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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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lol. Held hostage?? You have a funny way of looking at things
That's the big talking point among the dividers -- they claim they are "held hostage" and "forced" to do this... and forced to do that... I guess they are also being forced to work for an airline that is composed of the results of multiple bankruptcies, and mergers, from which they actually were "forced" to participate in.
No mention of any of this from them regarding this though, it's all the union(s) doing the hostage taking, arm twisting, and forcing! >SPIT<
"Racer, let me ask a simple question. What is the harm in letting the members have a voice?
Are you familiar with the contract ratification process? The Membership has the ultimate, and FINAL voice in any contract they agree to work under!
You obviously blow smoke and division for a hidden agenda...
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That's my biggest problem. The IAM gets what they want the longer they stall or refuse to agree on anything. Meanwhile the TWU continues to suffer. Although we should not be quick to accept anything his analogy of a starving man being told to not eat the hamburger is more like the guy telling him to ignore the hamburger just finished his own hamburger and is ordering desert. I have a great idea... How about the IAM and TWU swap benefits for the next two years? Then we can sit tight and wait while they live with what we have now. Also let them pay the medical premiums we pay today while we get theirs. Then we'll be taking home more $$$ than they are plus work one week less than they do a year. I would bet their attitudes would change.


We are trying to secure better wages, retirement, scope and insurance for all. You would think we would all stick together on these. Geez, unbelievable.

P. Rez
what if Parker isnt bluffing and that the economics have changed so less will be on the table, especially if the economy goes south. How long would the twu be willing to support a stall?
what if Parker isnt bluffing and that the economics have changed so less will be on the table, especially if the economy goes south. How long would the twu be willing to support a stall?
What if Trump crashes the global economy, and starts WWIII? What if we are hit by an asteroid that wipes all life all the planet? My bet is the N/C is not factoring these components into their equation...
That's the big talking point among the dividers -- they claim they are "held hostage" and "forced" to do this... and forced to do that... I guess they are also being forced to work for an airline that is composed of the results of multiple bankruptcies, and mergers, from which they actually were "forced" to participate in.
No mention of any of this from them regarding this though, it's all the union(s) doing the hostage taking, arm twisting, and forcing! >SPIT<

Are you familiar with the contract ratification process? The Membership has the ultimate, and FINAL voice in any contract they agree to work under!
You obviously blow smoke and division for a hidden agenda...
What's that hidden agenda sniffer, do tell. You know all...tell me and everyone else in these forums what that hidden agenda is. And if it's true, I may just give you and your boy some green and gold...lol Thanks for the Funny, I was running out, sniffer...lmao
What's that hidden agenda sniffer, do tell. You know all...tell me and everyone else in these forums what that hidden agenda is. And if it's true, I may just give you and your boy some green and gold...lol Thanks for the Funny, I was running out, sniffer...lmao
You first... tell 700... he still reads...
I love a man who thinks I have a great sense of humor...Obsess much Bro?

  • PIEDMONT784 rated your post
    Funny in the thread American Airlines and Labor Negotiations.

    9:36 PM
Actually SPIT, I'm gonna leave you alone, that's pretty damn scary to be honest.
Please leave me alone, please!
Actually SPIT, I'm gonna leave you alone, that's pretty damn scary to be honest.
Please leave me alone, please!
I'm sure with >SPIT< absent and not giving out his "feel good" green and gold
Dude, let's talk "obsession"... I WAS f-ing leaving you alone. Until you went and posted this, which appears to be actually be an "obsession"...


P.S. 700 says hello 770 times...
No Bro, it's an answer you don't want to hear. It's an answer, just not to your liking.
To your second analogy...It's their choice if the want the burger today or wait till later.
And obviously it's the Association desire to have it eaten later.
But I understand your IAM and you look at things from a different perspective. You're getting your way. May not be the majority way, but you're getting your way...
You made a statement. I asked “ how is it beneficial” You said it just is..Period. That’s not an answer. It’s like answering a question with...”because”.
That's my biggest problem. The IAM gets what they want the longer they stall or refuse to agree on anything. Meanwhile the TWU continues to suffer. Although we should not be quick to accept anything his analogy of a starving man being told to not eat the hamburger is more like the guy telling him to ignore the hamburger just finished his own hamburger and is ordering desert. I have a great idea... How about the IAM and TWU swap benefits for the next two years? Then we can sit tight and wait while they live with what we have now. Also let them pay the medical premiums we pay today while we get theirs. Then we'll be taking home more $$$ than they are plus work one week less than they do a year. I would bet their attitudes would change.
Whether you know it or not You are making the point of the medical being worth fighting for. And that the other gains are worth it also.
Wrong. I want us ALL TO EAT STEAK
Bro, one remark is not an Obsession. If that were the case, we all are obsessed. So again, leave me alone. Your stability is in question, please leave me alone.
I have a deal for you...NEVER mention >SPIT< or PIEDMONT784, or any variation thereof, and I will NEVER reply to anything you post... or even rate your posts "funny"... deal?

There is also the ignore function. It works well, I've not heard a word from Josh since I used it for him...
You made a statement. I asked “ how is it beneficial” You said it just is..Period. That’s not an answer. It’s like answering a question with...”because”.
Hey Racer, let me quote me and lets compare it to your spin. Here is exactly what I said:
" So to specifically answer your question, Section 6 (or the dragging out of negotiations for months if not years) definitely helps the IAM and hurts the TWU, period."
I got to say wow. And don't play me the fool. You know as well as I do the longer it takes to get a T/A or even a AIP via Section 6 or negotiations being prolonged the longer you (IAM) keep what you have and the longer we (TWU) work under BK concessions. Go read some of the boards Racer, many of your guys claim "I'm fine with Section 6, I get what I have longer". If you need quotes, I'll provide them.
I have a deal for you...NEVER mention >SPIT< or PIEDMONT784, or any variation thereof, and I will NEVER reply to anything you post... or even rate your posts "funny"... deal?

There is also the ignore function. It works well, I've not heard a word from Josh since I used it for him...
I don't need the ignore, but you have a deal.
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