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Not a matter of if - it''s a matter of WHEN


Aug 20, 2002
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American probably has lawyers who would like the company to file for bankruptcy soon, while it has more than a billion dollars in cash.
A junk bond analyst, who is recommending that his clients sell their bonds in American''s parent company, AMR, raised a valid question last week.
At this point, we''d ask AMR management why an airline in its situation would not want to file Chapter 11, wrote George Allen Kirchwey of SAMCO Capital Markets in New York.
That''s the rational move, he wrote, with airline travel still depressed and bankruptcy offering a way to quickly reduce costs and shutter facilities.
Why do the employees have to subsidize the corporate blunders?

Just so those that created this situation can remain in power?

I say file the Bankruptcy next week and sort out ALL of the problems, not just labor cost issues.
Of all the "Doom,and Gloom" the Company has been spouting lately, have you noticed a "lack" of referance to that $550Mill. tax money it was supposed to have gotten? Or the sale of "Worldspan", which A.A.(TWA) has a 26% stack in???
When you''re $12B in debt, talking about the profits from those two transactions is like getting excited about UAL being at the top of the DOT rankings for on-time dependability.
On 3/23/2003 9:44:56 AM RV4 wrote:
Why do the employees have to subsidize the corporate blunders?
Just so those that created this situation can remain in power?
Actually, equityholders get the shaft and so do debtholders. As for management, it may or may not be responsible for the situation AA is in, I don''t think they are, but they may lose their jobs anyway. It would be a truelly visionary CEO who could have predicted the direction revenues took over the past several months.