The Fairy Tales get longer and bigger
Good Grief Charlie Brown!
Briefing for 12/31/18
Just a quick reminder of our dates coming up for negotiations. The mediator has scheduled talks to be held with the company in SFO the week of January 14th. Negotiations will be held on the 15th, 16th, & 17th that week. That will be followed by negotiations the week of January 28th, with negotiations on the 29th, 30th, & 31st. There will then be the following days in February. The 6th, 7th, & 8th, and then the 12th, 13th, & 14th.
Just a reminder about being in mediation. Many get this confused with arbitration. Being in mediation means a mediator has the ability to do just that, they mediate between the two sides. They do not have the power to make either side agree to what the other side is offering.
A mediator also has control of when we meet, where we meet, and for how long those meetings will be as well as some other things. The union and the company can meet anytime without the mediator, but as of now, the company has refused any meetings outside of the mediator.
I also get asked the question about having to go to arbitration. And once we have to go to a arbitrator, what and how do I think they will rule. Under the RLA and section 6 negotiations, we can not be forced to go to arbitration. We can be offered arbitration by the mediator if they decide they cant get the sides to come to an agreement. However, even if offered arbitration, either side can decline to go to arbitration. Again we can not be forced to go. Being offered a proffer of arbitration by the mediator, in my opinion would be a long way off. The mediator has to basically admit that they cant get the two sides to come to an agreement. They will do whatever they can to get an agreement before offering arbitration. And again it is up to the mediator on how often and how long we meet. Because the steps can be very confusing, this is as far as I will explain for now, since like I said, in my opinion it would be awhile before we would go to the next step anyway. Hopefully we can reach an agreement in these mediated talks.
As we close out this year, and while it might have been a frustrating year for some because we don't have a jcba yet, I ask everyone to realize that you don't want something new, just because its new. Something being new, doesn't mean its better than what you have today. The company brags about how much this contract is worth, and how much they are offering. What they are not telling all of you is what comes a year down the road, or two years down the road. The company wants the ability through their scope proposal to shrink and do away with our work throughout the life of the contract. In other words, if this ends up being a 5 year agreement, it will be up to them on what our fleet numbers will be at the end of the contract. This contract under the companies proposal could actually be less costly to the company each year since they would have the ability to eliminate any work they would want over time. This is going the wrong way!!! Protecting our work is a must as far as I am concerned on bringing any offer out to the membership.
Securing all the work that we perform today for the life of the contract, does not cost the company one dime from what they are spending today. If we are already performing the work, then what's the big deal? Whats the additional cost? This isn't all we are trying to do as far as scope goes, but my point is, is that we cant even get the company to agree to everything we are doing today. This alone should tell everyone how they want to shrink and take away from our work group. This of course is not even to mention the insurance issue.
I know there are many rumors out there. I know how many people listen ( maybe don't believe ) but listen to these rumors. Just remember that these rumors usually come from individuals that have never negotiated with AA or US management. They also could care less that they are feeding you a bunch of crap that simply isn't true. They have no responsibility to answer to you when they are wrong. I have been as informative as I can be on these negotiations. I will tell you when news breaks, and I also will explain in detail the good and not so good of our contract when it is done, so all of you who care to make a educated vote, can understand and will be able to do so. Hang in there, I am confident we will get this done and bring back a leading industry contract.
I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a Safe and Happy New Year!!! Cheers to a great 2019!!