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I just popped over to the Northwest board and there's a current thread regarding more furloughs.

I'd be pretty upset if I were facing a layoff and my company was primarily responsible for hindering a return to higher yields and profitability.
On 2/18/2003 3:58:37 AM Diversion wrote:

I just popped over to the Northwest board and there's a current thread regarding more furloughs.

I'd be pretty upset if I were facing a layoff and my company was primarily responsible for hindering a return to higher yields and profitability.


Not just layoffs, don/t forget they anounced they will be asking for concessions.
I do belive if I worked at NWA I would be one of the most militant union members around! They have the nerve to be asking for give-backs while they are deliberatly lowering yields on flights. I'm sure management will find sympathetic ears at the NW unions. Yeah Right!!
Just maybe, NWA thinks they will hurt UA more than themselves. That they can outlast UA. Thus speeding UA's liquidation.
On 2/18/2003 8:43:10 PM DFWCC wrote:

Just maybe, NWA thinks they will hurt UA more than themselves. That they can outlast UA. Thus speeding UA's liquidation.

Looking forward to UA's liquidation, are we? You're living in a glass house, my friend.
On 2/18/2003 8:43:10 PM DFWCC wrote:

Just maybe, NWA thinks they will hurt UA more than themselves. That they can outlast UA. Thus speeding UA's liquidation.

I'd pondered the same thing myself. I can honestly see no other reason for not going along with the fare increases.