowed to be desimated by the iam at UAL and NWA. AMFA should just roll over like the twu company union whore and just take it. Recommend a "yes" vote and exclaim, "We're heading right into Chapter 7 Liquidation"!!!!, like Do-little did. Oh yeah, its for real at UAL. Spead your legs like a Safe Way chicken, that's the answer. Worked well at US Air. :huh: :huh: :huh:
TWU informer said:
I for one hope that the strategy to do outside maintenance work succeeds.

This is a far better alternative for those of us working heavy O/H than outsource of work.

I hear some Fed Ex work is already secured also. Of course we must wait until the current FedEx third party contract expires. And the timing of the announcement should closely follow the layoff of 600+ MCI former TWA Mechanics.

My only concern is with where the profits end up. If those of us in maintenance create the profit, then I would hope to be seated across from negotiators that have the profit on the table.

I fear, the profits will be lost in the over managed albatross airline and the finance department. It is far more likely management bonuses will be paid with the profit rather than a return of any M&R concessions.

I also acknowledge that this is a decision of AA Management not TWU.

If a profit can be turned with TWU on the property, then so too can a profit be turned with AMFA on the property.

Bankruptcy pros and cons, and maintenance in or out, is not what the TWU/AMFA debate is about.

Craft Union versus Industrial Union debates have raged for over 100 years, and most of these debates never included AA or the TWU.

So please stop attempting to use this as a wedge against the Craft Union advocates. It is getting you no where!

Until someone proves that the AFL-CIO, strength in numbers, or dictator rule is better than Political Freedom, Strength in Skill, and Membership empowerment, then you will never succeed in lowering the belief and trust in Craft Union ideals.
<_< IT's only 500, at least being layed off here at MCI at this time! But who's counting? I'm surprised aa didn't correct you on that one! 😉
<_< Nothing soild yet, but rumor on the floor has it that as a result of the US/AW merger, we may get more Air Canada work here at MCI. But time will tell! Come on aa ask me how that could be???? B)
MCI transplant said:
<_< Nothing soild yet, but rumor on the floor has it that as a result of the US/AW merger, we may get more Air Canada work here at MCI. But time will tell! Come on aa ask me how that could be???? B)

How many of you are going to work on another company's union work?
how many of you are working on MCIE work?...and mcixplant...it's just a rumor..no meat to it at all.
Hackman said:
Well aafsc, I think the iam and the afl-cio should have done something instead of cower and US Air!!!! Ya think??? How many times did the worthless iam accept concessions??? THREE???? Where is the afl-cio???? Cowards.

Now AMFA is to come in and stop the hemorhaging after the contracts were allowed to be desimated by the iam at UAL and NWA. AMFA should just roll over like the twu company union whore and just take it. Recommend a "yes" vote and exclaim, "We're heading right into Chapter 7 Liquidation"!!!!, like Do-little did. Oh yeah, its for real at UAL. Spead your legs like a Safe Way chicken, that's the answer. Worked well at US Air. :huh: :huh: :huh:
I agree with you regarding USAir. And AMFA just recently got in at UA. However, how long has AMFA been at NW? For 7 or 8 years? When they first took over there were almost 10,000 AMTs. Now there are about 4,500. And NW management wants to cut that 4,500 down to about 2,500 IN ADDITION to a 26% paycut. I read an article a couple of days ago (can't remember the name) and it alluded to the fact that NW planned all this downsizing of AMTs several years ago. In another post, I said that NW will take a short term loss (paying the AMTs $35/hr, improved pension, etc) for long term gain (riding themselves of a unionized AMT workforce forever by farmouts). Well now we see the fruits of their labor. Through farmouts, they have eliminated the AMT's strength in numbers. If AMFA strikes, how hard do you think it would be to replace 2,500 AMTs. They are lining up scabs as we speak. The AMTs at NW are history. The outsourcing over time has dwindled their numbers to such a level that they are no longer a threat and can be easily replaced. AMFA has 2 choices: 1. Strike and be permantly replaced. 2. Cower to the demands of NW management bring back a T/A where the 2,500 remaining AMTs will be earning 26% less than they are now and try to explain why 75% of their workforce is gone and why they did not "make a stand for a hundred grand".
MCI transplant said:
<_< Nothing soild yet, but rumor on the floor has it that as a result of the US/AW merger, we may get more Air Canada work here at MCI. But time will tell! Come on aa ask me how that could be???? B)

As another poster stated, it is rumor. There is the possbility of other third party work being negotitated. I think AA has plans to greatly expand it's M and E. However, it does not happen overnight.
MCI transplant said:
<_< IT's only 500, at least being layed off here at MCI at this time! But who's counting? I'm surprised aa didn't correct you on that one! 😉
I missed that one. It may be 500 now, or is it 535? But how many will it be after the bumps, SISs, and the possibility that AA reduces the overall number?
Buck said:
How many of you are going to work on another company's union work?
Won't the mechanics at Air Canada (who I believe are IAM represented) be getting work from the post merger "new USAir" (whose AMTs are represented by the IAM)?
aafsc said:
Won't the mechanics at Air Canada (who I believe are IAM represented) be getting work from the post merger "new USAir" (whose AMTs are represented by the IAM)?

I am unfamiliar with this issue, I just want to know if the union workers at AA will work on another unions work.
Buck said:
I am unfamiliar with this issue, I just want to know if the union workers at AA will work on another unions work.

I would say yes because didn't AA up until recently do the RR engines on USAirs 757s before USAir decided to send them to China?
As you are aware AA is known for setting a trend! The TWU is working to take control of our destiny, by the announcements lately it's bearing fruit.

Maintenance in-sourcing is a good idea! Keep up the great job!

P.S. Dave, Amfa will eliminate your job in a heart beat! Record speaks louder than yours or others twisted logic!!!!!!!!!
Checking it Out said:
As you are aware AA is known for setting a trend! The TWU is working to take control of our destiny, by the announcements lately it's bearing fruit.

Maintenance in-sourcing is a good idea! Keep up the great job!
P.S. Dave, Amfa will eliminate your job in a heart beat! Record speaks louder than yours or others twisted logic!!!!!!!!!

Well which is it dufus?

Is it AA setting the trend?

Or is it Union's domain to outsource work and lay off workers?

I have another question for you. If AMFA told UAL and NWA next week that they would accept labor agreements that equal the TWU Industry Leading Concessions would you then be a cheerleader for that philosophy?

Or better yet, how about AMFA agree to even lower wages than the TWU and then UAL and NWA bring all their maintenance back in-house. Would that be the "fruit bearing" record you are looking for in a union organization?

When are you going to tell us the 12,000 jobs and three maintenance base saved story again?

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