American- the HEARTLESS Airline

If Skyflyr69 is an employee, [...]

That's one of the "facts" that's missing and why I don't care for the onslaught of criticism launched at Skyflyr69. He may be an airline employee but I don't think he's affiliated with AA. (USAirways perhaps based on the majority of his posts being on that forum?)

In the end it may well be that all the assertions are correct and the situation was self-induced. Until we know the reasons for his wife's misfortune why impale this guy based on "what if ..."? To blast him only pushes another person away from the airline.
That's one of the "facts" that's missing and why I don't care for the onslaught of criticism launched at Skyflyr69. He may be an airline employee but I don't think he's affiliated with AA. (USAirways perhaps based on the majority of his posts being on that forum?)

In the end it may well be that all the assertions are correct and the situation was self-induced. Until we know the reasons for his wife's misfortune why impale this guy based on "what if ..."? To blast him only pushes another person away from the airline.

Oh, please! It's ok for this joker to post what is (to anyone with the slightest knowledge of XNA)obviously a lie, or at best, a half-truth, with all the negative information on his side omitted, but we have to reserve judgement until "we know the facts." Something that you and I both know is not going to happen because he is the only source of the information and he is not going to admit the truth.

But, then, you would have no experience with such baloney accusations, working for the perfect, without-sin-or-error airline.
Oh, please! It's ok for this joker to post what is (to anyone with the slightest knowledge of XNA)obviously a lie, or at best, a half-truth, with all the negative information on his side omitted, but we have to reserve judgement until "we know the facts." Something that you and I both know is not going to happen because he is the only source of the information and he is not going to admit the truth.

You're right, Jim. FACTS have absolutely no place in this discussion.
You're right, Jim. FACTS have absolutely no place in this discussion.

Now, you are being a jerk. I haven't seen you call upon skyflyer to produce facts. Just those of us who have posted time after time,
1. the size of the station,
2. the numbers of flights to DFW and ORD on the specified day,
3. the loads on those days

To everyone except an AA-hater as obtuse as you, the obvious implication is that the alleged story could not have happened without some stretching or omission of "facts" by the original poster. But then, as I said before, it is derogatory toward AA; so, in your mind it must be gospel truth. Why don't you go back to one of the discussion threads about the recent unpleasantness at MDW.
That was probably caused by AA also.
Im not taking a side here, but a couple things i've noticed the few times that i've traveled thru XNA. The entire station is staffed with Eagle employees, no AAer's there. As with a lot of Eagle stations, everybody is crossed trained for working the counter/gate/ramp/ops/cargo,etc..I've seen agents there that have left their post at the counter and gate to go down and park and unload a flight.