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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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NYers words are going to come back to haunt us. I hate to say this but he told us about things only being temporary and that dragging things out as me and weez want isnt necessarily going to increase any offers.
I wanted to address Petersons statements and the statements of racer and you about your section 6 comments and sticking together. Do you expect a better outcome if we stalled in section 6, and if so, why?

What does it matter if we’re going to have a TA next week?

Why are we discussing it? It’s irrelevant.
NYers words are going to come back to haunt us. I hate to say this but he told us about things only being temporary and that dragging things out as me and weez want isnt necessarily going to increase any offers.

Excuse me? Are you talking to yourself again here Precious? (Sméagol)

that proves my point. So stop chest thumping like racer.

Proves your point about what. Again what the hell are you talking about?
That may be your interpretation. My interpretation is that working for your members is first securing them jobs. After that comes the other important items such as wages ,healthcare, and retirement.
It was not stated that the company WANTS to outsource all that work. What has been stated is that the company WANTS THE ABILITY to outsource the work that they decide.
Same thing,you want to live looking over your shoulder the next 5 years?If the contract is worded that way its really not a contract.Seems like something they would try to get away with in bankruptcy
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Air Local 512
Weekly Update

August 17, 2018

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Let’s start off with an update on the Equity Distribution; on the President’s call the International will meet with their lawyers on ways to apply pressure to the IRS with regards to the refund. It has been a very frustrating path, and they hope they can find resolution on this matter.

The Executive Negotiations committee will meet again on the 22nd and 23rd in Washington. They will continue to fight against the company's push to own the scope language. We have historically owned our work, and some of it pried away in bankruptcy. We need to be committed to staying strong and united.

It's fascinating that the company has not put out a video promoting their stance on owning the scope language. Very easy for them to flash money in front of you with one hand and take away jobs on the other side.

New Bus schedule on September 01at midnight so please be cautious on the change. The schedule will be posted soon, two location will still be K19 with one, two, and three lot parking and G/L stops with four and five lot parking to the terminal.

No changes to the fifteen-minute intervals except during peaks with double buses or 00, 05, 10, 15, 20, 30, 35, 45, 50. Stop #6 will eventually be eliminated. Please continue to use the red light at the bus shelter #6 for pick-up and only board bus that is going to a preferred drop-off point.

In this week’s meeting with management, the top discussion is the continued co-mingling of the AA lunch area with Envoy. The company added more seating and a refrigerator to the Envoy lunch area. But we expressed that without the back restrooms being fixed and remodeled this problem will continue. Projects of repairing Envoy's back offices and restrooms remain set. They will refresh the old work-out room to a break area, with no timeline set.

Additional discussions on IAB pier mats, they are still waiting on vendor delivery. Continued debate on IAB/T5 bathrooms with the city, we are looking for total remodeling. The roadway from L10 to M3 the company will discuss with the city on grinding the bumps. Inbound/bagroom power washing scheduling, new T-link performance, and missing airbus water stands on the H-side were discussed.

The company has an ORD Hub page in Jetnet, you can access it by typing in search ORD HUB, then click on it. All information pertaining to our hub is on it and it also has a Question and Answer section. Please use it for all questions pertaining to our bus situation. You will get more direct answers from management.

512 Strong

Juan Elvira
TWU Local 512
Air Local 512
Weekly Update

August 17, 2018

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Let’s start off with an update on the Equity Distribution; on the President’s call the International will meet with their lawyers on ways to apply pressure to the IRS with regards to the refund. It has been a very frustrating path, and they hope they can find resolution on this matter.

The Executive Negotiations committee will meet again on the 22nd and 23rd in Washington. They will continue to fight against the company's push to own the scope language. We have historically owned our work, and some of it pried away in bankruptcy. We need to be committed to staying strong and united.

It's fascinating that the company has not put out a video promoting their stance on owning the scope language. Very easy for them to flash money in front of you with one hand and take away jobs on the other side.

New Bus schedule on September 01at midnight so please be cautious on the change. The schedule will be posted soon, two location will still be K19 with one, two, and three lot parking and G/L stops with four and five lot parking to the terminal.

No changes to the fifteen-minute intervals except during peaks with double buses or 00, 05, 10, 15, 20, 30, 35, 45, 50. Stop #6 will eventually be eliminated. Please continue to use the red light at the bus shelter #6 for pick-up and only board bus that is going to a preferred drop-off point.

In this week’s meeting with management, the top discussion is the continued co-mingling of the AA lunch area with Envoy. The company added more seating and a refrigerator to the Envoy lunch area. But we expressed that without the back restrooms being fixed and remodeled this problem will continue. Projects of repairing Envoy's back offices and restrooms remain set. They will refresh the old work-out room to a break area, with no timeline set.

Additional discussions on IAB pier mats, they are still waiting on vendor delivery. Continued debate on IAB/T5 bathrooms with the city, we are looking for total remodeling. The roadway from L10 to M3 the company will discuss with the city on grinding the bumps. Inbound/bagroom power washing scheduling, new T-link performance, and missing airbus water stands on the H-side were discussed.

The company has an ORD Hub page in Jetnet, you can access it by typing in search ORD HUB, then click on it. All information pertaining to our hub is on it and it also has a Question and Answer section. Please use it for all questions pertaining to our bus situation. You will get more direct answers from management.

512 Strong

Juan Elvira
TWU Local 512
It's one thing if the guy is outside freezing and you let him warm up in your area but eat with people who do what was once your job nahh.I don't even eat in a TWU lunchroom
It's one thing if the guy is outside freezing and you let him warm up in your area but eat with people who do what was once your job nahh.I don't even eat in a TWU lunchroom

Normally I would edit a posting like this just to include the parts that interest all of us, IE: The Equity And Negotiations.

But I posted the entirety this time because I thought it was a great example of information sharing done the right way.

All TWU President’s IMO could learn something from these weekly updates that President Elvira has been providing every Friday to his Membership since he took office.
It's one thing if the guy is outside freezing and you let him warm up in your area but eat with people who do what was once your job nahh.I don't even eat in a TWU lunchroom

ord is a station that has lost apprx. 1,000 f/t jobs since 2000-2001. many of those jobs have been replaced by eagle/envoy. the company's strategy of regionals over mainline has gutted this station.

naturally, there is some animosity on both sides. where i work, the company rented a broom closet for envoy...after a few episodes in the aa ready room.....lack of seats/microwaves for all and arguments over what to watch on tv.

envoy was told by the aa management, NOT to come into the aa ready room anymore. there was some tension for awhile.
i believe so, yes. different locals, though.

the union got involved and they discussed the issues with management and management got behind the aa fscs and told envoy to stay out.

i have no problem with anyone personally, but envoy is a contract company. if we let envoy in the room, take the door off and let everyone come in. swissport and other riff-raff. before aa put a lock on the door, other ground handlers would sleep, eat and watch tv in the aa ready room overnight...raid the refrigerator..etc.

currently, someone broke the lock on the door and the room is open overnight. company doesn't seem to be too bothered to fix the lock. electric tractor charging cords are being stolen by the dozens over the past few months...likely to be sold for copper. company knows...as far as i know, they are not pressing for camera evidence to present to corporate security/police. as i said, no one cares. CSMs coasting...earning $75k/yr...don't want to be bothered.

envoy uses our equipment (bag carts) and many of them wear aa vests/hats and maybe they just assumed they could come into the aa ready room for air conditioning/refrigerate their food/have loud conversations and watch what they want on tv.
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i believe so, yes. different locals, though.

the union got involved and they discussed the issues with management and management got behind the aa fscs and told envoy to stay out.

i have no problem with anyone personally, but envoy is a contract company. if we let envoy in the room, take the door off and let everyone come in. swissport and other riff-raff. before aa put a lock on the door, other ground handlers would sleep, eat and watch tv in the aa ready room overnight...raid the refrigerator..etc.

currently, someone broke the lock on the door and the room is open overnight. company doesn't seem to be too bothered to fix the lock. electric tractor charging cords are being stolen by the dozens over the past few months...likely to be sold for copper. company knows...as far as i know, they are not pressing for camera evidence to present to corporate security/police. as i said, no one cares. CSMs coasting...earning $75k/yr...don't want to be bothered.

envoy uses our equipment (bag carts) and many of them wear aa vests/hats and maybe they just assumed they could come into the aa ready room for air conditioning/refrigerate their food/have loud conversations and watch what they want on tv.
The ord problem resulted in "altercations" as well but the main problem is that envoy has almost no breakrooms or toilets. Nobody there seems smart enough to make one simple osha call. The envoy bagroom has 150 agents, one toilet, and a breakroom with 4 chairs. Same on the ramp. So packs of them rush and overtake american lunch areas. Loud, seemingly unruly, and trash the place then leave like a tornado been through. This is a management problem as our contracts allow for sanitary space etc. The previous twu local leadership didnt address this from what I observed but the new executive board has been impressive with the businesslike approach by Elvira and his bulldog Shwed?? After a short time in office, we are getting quck results and this includes the bus lots.
I blame some envoy peeps who act like undeireables but management treats them like dogs with no space so it incites imo a dangerous or unhealthy situation. Hopefully, we can get a few things clarified in the contract. I want the envoy work and i think we should be running express bags tail to tail. Unfortunately the twu agreed to give this work up for management. We need this work back.
So they are talking this week. I guess there is a chance we might have a TA. I am not sure if we are done or going to section 6 though. The person who seems to know sometimes has a hard time making up his mind. We could use a clear answer from the superfly.
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