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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Thank you for posting things worth reading it,s a refreshing change

thanks, feel that many of us don't know enough about the company we work for; in terms of labor (tried to get specific fsc numbers) & jet fuel costs..compare those numbers between the major airlines and how they rake in money from credit card deals.

the company purposely does not give out monthly numbers (load factor, etc.) anymore after watching the stock get savaged. originally, i sympathized with them...but i've changed my opinion about them the past few years.

parker seems affable..but you're a ceo and you need to be more than affable. the rest you can have..looks like kirby was a diamond we lost.

all of them look like they are in over their heads. i won't get into the countless errors/gaffes they have made, let alone route planning, 737-max and over-reliance on RJ service. RJ service, a shipwreck rolled into a trainwreck.

Really ?in this environment with no leverage what fear can you impose without getting an injunction in 2 seconds.They can ride this out for years.We are the ones who are getting antsy

who said anything about a job action? to me, what does the company fear the most, or, let's say, what would they protect in earnest? maybe bend a bit on AMT scope, but you can't have $1 dollar of the projected $10+ billion in profits the next 3-4 years??

is the company dumb enough to take us down that path where they wouldn't be able to protect that??
The Fairy Tales get longer and bigger
Good Grief Charlie Brown!

Briefing for 12/31/18

Just a quick reminder of our dates coming up for negotiations. The mediator has scheduled talks to be held with the company in SFO the week of January 14th. Negotiations will be held on the 15th, 16th, & 17th that week. That will be followed by negotiations the week of January 28th, with negotiations on the 29th, 30th, & 31st. There will then be the following days in February. The 6th, 7th, & 8th, and then the 12th, 13th, & 14th.
Just a reminder about being in mediation. Many get this confused with arbitration. Being in mediation means a mediator has the ability to do just that, they mediate between the two sides. They do not have the power to make either side agree to what the other side is offering.
A mediator also has control of when we meet, where we meet, and for how long those meetings will be as well as some other things. The union and the company can meet anytime without the mediator, but as of now, the company has refused any meetings outside of the mediator.

I also get asked the question about having to go to arbitration. And once we have to go to a arbitrator, what and how do I think they will rule. Under the RLA and section 6 negotiations, we can not be forced to go to arbitration. We can be offered arbitration by the mediator if they decide they cant get the sides to come to an agreement. However, even if offered arbitration, either side can decline to go to arbitration. Again we can not be forced to go. Being offered a proffer of arbitration by the mediator, in my opinion would be a long way off. The mediator has to basically admit that they cant get the two sides to come to an agreement. They will do whatever they can to get an agreement before offering arbitration. And again it is up to the mediator on how often and how long we meet. Because the steps can be very confusing, this is as far as I will explain for now, since like I said, in my opinion it would be awhile before we would go to the next step anyway. Hopefully we can reach an agreement in these mediated talks.

As we close out this year, and while it might have been a frustrating year for some because we don't have a jcba yet, I ask everyone to realize that you don't want something new, just because its new. Something being new, doesn't mean its better than what you have today. The company brags about how much this contract is worth, and how much they are offering. What they are not telling all of you is what comes a year down the road, or two years down the road. The company wants the ability through their scope proposal to shrink and do away with our work throughout the life of the contract. In other words, if this ends up being a 5 year agreement, it will be up to them on what our fleet numbers will be at the end of the contract. This contract under the companies proposal could actually be less costly to the company each year since they would have the ability to eliminate any work they would want over time. This is going the wrong way!!! Protecting our work is a must as far as I am concerned on bringing any offer out to the membership.
Securing all the work that we perform today for the life of the contract, does not cost the company one dime from what they are spending today. If we are already performing the work, then what's the big deal? Whats the additional cost? This isn't all we are trying to do as far as scope goes, but my point is, is that we cant even get the company to agree to everything we are doing today. This alone should tell everyone how they want to shrink and take away from our work group. This of course is not even to mention the insurance issue.
I know there are many rumors out there. I know how many people listen ( maybe don't believe ) but listen to these rumors. Just remember that these rumors usually come from individuals that have never negotiated with AA or US management. They also could care less that they are feeding you a bunch of crap that simply isn't true. They have no responsibility to answer to you when they are wrong. I have been as informative as I can be on these negotiations. I will tell you when news breaks, and I also will explain in detail the good and not so good of our contract when it is done, so all of you who care to make a educated vote, can understand and will be able to do so. Hang in there, I am confident we will get this done and bring back a leading industry contract.

I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a Safe and Happy New Year!!! Cheers to a great 2019!!

The Fairy Tales get longer and bigger
Good Grief Charlie Brown!

Briefing for 12/31/18

Just a quick reminder of our dates coming up for negotiations. The mediator has scheduled talks to be held with the company in SFO the week of January 14th. Negotiations will be held on the 15th, 16th, & 17th that week. That will be followed by negotiations the week of January 28th, with negotiations on the 29th, 30th, & 31st. There will then be the following days in February. The 6th, 7th, & 8th, and then the 12th, 13th, & 14th.
Just a reminder about being in mediation. Many get this confused with arbitration. Being in mediation means a mediator has the ability to do just that, they mediate between the two sides. They do not have the power to make either side agree to what the other side is offering.
A mediator also has control of when we meet, where we meet, and for how long those meetings will be as well as some other things. The union and the company can meet anytime without the mediator, but as of now, the company has refused any meetings outside of the mediator.

I also get asked the question about having to go to arbitration. And once we have to go to a arbitrator, what and how do I think they will rule. Under the RLA and section 6 negotiations, we can not be forced to go to arbitration. We can be offered arbitration by the mediator if they decide they cant get the sides to come to an agreement. However, even if offered arbitration, either side can decline to go to arbitration. Again we can not be forced to go. Being offered a proffer of arbitration by the mediator, in my opinion would be a long way off. The mediator has to basically admit that they cant get the two sides to come to an agreement. They will do whatever they can to get an agreement before offering arbitration. And again it is up to the mediator on how often and how long we meet. Because the steps can be very confusing, this is as far as I will explain for now, since like I said, in my opinion it would be awhile before we would go to the next step anyway. Hopefully we can reach an agreement in these mediated talks.

As we close out this year, and while it might have been a frustrating year for some because we don't have a jcba yet, I ask everyone to realize that you don't want something new, just because its new. Something being new, doesn't mean its better than what you have today. The company brags about how much this contract is worth, and how much they are offering. What they are not telling all of you is what comes a year down the road, or two years down the road. The company wants the ability through their scope proposal to shrink and do away with our work throughout the life of the contract. In other words, if this ends up being a 5 year agreement, it will be up to them on what our fleet numbers will be at the end of the contract. This contract under the companies proposal could actually be less costly to the company each year since they would have the ability to eliminate any work they would want over time. This is going the wrong way!!! Protecting our work is a must as far as I am concerned on bringing any offer out to the membership.
Securing all the work that we perform today for the life of the contract, does not cost the company one dime from what they are spending today. If we are already performing the work, then what's the big deal? Whats the additional cost? This isn't all we are trying to do as far as scope goes, but my point is, is that we cant even get the company to agree to everything we are doing today. This alone should tell everyone how they want to shrink and take away from our work group. This of course is not even to mention the insurance issue.
I know there are many rumors out there. I know how many people listen ( maybe don't believe ) but listen to these rumors. Just remember that these rumors usually come from individuals that have never negotiated with AA or US management. They also could care less that they are feeding you a bunch of crap that simply isn't true. They have no responsibility to answer to you when they are wrong. I have been as informative as I can be on these negotiations. I will tell you when news breaks, and I also will explain in detail the good and not so good of our contract when it is done, so all of you who care to make a educated vote, can understand and will be able to do so. Hang in there, I am confident we will get this done and bring back a leading industry contract.

I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a Safe and Happy New Year!!! Cheers to a great 2019!!


So Tim let me ask you. If you stay in ORD how would any Scope loss actually affect you? The Company has promised that they won’t lay off anyone at their Station (No promise not to knock them down to Part Time though) Would ORD lose any work besides possibly Lav Dumps which I assume is less than 20 people since it’s 20 jobs here in MIA and we’re larger than you?

Looking at the deal it doesn’t seem like it would affect you much there? (Me neither in MIA)

You keep Deicing (We don’t deice here)
You don’t have Catering (Neither do we)
So it seems like a wash to me where you and I work.

Hell Tim we probably won’t even lose OT in our 2 cities cause we shouldn’t have any overages if people in OTHER cities are knocked down to PT. (Sweet deal for you and I huh)

So how I see it it’s a win win for you. You get all the money with no damage from any Scope changes if you want OT. And with your Seniority no way they get anywhere near to knocking you back to PT anyway.

Then after it passes you get to call all the Negotiators a bunch of pinhead morons for accepting the deal when people in OTHER cities get buyers remorse.

Sweet deal huh Tim? (Am I Dr Smith or the Robot)
So Tim let me ask you. If you stay in ORD how would any Scope loss actually affect you? The Company has promised that they won’t lay off anyone at their Station (No promise not to knock them down to Part Time though) Would ORD lose any work besides possibly Lav Dumps which I assume is less than 20 people since it’s 20 jobs here in MIA and we’re larger than you?

Looking at the deal it doesn’t seem like it would affect you much there? (Me neither in MIA)

You keep Deicing (We don’t deice here)
You don’t have Catering (Neither do we)
So it seems like a wash to me where you and I work.

Hell Tim we probably won’t even lose OT in our 2 cities cause we shouldn’t have any overages if people in OTHER cities are knocked down to PT. (Sweet deal for you and I huh)

So how I see it it’s a win win for you. You get all the money with no damage from any Scope changes if you want OT. And with your Seniority no way they get anywhere near to knocking you back to PT anyway.

Then after it passes you get to call all the Negotiators a bunch of pinhead morons for accepting the deal when people in OTHER cities get buyers remorse.

Sweet deal huh Tim? (Am I Dr Smith or the Robot)

Both MIA and ORD are 4/10 stations.

Where will the LLCers go when STL closes? The CBA language today allows it to close based on flight activity.

Will they go to 25% cities? In an eventual JCBA will LUS cities be designated 25% & 4/10 based on Kasher? Places like CLT or ONT that LAA didn’t have staffed.

Awful. It's a non starter. Frankie Odonall was leading it and now he is going back to the ramp in PHL I heard. Few at JetBlue are signing. And Delta ramp is a no go as well but it is viable enough to keep Delta at the top of the industry, and that helps us.
The IAM delta flight attendant drive is a complete disaster as well.

Basically, all 3 of these campaigns could have been won in 6 months. But they don't listen and don't care I guess.
That is because Delta is such a pro at keeping the unions out at Delta. I also thought that the mechanics that remain at Delta would some day also go union one day, but Delta just keeps the pay and bennies up enough to keep them at bay...
The Fairy Tales get longer and bigger
Good Grief Charlie Brown!

Briefing for 12/31/18

Just a quick reminder of our dates coming up for negotiations. The mediator has scheduled talks to be held with the company in SFO the week of January 14th. Negotiations will be held on the 15th, 16th, & 17th that week. That will be followed by negotiations the week of January 28th, with negotiations on the 29th, 30th, & 31st. There will then be the following days in February. The 6th, 7th, & 8th, and then the 12th, 13th, & 14th.
Just a reminder about being in mediation. Many get this confused with arbitration. Being in mediation means a mediator has the ability to do just that, they mediate between the two sides. They do not have the power to make either side agree to what the other side is offering.
A mediator also has control of when we meet, where we meet, and for how long those meetings will be as well as some other things. The union and the company can meet anytime without the mediator, but as of now, the company has refused any meetings outside of the mediator.

I also get asked the question about having to go to arbitration. And once we have to go to a arbitrator, what and how do I think they will rule. Under the RLA and section 6 negotiations, we can not be forced to go to arbitration. We can be offered arbitration by the mediator if they decide they cant get the sides to come to an agreement. However, even if offered arbitration, either side can decline to go to arbitration. Again we can not be forced to go. Being offered a proffer of arbitration by the mediator, in my opinion would be a long way off. The mediator has to basically admit that they cant get the two sides to come to an agreement. They will do whatever they can to get an agreement before offering arbitration. And again it is up to the mediator on how often and how long we meet. Because the steps can be very confusing, this is as far as I will explain for now, since like I said, in my opinion it would be awhile before we would go to the next step anyway. Hopefully we can reach an agreement in these mediated talks.

As we close out this year, and while it might have been a frustrating year for some because we don't have a jcba yet, I ask everyone to realize that you don't want something new, just because its new. Something being new, doesn't mean its better than what you have today. The company brags about how much this contract is worth, and how much they are offering. What they are not telling all of you is what comes a year down the road, or two years down the road. The company wants the ability through their scope proposal to shrink and do away with our work throughout the life of the contract. In other words, if this ends up being a 5 year agreement, it will be up to them on what our fleet numbers will be at the end of the contract. This contract under the companies proposal could actually be less costly to the company each year since they would have the ability to eliminate any work they would want over time. This is going the wrong way!!! Protecting our work is a must as far as I am concerned on bringing any offer out to the membership.
Securing all the work that we perform today for the life of the contract, does not cost the company one dime from what they are spending today. If we are already performing the work, then what's the big deal? Whats the additional cost? This isn't all we are trying to do as far as scope goes, but my point is, is that we cant even get the company to agree to everything we are doing today. This alone should tell everyone how they want to shrink and take away from our work group. This of course is not even to mention the insurance issue.
I know there are many rumors out there. I know how many people listen ( maybe don't believe ) but listen to these rumors. Just remember that these rumors usually come from individuals that have never negotiated with AA or US management. They also could care less that they are feeding you a bunch of crap that simply isn't true. They have no responsibility to answer to you when they are wrong. I have been as informative as I can be on these negotiations. I will tell you when news breaks, and I also will explain in detail the good and not so good of our contract when it is done, so all of you who care to make a educated vote, can understand and will be able to do so. Hang in there, I am confident we will get this done and bring back a leading industry contract.

I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a Safe and Happy New Year!!! Cheers to a great 2019!!


Tim, I must say I am impressed with the increase in meeting dates by the union and your company. By meeting 3 days per week with 2 weeks each of the next two months equals slightly more than meeting a full week (6 days over 5 days) per month. That's a lot better than we are getting out of our company's new nego team with only 2 days set for each of the next two months. It just speaks volumes on their intent to not come to a deal as quickly as they keep saying they want. As usual actions speak louder than promises.
In your update he said that the company was refusing to meet without the mediator----funny----our company is doing the exact same over here. They say they are willing to meet anywhere, anyplace and anytime but yet has refused to meet without a mediator. And this is even after the mediator has said we could meet as long as she is updated before the next meeting with her to bring her up to speed.
Just another promise not kept by the new cmte coming in and actually shows their real intent to continue to drag these nego's out for us, so I see nothing until late this year IF anything at all once again. Good luck with yours...
So Tim let me ask you. If you stay in ORD how would any Scope loss actually affect you? The Company has promised that they won’t lay off anyone at their Station (No promise not to knock them down to Part Time though) Would ORD lose any work besides possibly Lav Dumps which I assume is less than 20 people since it’s 20 jobs here in MIA and we’re larger than you?

Looking at the deal it doesn’t seem like it would affect you much there? (Me neither in MIA)

You keep Deicing (We don’t deice here)
You don’t have Catering (Neither do we)
So it seems like a wash to me where you and I work.

Hell Tim we probably won’t even lose OT in our 2 cities cause we shouldn’t have any overages if people in OTHER cities are knocked down to PT. (Sweet deal for you and I huh)

So how I see it it’s a win win for you. You get all the money with no damage from any Scope changes if you want OT. And with your Seniority no way they get anywhere near to knocking you back to PT anyway.

Then after it passes you get to call all the Negotiators a bunch of pinhead morons for accepting the deal when people in OTHER cities get buyers remorse.

Sweet deal huh Tim? (Am I Dr Smith or the Robot)
I already said, I'm a yes voter. It will be leading industry but that doesn't mean as much as it used to since it will be based off of Delta and United, plus a 10% bump in total compensation. Me and you just differ in that you consider the United deal a great deal, whereas I realize it was a classic fail and destroyed the health care for all rampers everywhere. Also, although the United deal opened up the floodgates for part time, temp agents, and UGE, Uncle Jerry proposed limits on PT.
And there is no 'where and when' directed in any station regarding our current work. When Baskett talks about losing work as the years go by, he's referring to the grandfathering in the small stations.
At any rate, it doesn't matter if I like this deal or not, this is it. We are backed into the corner now with no way out since the union gave up all leverage. It's not going to get any better so we have to push this deal as the next one will be even worse. The company would rather we sign the offer but isn't desperate since it currently enjoys all of you TWU peeps in an industry worse contract. And, it has all the leverage since it offered more scope to MX than UA or DL or WN has.
Peterson already agreed to contract out MX jobs by stripping scope. He didn't totally TA a JCBA but toasting a few departments has already been nodded to.

The only thing holding things up now is that the IAM has sneaked in an idea to gain more members with a "B" level employee. When I get the scoop I'll let you know but for now I believe it involves asking the company to give us work at other stations, but with less money and benefits. The company wasn't interested previously from what Fly said. But if all of that changes and I can go to CLE and make only $25 instead of $33 then I'm there. If it means creating another scab envoy or UGE then that would be a shame.
I already said, I'm a yes voter. It will be leading industry but that doesn't mean as much as it used to since it will be based off of Delta and United, plus a 10% bump in total compensation. Me and you just differ in that you consider the United deal a great deal, whereas I realize it was a classic fail and destroyed the health care for all rampers everywhere. Also, although the United deal opened up the floodgates for part time, temp agents, and UGE, Uncle Jerry proposed limits on PT.
And there is no 'where and when' directed in any station regarding our current work. When Baskett talks about losing work as the years go by, he's referring to the grandfathering in the small stations.
At any rate, it doesn't matter if I like this deal or not, this is it. We are backed into the corner now with no way out since the union gave up all leverage. It's not going to get any better so we have to push this deal as the next one will be even worse. The company would rather we sign the offer but isn't desperate since it currently enjoys all of you TWU peeps in an industry worse contract. And, it has all the leverage since it offered more scope to MX than UA or DL or WN has.
Peterson already agreed to contract out MX jobs by stripping scope. He didn't totally TA a JCBA but toasting a few departments has already been nodded to.

The only thing holding things up now is that the IAM has sneaked in an idea to gain more members with a "B" level employee. When I get the scoop I'll let you know but for now I believe it involves asking the company to give us work at other stations, but with less money and benefits. The company wasn't interested previously from what Fly said. But if all of that changes and I can go to CLE and make only $25 instead of $33 then I'm there. If it means creating another scab envoy or UGE then that would be a shame.

Trying to take this straight down the line ignoring some of the hullabaloo.

Where do you see a 10% bump in total compensation? The (gifted) Profit Sharing formula alone puts us behind the 8 ball.

I never said the United deal was a “great” deal. I said it was a dramatic improvement over where they were at.

I know about the PT limits. Let’s see if you really have an Uncle Jerry or a Fly? Tell me what that offer is?

Haven’t heard much on Small Stations besides the 40 and as that’s still an ongoing discussion. (Didn’t ask about the fine print the Company proposed)

Your next 2 paragraphs is mostly blah blah except some of the MX comments without the destructive dramatics of how you stated it.

Your last paragraph I’m going to leave alone as every time I touch it the non Union guy from Delta try’s to stomp his heel on my throat. But I will say I hope you enjoy going back home to CLE. Isn’t the CWA PSA’s already there in a Class 2 city capacity?

BTW Tim since you again brought it up. I don’t think UGE or ENVOY is anywhere near as big as DGS. DGS has 19,000 ground handling employees.


And another problem with trying to regain some of the old cities we lost is that the CWA may have jumped in to take over under the Envoy label? But I’m sure any contracts that exist in those cities as far as the Ground handling groups don’t have any type of job protection if the Company agrees to let us rehabitate.

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Oh I never buy the fish Al. I have way too much fun goin out with the rod and reel myself. Hell since I quit smoking the catch has increased dramatically. The game goes down like shooting ducks in a barrel. (The brochure talk was a joke)

Well hey man it’s been fun playin the old game with ya again man. Been awhile. But you know how I feel about the comic staying on the stage for too long. Let’s not let the act get boring ok.
Like your posts keep us at the edge of our seats
The Fairy Tales get longer and bigger
Good Grief Charlie Brown!

Briefing for 12/31/18

Just a quick reminder of our dates coming up for negotiations. The mediator has scheduled talks to be held with the company in SFO the week of January 14th. Negotiations will be held on the 15th, 16th, & 17th that week. That will be followed by negotiations the week of January 28th, with negotiations on the 29th, 30th, & 31st. There will then be the following days in February. The 6th, 7th, & 8th, and then the 12th, 13th, & 14th.
Just a reminder about being in mediation. Many get this confused with arbitration. Being in mediation means a mediator has the ability to do just that, they mediate between the two sides. They do not have the power to make either side agree to what the other side is offering.
A mediator also has control of when we meet, where we meet, and for how long those meetings will be as well as some other things. The union and the company can meet anytime without the mediator, but as of now, the company has refused any meetings outside of the mediator.

I also get asked the question about having to go to arbitration. And once we have to go to a arbitrator, what and how do I think they will rule. Under the RLA and section 6 negotiations, we can not be forced to go to arbitration. We can be offered arbitration by the mediator if they decide they cant get the sides to come to an agreement. However, even if offered arbitration, either side can decline to go to arbitration. Again we can not be forced to go. Being offered a proffer of arbitration by the mediator, in my opinion would be a long way off. The mediator has to basically admit that they cant get the two sides to come to an agreement. They will do whatever they can to get an agreement before offering arbitration. And again it is up to the mediator on how often and how long we meet. Because the steps can be very confusing, this is as far as I will explain for now, since like I said, in my opinion it would be awhile before we would go to the next step anyway. Hopefully we can reach an agreement in these mediated talks.

As we close out this year, and while it might have been a frustrating year for some because we don't have a jcba yet, I ask everyone to realize that you don't want something new, just because its new. Something being new, doesn't mean its better than what you have today. The company brags about how much this contract is worth, and how much they are offering. What they are not telling all of you is what comes a year down the road, or two years down the road. The company wants the ability through their scope proposal to shrink and do away with our work throughout the life of the contract. In other words, if this ends up being a 5 year agreement, it will be up to them on what our fleet numbers will be at the end of the contract. This contract under the companies proposal could actually be less costly to the company each year since they would have the ability to eliminate any work they would want over time. This is going the wrong way!!! Protecting our work is a must as far as I am concerned on bringing any offer out to the membership.
Securing all the work that we perform today for the life of the contract, does not cost the company one dime from what they are spending today. If we are already performing the work, then what's the big deal? Whats the additional cost? This isn't all we are trying to do as far as scope goes, but my point is, is that we cant even get the company to agree to everything we are doing today. This alone should tell everyone how they want to shrink and take away from our work group. This of course is not even to mention the insurance issue.
I know there are many rumors out there. I know how many people listen ( maybe don't believe ) but listen to these rumors. Just remember that these rumors usually come from individuals that have never negotiated with AA or US management. They also could care less that they are feeding you a bunch of crap that simply isn't true. They have no responsibility to answer to you when they are wrong. I have been as informative as I can be on these negotiations. I will tell you when news breaks, and I also will explain in detail the good and not so good of our contract when it is done, so all of you who care to make a educated vote, can understand and will be able to do so. Hang in there, I am confident we will get this done and bring back a leading industry contract.

I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a Safe and Happy New Year!!! Cheers to a great 2019!!

Isnt this from 2017...16...15
Like your posts keep us at the edge of our seats

Us? Our? Al are you involved in a symbiotic relationship with the readers of this Forum? Are you that old bearded guy like in the Matrix movie?
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