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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Do I agree with everything I see and now so far? No. I am sticking to my position that one way or another, the company will get all, if not most, of what they want. And if this goes on for a couple to several more years, and they still get what they want in the end, then the members will have lost out in more ways the one.
I just don't want to see this happen to any one just for the sake of saying "at least I fought the battle."

If they eventually do get most of what they have transparently asked for I can ultimately live with that if it’s the will of the Membership.

The problem I have is what they may want in the future that they aren’t being transparent about that they want to put in writing that gives them the ability to just take it anytime they want down the line.

I want ownership of my work, I don’t want them owning it.
I watched the recent JetNet video from Dallas. Doug said he is willing to give Association the same contract as SWA is about the vote on current also no merger for Continental/ I would like to see give us retro pay back at least 1 year instead of a signing bonus!
I watched the recent JetNet video from Dallas. Doug said he is willing to give Association the same contract as SWA is about the vote on current also no merger for Continental/ I would like to see give us retro pay back at least 1 year instead of a signing bonus!

Hey Metal see what I mean.

BAM right on to the $$Money$$
You Know nothing Weasy...
That was the most accurate comment on here in the last 2 months.
This page has become a cesspool and the only interesting thought is trying to figure out the next handle of 700.
It is actually humorous and I suspect that both weez and 700 are using humor but somewhat serious on their loyalist post.
just got word that field trips will commence. Why all of a sudden are we changing direction. Is this hurting the company and we feel sorry for them. Or is it because the scabs in tulsa feel threatened here at JFK... can someone enlighten me
Having watched the SOTA video pertaining to negotiations. I am glad to see union reps, TCC and the fleet service clerk there asking and stating what they did. I also feel that DP and RI answered in the way they did based on the company's position. That is not necessarily lying.
I took away some interesting things. The company wants to operate how the other airlines operate. Plain and simple.
The union wants to keep what it has. Right there, the union looks at it as concessionary. And right there is the reason the union will NOT even let the membership look at the proposal IF and WHEN there is a full text proposal.
I can truly see both sides of the debate even at the risk of being accused of being against my union and more pro-company. The company wants what it wants. The union wants what it wants. In one comment the 513 rep stated that the raise we got was not a gift. He was right. He also said it was right to do because of what we went through. But does anyone think we would have gotten a contract by now if we did not get the raise and they the cross utilization? I don't. Imagine going through all this stalling and NOT having received the money?
On the deicing issue, I understand it is current work being done by fleet service members. But it is NOT a daily job which would directly hits fleet service numbers. As some fleet service members would tell you, there was no mechanic job loss when fleet took the work from maintenance for exactly the same reason. It is NOT a daily function.. Pushbacks was a daily task and I don't recall layoffs because of it. I recently spoke to a fleet service clerk who actually said he wouldn't mind losing the deicing if they got the aircraft moves. RIGHT TO MY FACE! WOW! And please don't tell me he's just one person who feels that way. I have had both the company and even my union tell mechanics that mechanics should only do mechanics' work. All the time having transferred deicing and pushbacks to fleet over the years. I guess then it was justified because other TWU members got the work. And now, when the aircraft moves eventually do go to fleet, once again they will gladly hop into the goldhofers and do it.
All three company leaders stated everyone here now will have a job in their classification AND station. My union reps tell me not to believe it.
Can someone else tell me why I should not believe them? And please don't tell me because that at the end of the contract that won't apply anymore. Isn't every contract good only for the life of it?
Lastly, I applaud the Tul TCC for explaining the feeling in his base. I was surprised he mentioned being held hostage by the IAM. I doubt very much he is the only one who feels that way. We have the minority union adding to stalling of negotiations because of the medical and pension.
If it is as bad as the association says it is, it will be voted down? TRUST THE MEMBERSHIP!

Absolutely agree it is clear to me that the company is negotiating and the ASS just says no. We know that the company has increased it offer more than once, we don't know anything from the ASS because they are not showing us anything. It's time to vote. Let the members decide.
You do know that many of them were in Ft Lauderdale all the way up to Friday.

It does seem like some of the typical posters here want to minimize the contributions of Brian Parker, Mark Gray and Greg Cosey where personally they did a fantastic job calling out those snake oil salesmen.
not at all i thought Brian Parker did a great job, and i have been saying it for years the lack of public solidarity from the association breeds the discontent. i know from experience its not easy getting up there and talking in front of a crowd. ok so they were in FLL up ti Friday what happened to the last years of sota's? again the company is kicking their asses in the propaganda game and they refuse to fight. their silence is deafening
Nice union, ignore the will of the membership. May work for sheep, but not me. And before you respond with some technical reference on the TWU constitution, remember this: I did NOT vote on any negotiator nor did I vote for any international position.
i certainly did not vote for six members on the committee and the current vice chair....
I just want to see Robert Isom live up to his word to release the entire FULL LANGUAGE proposals on Jetnet.
Yes as i said both sides are stretching the truth. The union is making it sound like once this contract is signed AA wont ever hire another AMT or fleet clerk..
Yes as i said both sides are stretching the truth. The union is making it sound like once this contract is signed AA wont ever hire another AMT or fleet clerk..

I can agree with this comment.

again i ask where is the solidarity from the association? where is a joint video/statement signed by the whole committee? what the hell are we backing Gary, the twu, the iam, the association? who and what is the entity that we are backing? does the iam back/agree with everything gary says? does gary speak for the whole membership? iam and the twu? what is the joint message? what a load of **** this is. not the message so to speak, but who,what when and where it applies to.
again i ask where is the solidarity from the association? where is a joint video/statement signed by the whole committee? what the hell are we backing Gary, the twu, the iam, the association? who and what is the entity that we are backing? does the iam back/agree with everything gary says? does gary speak for the whole membership? iam and the twu? what is the joint message? what a load of **** this is. not the message so to speak, but who,what when and where it applies to.

gen a bunch of people asked Gary to go back to making videos so as much as I understand you would like to see a Solidarity statement video that’s probably something that goes higher up than Gary and has to be decided by both sides.
I can agree with this comment.
I would imagine they would come out with the proposal before the NMBs decision as to what course of action.I agree with you we should get 3% over the highest salary.Not sure about the extra $3000 for the IAM i could see where that could cause trouble,should the TWU get 3k for the inbalance in medical this past year? I dont know
I would imagine they would come out with the proposal before the NMBs decision as to what course of action.I agree with you we should get 3% over the highest salary.Not sure about the extra $3000 for the IAM i could see where that could cause trouble,should the TWU get 3k for the inbalance in medical this past year? I dont know

Again if the Company puts out in full their proposal in writing (Final issues only) I can support the Association doing the same to see where we stand and what we are now asking for from the original December 2015 proposal.

Since there’s been no change in the Company’s Wage economics, my position that they’re sub par won’t change.

I could care less if they give you an extra $3000. But that’s only how I feel.
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