That is because Delta is such a pro at keeping the unions out at Delta. I also thought that the mechanics that remain at Delta would some day also go union one day, but Delta just keeps the pay and bennies up enough to keep them at bay...
That's definitely part of it, but they also actually treat Tech Ops employees like professionals (certainly when compared to the ramp and gates), and that helps too.
BTW Tim since you again brought it up. I don’t think UGE or ENVOY is anywhere near as big as DGS. DGS has 19,000 ground handling employees.
Yep, and a LOT of them work handling other carriers like UAL thanks to the buzzsaw taken to scope clauses.
IAM members on the street or exercising on to the system.
Lack of Scope means UAL can now put the right size A/C on the right route, putting downward pressure on OAL employees (spoiler alert: that includes AA).
DGS handles the work in many places, which means DL profits.
Great job 141!