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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Oh, he’s a fount of institutional knowledge. Too bad, he can’t focus his energy positively.
Exactly, but he did expose most of is during one of his hissy fits, Oh and by the way you have an impressive resume there kev
You have no idea of whom I am and what I do, go back to WN forums and how you financed your raises by betraying the American Workforce and didn’t bring in one iota or scope after seven years of negotiations.

Typical, you can’t debate nor refute so you try to attack, insult and belittle.
I know who you are, and I know you don’t work at AA, neither do I anymore. I remember the rumor of you getting fired when you went to PHL too, but, I don’t know the truth so I always took it as a rumor. If we’re all supposed to stay in the forum of the airline we work for, where does that leave you? I didn’t betray the American workforce, it’s Southwest who chooses to outsource internationally, not me. I’m also not going to ‘fight the fight’ for non union workers at AAR who are gladly doing the work I would rather keep in house. It’s Southwest’s company to run and that’s how they choose to run it. Btw- I just voted YES on that CBA that allows the company to move work from IND/MCI/PAE to wherever they want. How many have you voted on in the last decade- or even since 2005?
Why dont you be more civil, you may last longer.Somebody im.sure has their finger on the report button.You might even be useful as we go forward
700,701,702,alliance2013,703,iampf soon to be 704...
For the record, I don't see Parker around much longer. 17 years as Chairman/CEO of a company which has foundered and fallen behind against the two other legacy competitors, and it may be time to use the "I-Want-To-Spend-More-Time-With-My-Family" trope.
The company's performance under Parker has been spiraling down at a fast clip. Not much good can be said about anything at this time. Ranked as almost the worst airline in the country says enough. His removal at this pace is a matter of time.
Give me ONE instance where the company has "NEGOTIATED" anything!
All they do is POST to the membership.
These are supposed to be NEGOTIATIONS!
Our co. did the same to us. It's all propaganda. Your co. will still keep on sending out letters and info when the union's NC is refusing to move AND refusing to let the members know what the co. is offering. Where did everyone hear first and only still at this point, that AA is willing to pay SWA' rates for mechanics? The co. put that out NOT the union. The co. is trying to get the membership to apply pressure on the NC to bring it out for a vote and the union is refusing to do so.
Parker did say they will put out a more comprehensive proposal/contract.We shall see the scope language i think there are exaggerations on both sides.This should put that to rest. On the other hand there os likely going to be a grey area that will leave more questions
Not sure if I would believe anything Parker says. But, hope he does so the membership will see something in writing. It might also give the reasons why AA offered up SWA wages so quickly and easily and NOT nego by the union. Thanks again AMFA...

Oh boy, I see the IAM propaganda machine has really cranked up here and on fb. Impressive. Predictable but laughably impressive!!! 🙂🙂🙂
What exactly is the IAM saying or preaching on FB?
Oh, he’s a fount of institutional knowledge. Too bad, he can’t focus his energy positively.
Exactly. He also has no clue what AMFA at SWA was able to save. Not to mention the past maint. brought back into house after we fired the teamsters. Typical 700 rhetoric...
I know who you are, and I know you don’t work at AA, neither do I anymore. I remember the rumor of you getting fired when you went to PHL too, but, I don’t know the truth so I always took it as a rumor. If we’re all supposed to stay in the forum of the airline we work for, where does that leave you? I didn’t betray the American workforce, it’s Southwest who chooses to outsource internationally, not me. I’m also not going to ‘fight the fight’ for non union workers at AAR who are gladly doing the work I would rather keep in house. It’s Southwest’s company to run and that’s how they choose to run it. Btw- I just voted YES on that CBA that allows the company to move work from IND/MCI/PAE to wherever they want. How many have you voted on in the last decade- or even since 2005?
Hoping to vote some time this week Blue. Just waiting to confirm info is all.
Have to say the company appears to be winning the propaganda bull **** race this week. Wonder when the associations rebuttal will come out. If the company actually publishes the full text proposal life could get interesting.
The mechanic from tulsa was spot on. If anybody knows him, thank him for showing up!
Charlie Brown, where was the iam friday at the sota? Another opportunity at solidarity missed...
After watching the SOTA I can clearly see who the problem is. Hey ASS let the members vote
Im just glad the WHOLE ASSOCIATION negotiating committee showed up at the sota to throw the bull **** flag on parker and isom. Man theres nothing like a good old show of solidarity from our imposed leadership! Its not like you couldnt anticipate the song and dance at the dog and pony show. Kind of makes you wonder sometimes.
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