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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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This is where you and others lose ALL credibility. You earn roughly $105,000 per year FT BASE pay. And that doesn’t even include any OT or your 401k Match.

You have the NERVE to say you’re making the crumbs? WTF, get real.

I make $40,000 per year BASE less than you and why don’t you go ask what the people over at ENVOY make per year. Hint: A hell of a lot less than you and I.

Crumbs?!?!?!? WOW!!!!!!
Buck just clarified his earnings to be $108,000 and not $105,000. That comment in itself shows a measure of gloating about how much he makes. He likes that income.

Not gloating, just trying to show you that each base wage is set by the Dept of Labor, then the employer sets his budget but needs the ability to attract workers and his employees want what their peers earn.

The more money that members make the less they are going to put that money at risk and why a drive of this magnitude won’t be successful. “Money talks, BS walks”

Shockingly I do agree with your “reasonable resistance” comment. Not sure if this is the right time for it though but it is what it is I guess.

Attacking non supporters and fence sitters was their MO all the other times as well. Not a winning strategy.

See you do not even get your own point. I earned
Not sure if “Unlimited Part Time” in IAM Represented Fleet Service is why IBT UAL Mechanics have a 7th week of Vacation but no I wouldn’t vote to lose something to give you more and I wouldn’t expect you to either.

$108,000. Pretty nice job that Association did getting you that huh. 🙂

Of course I know why you “earn” more than I do and I think you “earn” every penny of it. But the posters “crumbs” line is asinine and you and I both know it. When I say I should make as much as you I’m being completely facetious. Go back to the context of the conversation and that should be pretty obvious.

I firmly believe that if you ever did leave the Ass. for real things would be much more difficult for you over time than they are now. AMFA at SWA proves that. Almost 6 years Negotiating only to finally get raises but no improvements at all to their SCOPE.

I think together yes your Groups do help us more than we help you but we would fare better than you would going with an “independent” Union. That’s my opinion and I’m sticking with it.

You missed my point. What was in it for the IBT to try and help the TWU? And I say absolutely nothing as they were no longer under the AFL/CIO umbrella or their Constitutional no raiding clause. Yes the IBT had their own drive along with your AMFA one. Vultures always swoop in when they think possible prey is weak. TWU DID prove they weren’t as week as they appeared.

And on your last comment you mean “why” some or many even of the Mechanics are angry. I’ve always found individuals attempting to speak for all just a little insulting especially in very large groups like yours. I would never presume myself.
Oh I’m 100% sure there were shenanigans happening on both sides. And I’ll never understand why anyone looking to change Unions is going to think the already embedded Union is going to make it easy for them?

Of course they’re not. Not just because of those in positions who don’t want to lose them or the dues flow but because there are still members who don’t support the change that you need to battle.

Ok I’ve never understood this? Where did the AMFA Drive organizers get their eligibility list from? Who is LEGALLY required to provide those organizers a list?

Wouldn’t the NMB check that list for any inaccuracies? (Please don’t tell me the NMB is in cahoots)

BTW depending on how old that list might be wouldn’t you actually have some of those people die, retire, quit or go into Management for real?
****'s getting real old!

From what I understood this week was supposed to be mainly about the Association presenting a counter proposal to the one they received 2 weeks ago from the Company?

And if that was the case that’s all that needed to be said. Not all the fuss and muss that just sounds like a retread of countless other updates.

It’s like one side wants to stick to the script and the other side wants us to see what’s going on behind the curtain?
Not sure if “Unlimited Part Time” in IAM Represented Fleet Service is why IBT UAL Mechanics have a 7th week of Vacation but no I wouldn’t vote to lose something to give you more and I wouldn’t expect you to either.

$108,000. Pretty nice job that Association did getting you that huh. 🙂

At which you had ample opportunity to do, BTW $135, $138 and 2017, $103.
I had missing hours

Of course I know why you “earn” more than I do and I think you “earn” every penny of it. But the posters “crumbs” line is asinine and you and I both know it. When I say I should make as much as you I’m being completely facetious. Go back to the context of the conversation and that should be pretty obvious.

I firmly believe that if you ever did leave the Ass. for real things would be much more difficult for you over time than they are now. AMFA at SWA proves that. Almost 6 years Negotiating only to finally get raises but no improvements at all to their SCOPE.

I think together yes your Groups do help us more than we help you but we would fare better than you would going with an “independent” Union. That’s my opinion and I’m sticking with it.

You missed my point. What was in it for the IBT to try and help the TWU? And I say absolutely nothing as they were no longer under the AFL/CIO umbrella or their Constitutional no raiding clause. Yes the IBT had their own drive along with your AMFA one. Vultures always swoop in when they think possible prey is weak. TWU DID prove they weren’t as week as they appeared.

And on your last comment you mean “why” some or many even of the Mechanics are angry. I’ve always found individuals attempting to speak for all just a little insulting especially in very large groups like yours. I would never presume myself.
Buck congratulations on your money earning capabilities and all those extra hours you put in to generate even more.

More power to ya.
Seems to me this hardball crap should be waning by now.
nothing hardball. Ours is done. Period. Mx is almost done after this week. They just put the negative spin on it so when it comes out, they can say they busted their asses. What is telling is that neither party filed section 6 like me and NYer said.

Mx almost came to an agreement this week. maybe only one week is left. below is the mx negotiation chart put out a few hours ago. Only 3 items remain, each of which is 95% already completed. Not sure what the statement "almost all fleet jobs could be gone" cuz i got word that fleet is a wrap and this week was focused on MX.
The subject line says it all. Everyone expected a TA as the association moved a tweak closer to the company position with its last offer....and the company didnt move closer to ta. The body of the letter suggest a big gulf but its really close as the remaining fight is one protecting the unborn for mx. Im guessing fleet has some UA language in it but id be surprised if there is no deal by September. Its really close.
nothing hardball. Ours is done. Period. Mx is almost done after this week. They just put the negative spin on it so when it comes out, they can say they busted their asses. What is telling is that neither party filed section 6 like me and NYer said.

Mx almost came to an agreement this week. maybe only one week is left. below is the mx negotiation chart put out a few hours ago. Only 3 items remain, each of which is 95% already completed. Not sure what the statement "almost all fleet jobs could be gone" cuz i got word that fleet is a wrap and this week was focused on MX.
View attachment 13170

You forgot to post the second chart. The major items are still not complete. By the way, why did you state the chart you posted is from " a few hours ago". When it is the same chart dated 7/26?

You forgot to post the second chart. The major items are still not complete. By the way, why did you state the chart you posted is from " a few hours ago". When it is the same chart dated 7/26?

about two weeks. I was being sarcastic about the dopey chart. The duration article is 95% complete. Thats funny. That article is either zero or 100% just like other articles. Well, at least I dont have to watch any more underwear commercials from Gary Peterson. He needs to review his videos more closely but at least he took the misplaced mirror away.
Actually, NOT a useless update!
Not sure about other stations, but at mine, local union reps have been saying that they "really shouldn't say anything, but we are very close to an agreement because we are making alot of progress on scope., blah blah blah." Well they DID say something!
And after reading this update, I think it is safe to say that the union and ASS are "allowing' this rumor to spread so as to thwart and slow down the AMP card effort....
So actually I believe this update. No matter how much tough talk the ASS spews out, the proof is in the status of negotiations.
No one seems to be budging.
So although it seems to be the same useless update, it actually means ain't nuthin happen'!
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I and others have been saying let us have more input, let us decide. The members can vote it in or send a strong message. Apparently Alex and the TWU are being lap dogs to the IAM and allowing their leadership to call the shots and drag us into Section 6. Obviously they benefit and LAA/TWU must work under the BK contract another 18-24 months. Well played Association.

That guy that wears the association tee shirt proudly, when he walks around the ramp do people try to wipe their ass on His shirt tail?
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