Having watched the SOTA video pertaining to negotiations. I am glad to see union reps, TCC and the fleet service clerk there asking and stating what they did. I also feel that DP and RI answered in the way they did based on the company's position. That is not necessarily lying.
I took away some interesting things. The company wants to operate how the other airlines operate. Plain and simple.
The union wants to keep what it has. Right there, the union looks at it as concessionary. And right there is the reason the union will NOT even let the membership look at the proposal IF and WHEN there is a full text proposal.
I can truly see both sides of the debate even at the risk of being accused of being against my union and more pro-company. The company wants what it wants. The union wants what it wants. In one comment the 513 rep stated that the raise we got was not a gift. He was right. He also said it was right to do because of what we went through. But does anyone think we would have gotten a contract by now if we did not get the raise and they the cross utilization? I don't. Imagine going through all this stalling and NOT having received the money?
On the deicing issue, I understand it is current work being done by fleet service members. But it is NOT a daily job which would directly hits fleet service numbers. As some fleet service members would tell you, there was no mechanic job loss when fleet took the work from maintenance for exactly the same reason. It is NOT a daily function.. Pushbacks was a daily task and I don't recall layoffs because of it. I recently spoke to a fleet service clerk who actually said he wouldn't mind losing the deicing if they got the aircraft moves. RIGHT TO MY FACE! WOW! And please don't tell me he's just one person who feels that way. I have had both the company and even my union tell mechanics that mechanics should only do mechanics' work. All the time having transferred deicing and pushbacks to fleet over the years. I guess then it was justified because other TWU members got the work. And now, when the aircraft moves eventually do go to fleet, once again they will gladly hop into the goldhofers and do it.
All three company leaders stated everyone here now will have a job in their classification AND station. My union reps tell me not to believe it.
Can someone else tell me why I should not believe them? And please don't tell me because that at the end of the contract that won't apply anymore. Isn't every contract good only for the life of it?
Lastly, I applaud the Tul TCC for explaining the feeling in his base. I was surprised he mentioned being held hostage by the IAM. I doubt very much he is the only one who feels that way. We have the minority union adding to stalling of negotiations because of the medical and pension.
If it is as bad as the association says it is, it will be voted down? TRUST THE MEMBERSHIP!