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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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That's why I gave up CC, the extra money is not worth babysitting or fighting the union/management.
Duly noted. I'm getting burnt out from it actually. Babysitting is dead accurate. Grown men and women act like they are doing work study in college.
So this week according to Tim Nelson we are going to see a TA announcement.

Tim will that be coming out on Friday or earlier?

Can’t wait to vote there Tim.
...Watching my Aunt Die from COPD and breaking her 2 Daughters Hearts that I was still going after that was my final motivation (Along with the clogged Heart pipes)

You're still a jag, but congrats on staying quit; I know firsthand how hard it is.

Duly noted. I'm getting burnt out from it actually. Babysitting is dead accurate. Grown men and women act like they are doing work study in college.

Glorified babysitter is what I call it

Hanging up the radio after all these years was one of the best moves I've made. It was like a work version of a rebirth. I highly recommend it!
Another way of looking at this Crew Chief conversation if you can hack the aggravation that comes with it.

Company is proposing $2.20 for a Fleet CC Premium.

$2.20 x 2080 = $4576.00
x 10 Years = $45,760
Average Market rate of return is 7%

Nice little extra bulk up to your 401k or other Retirement Portfolio.
Company witness Jerry Glass, recognized as an expert in labor relations, states that he has done extensive labor and HR consulting for various industries, with heavy emphasis on RLA airlines and railroads. Mr. Glass states he is Envoy’s principal labor advisor, and has represented it and other airline managements in over 200 collective bargaining relationships.

Supplementing the testimony of other Company witnesses, Mr. Glass testified that all regional air carriers win flying from mainline carriers through a cost-based bidding process. Carriers with the lowest costs are awarded the purchase agreements. In support, Mr. Glass cited anecdotally Air Wisconsin’s loss of Delta’s flying based upon that regional’s high cost structure. A similar fate befell Comair, a wholly owned subsidiary of Delta which ceased flying after losing all mainline carrier flying in late 2010. Sky West, on the other hand, is highly competitive because of its low costs. It has flown for American since 2012 and in 2016 was awarded additional flying. In sum, according to Glass, the fact that a regional is wholly-owned by a mainline in no way assures it will get it parent’s business, and history has shown it has absolutely no competitive advantages solely on that account. Glass says the regional airlines that are growing due to their low costs are Compass, CummutAir, Mesa Airlines, PSA, SkyWest and Trans States. Those which are stagnant or shrinking include Envoy and Piedmont, both owned by American. Thus, in 2011 Envoy had 304 aircraft; today it has 152, its fleet size reduced due to stiff competition from other regional carriers who fly for American, while SkyWest has grown from 294 to 358.

liedmont is almost 100% union and losing. Envoy is union and losing. Not hard to figure out why skywest is gaining. Ole Jerry isnt too fond of unions.
Personally, I usually opt for the higher premium, lower deductible.
As far as the IAM stalling negotiations, once again I will reiterate that LUS IAM medical is their priority. It is obvious by posters comments here alone.
And I doubt very much Petersen's updates will flatly come out and admit it, nor will any other update.
Of course we would like the cheaper medical. But do you really believe the company will all of a sudden give 100,000 plus more employees the cheaper option where it is now just the opposite?
Sorry, I just don't see it happening.
If I were LUS I would not want to give up the medical either. Scope is important to LAA and not to LUS since they gave up Scope in the past. So we have two issues that are non issues to the other airline. The only winners are the LUS and the company as the LUS keep paying less for medical and the company continues to deny LAA basic benefits. So about one third of the association is winning while two thirds are held hostage. So does LAA Scope get sacrificed for LUS medical? Does the medical get sacrificed for the Scope? Thing is we have no idea since we aren't given any information about negotiations. This is a complete mess.
liedmont is almost 100% union and losing. Envoy is union and losing. Not hard to figure out why skywest is gaining. Ole Jerry isnt too fond of unions.

Just being in a Union is not quite the reason they’re losing Tim. Or that Ol Jerry just hates Unions in general. It’s always about Money.

“Emphasizing the substantially different pay structures between the mainline and regional carriers, Mr. Glass recalled how in August 2016 he assisted in American’s joint bargaining with the IAM and TWU representing 35,000 mechanic and related, fleet service, maintenance technicians, stock clerks and others. That settlement, according to Glass, was “astonishingly huge,” and, unfortunately, was announced simultaneously with Envoy’s TWU tentative agreement containing modest pay increases. According to Glass, American’s President and others stated their preference for placing all regional flying with the three wholly owned carriers, “but it’s all predicated on costs.”

“Envoy has a very bright future if it can keep its costs in line.”
Just being in a Union is not quite the reason they’re losing Tim. Or that Ol Jerry just hates Unions in general. It’s always about Money.

“Emphasizing the substantially different pay structures between the mainline and regional carriers, Mr. Glass recalled how in August 2016 he assisted in American’s joint bargaining with the IAM and TWU representing 35,000 mechanic and related, fleet service, maintenance technicians, stock clerks and others. That settlement, according to Glass, was “astonishingly huge,” and, unfortunately, was announced simultaneously with Envoy’s TWU tentative agreement containing modest pay increases. According to Glass, American’s President and others stated their preference for placing all regional flying with the three wholly owned carriers, “but it’s all predicated on costs.”

“Envoy has a very bright future if it can keep its costs in line.”

Some of you Forums readers may find this 2 word comment by Jerry Glass interesting? He was obviously talking about our 2016 Wage bump.

“Astonishingly huge”

“””Mr. Glass recalled how in August 2016 he assisted in American’s joint bargaining with the IAM and TWU representing 35,000 mechanic and related, fleet service, maintenance technicians, stock clerks and others. That settlement, according to Glass, was “astonishingly huge,” “””
BTW WeAAsles I am done sticking you in the eye with a dull rusty knife, for Today...
If I were LUS I would not want to give up the medical either. Scope is important to LAA and not to LUS since they gave up Scope in the past. So we have two issues that are non issues to the other airline. The only winners are the LUS and the company as the LUS keep paying less for medical and the company continues to deny LAA basic benefits. So about one third of the association is winning while two thirds are held hostage. So does LAA Scope get sacrificed for LUS medical? Does the medical get sacrificed for the Scope? Thing is we have no idea since we aren't given any information about negotiations. This is a complete mess.
What are you referring to with LUS giving up scope? Are you Mtc? Fleet? In FLEET... Through LUS restructuring/Bankruptcy, the IAM decided to protect jobs and take a lower pay rate. This is one reason the IAM is in 36 cities (35 plus CLP). LAA Through restructuring/Bankruptcy, The TWU decided to protect wage. That is one reason they are only in 17 cities right now.
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