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American Trying To Make Profit In Heavy Maint.

seed said:
When are they going to start? UAL membership must be doing a total recall...correct?

FYI, We aleady recalled one ALR and if there is 'good reason' we'll do another recall.

seed said:
When are they going to start? UAL membership must be doing a total recall...correct?

Perhaps when the UAL membership feels they should. At least they can recall if their ELECTED officials do not do what they want themto do. THAT's DEMOCRACY. You seem so eager for recalls to start you forget about the UNDEMOCRATIC ways of the twu.

Tell me. How was jim little able to be recalled after he lied? "FULL REVOTE!"

While you are at it, how are yingst and gless able to be recalled?

Starnge thing about all the international appointed is that burchette sold out his profession for a chance to drink from the Black Chalice Of Greed. He was not recallable but left on his own. Funny world we live in.
UAL_TECH said:
FYI, We aleady recalled one ALR and if there is 'good reason' we'll do another recall.


I regret my previous statement for my grammatical imperfections.

😳 UaL_technowhatever

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