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American Airlines, CLT detail growth plans

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WorldTraveler said:
I get that... but ANYONE who has traveled the world knows that US airports are not, by and large, anything close to beautiful.
Who cares?

Let the (proverbial) Omahans be dazzled.

is CLT on your list of cities where you believe DL should have BW mainline agents?
Absolutely, but we've discussed that before.

USAir does not exist anymore. USAir was merged and became a subsidiary of American Airlines on December 9th 2013. The third quarter of 2015 the name USAirways will cease to exist and will only be in the history books. USAir was in the business beginning in 1937 and ending December 9th, 2013.

So you need to start referencing American Airlines when you tell us all how badly you hate American Airlines. USAir does not exist anymore...please note the sarcasm.
Who cares?

Let the (proverbial) Omahans be dazzled.
the people from the Midwest, Omaha included, aren't THAT much different from the rest of the US that they would be brought to tears by an airport terminal.

This IS the age of television, the internet, and high speed travel and communications.

To say that someone from OMA should be dazzled while someone from a big city would not is a slap in the face of many people.

I'm not doubting that someone was brought to tears in Ad's presence but I hardly find it a convincing argument that DFW D is a beautiful terminal because someone was brought to tears...

you didn't answer the question about what other airlines besides US have AW and BW mainline personnel at CLT or any other airports in NC for that matter.
WT since Kev won't answer:
AA: mainline AW, contract BW
B6: mainline AW, contract BW
LH: contract AW, contract BW
UA: mainline AW, mainline AW but slated for outsourcing following IAM 10/2013 CBA

Not sure about FL/WN

so there is no other carrier at CLT besides the hub carrier (and probably WN) that has BW mainline personnel other than UA whose employees just gave the company the right to end their jobs in return for a cup of soup, right?

Meanwhile, WN personnel in various cities are stuck in negotiations for a new contract and are claiming to be understaffed.
Correct and much to the US Express operation is contract, but it's a vendor that pays dues to the CWA (represent US CSAs) so I guess in the unions eyes it's not truly outsourced.

apparently one advantage that ATL has over CTL is that 100% of DL and DCI flights are worked above and below wing by DL mainline personnel.

is "fixing that" in CLT's growth plans?
WorldTraveler said:
apparently one advantage that ATL has over CTL is that 100% of DL and DCI flights are worked above and below wing by DL mainline personnel.

is "fixing that" in CLT's growth plans?
So mainline are superior to other personnel? 
did I use the word "superior?"

the advantage would be that in general mainline personnel are paid more and have more experience.
WorldTraveler said:
you didn't answer the question about what other airlines besides US have AW and BW mainline personnel at CLT or any other airports in NC for that matter.
That's right, I didn't. We're already far enough afield as it is.
WorldTraveler said:
so there is no other carrier at CLT besides the hub carrier (and probably WN) that has BW mainline personnel other than UA...
After US, does anyone have ~30 avg. daily departures? Seems like as good a time as any for DL to be a "first mover" as you like to say...
you do have a point there, Kev.

DL does have just over 30 flights/day and actually has a larger average aircraft size than US.

In fact, DL offers more seats than all other carriers besides US and that includes premerger AA operated flights.

So, what size does a station need to be based on your rules to be considered "mainlineable?"

and do you see AA/US' size as making it more or less possible for US to expand CLT?
There is no way AA can compete with DL.  AA should consider pulling out of JFK, LGA and LAX.  Everyone on this board should know by now DL is the supreme airline in the world and AA could only hope to become DL some day.
What is lost every time is there are different strategies at play.  I assume when everyone on this board picks a cell phone they want every phone to exact same buttons, look and feel, etc nothing different.
Each airline is somewhat dealt a particular hand.  If you can run a hub in a city like ATL with lots of o&d and do a great job excellent.  If you can run a hub that is the lowest cost hub in the country and drive tons of connecting trafiic and do a great job excellent.  Last I checked both US and DL were profitable with their respective hubs. 
If every airline has to run identical to each other then I guess we would turn to a centralized government run approach to airlines so they are all exactly the same.
737823 said:
Correct and much to the US Express operation is contract, but it's a vendor that pays dues to the CWA (represent US CSAs) so I guess in the unions eyes it's not truly outsourced.

US mainline in CLT handles all the E170s, and E175s, AW and BW.  And the E190s are part of mainline.
E-Concourse Express flights no matter who they belong too are handled by Piedmont (EN) employees, not a vendor and Piedmont is wholly owned carrier.  So if its PSA, EN, Mesa, Republic, or anyone else it is handled by Piedmont.
WorldTraveler said:
you do have a point there, Kev.

DL does have just over 30 flights/day and actually has a larger average aircraft size than US.

In fact, DL offers more seats than all other carriers besides US and that includes premerger AA operated flights.

So, what size does a station need to be based on your rules to be considered "mainlineable?"

and do you see AA/US' size as making it more or less possible for US to expand CLT?
DL flies A320 family and MD80s, and RJs, US flies bigger planes in CLT as the majority of the flights, A330s, 767s, 757s, A321s, A320s, A319s and 734s.
All except the A319s and 734s are larger than anything that DL flies in and out of CLT.

DH1: 15
DH3: 50
CR2: 130
CR7: 53
CR9: 106
E75: 22
M80: 2
319: 99
320: 39
321: 118
734: 12
738: 3
752: 8
762: 6
332: 5
333: 3

That is what CLT will see this summer.
700UW said:
US mainline in CLT handles all the E170s, and E175s, AW and BW.  And the E190s are part of mainline.
E-Concourse Express flights no matter who they belong too are handled by Piedmont (EN) employees, not a vendor and Piedmont is wholly owned carrier.  So if its PSA, EN, Mesa, Republic, or anyone else it is handled by Piedmont.
Notice I didn't say all of the Express I said some. And Piedmont is CWA.

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