I have a bit of a problem with predicting cross-utilization in the near future. Training thousands in wet ditching and all the other aspects of international flying would take many months, if not a couple of years, and would be very expensive. Maintaining everyone's qualification would add to the training budget in the future.
There is virtually no support for this in the active FA ranks; in fact, I think most are vehemently against it, just as we were before it was forced on us by Icahn's strike. The union is under no obligation to open contract negotiations early, or to quickly come to any agreement. Contracts traditionally take two years or even more after they become amendable. A major rewriting of the contract would be necessary to accommodate this.
I think if AA thought they could slash the workforce by another 2000 or so FA's they would have tried to do so long ago, yet no mention of cross-utilization seems to have been made in the last contract talks or in the concessionary talks. I brought this up before we were furloughed and a supervisor told me essentially what I mentioned above: the cost of training and maintaining qualifications would negate any slight increase in productivity.
It may happen some day, but it won't be soon.
Mark, I was speaking of the next round of negotiations and referring to Mr. Arpey's cry for productivity improvements. The Company has approached the APFA about cross utilization. SO FAR the APFA has not taken the bite. Training (other than ditching) could be accomplished by "paper". Wet ditch could be added to EPTs for one year. Training expenses are always recouped as a necessary business expense for taxes. One reserve pool alone is worth the training expense. Don't forget there is a former member of TWA's flight attendant Labor Relations negotiating team at the master base and he is always willing to share cost saving ideas. Cross utilization was a huge productivity savings and without our more "fluid" work rules would be even more so for AA. My point was if a little money is thrown in the pot the AA f/as will probably sign. I'm not certain they have learned that dollar per hour does not make an industry leading contract.....It is ALL about the work rules.