American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Actually it’s worse than that on fleet side only 1.50 here for cc

Sorry rat but Buck can’t use those facts as they don’t support the narrative of the poor, unfairly mistreated Airline Mechanic.

Please only supply information that agrees with the LAA AMT making less than any others (Ignore LUS and any of the Related groups too as they really don’t care about them anyway)
Nah, not getting involved in mx issues.I wish them all the best

I obviously have a harder time resisting the BS artists I guess.

Maybe if we weren’t “tied” to their ASSes I wouldn’t give a rats tail either?
When will we be trading your $105,000 yearly salary for my $65,000 yearly salary?

We do that and I’ll glady give you both our $2,09 AND full pay for first day sick?

Do we have a deal?

I guess I just wonder why its different? Surprising to me.
I guess I just wonder why its different? Surprising to me.

Very fair question to ask but let me ask you one in return. Why does an AMT at TOS make over $11.00 per hour more than me?

Answer is because especially in the areas of economics we negotiate separately. We negotiate separately anyway but in some areas like say Holidays why shouldn’t it be fair across the board? (Don’t need to read the IAM spiel again)

On other differences let’s take the Bankruptcy as an example. Ultimately all work groups needed to give back 17% of their Contracts costs and each group decided how best to craft what was going to be given to satisfy both the Court and pass a Membership vote (Yes you had a vote)

Your Negotiators made their choices and in many areas over the years seem to have chosen to lean heavier on keeping jobs against compensation.

The guy at the bottom of the totem pole may have LOVED that decision where the guy at the top might have HATED it? It’s all up to your own perceptions on it.
Nah, not getting involved in mx issues.I wish them all the best

Smart move. Just let the mechanics go into their own mechanics union as it will benefit both groups by far.
The poster I believe you are answering is just trying to not allow AMP to get enough cards for an election, but I honestly think it will happen this time around since they picked AMP.
Good luck in your nego's, I hope you guys are successful in getting a T/A for your group as well. It's time we all move on to greener pastures...
Correct. And as a matter of fact the $2.20 offer from the Company takes that even higher, but still that’s only one aspect of any overall compensation package.

Buck wants to focus only on an area where it makes his agenda look good ignoring other areas that make his agenda look utterly and hopelessly ridiculous.

An AMT is paid in BASE wages far more than a FSC and also the last time I checked FSC don’t gain any License Premium Compensation either.

But let’s get back to focusing on that first day, half pay sick day for the poor downtrodden, mistreated Airline Mechanic. The poor souls.
I’ll tell you what WeAAz....when you have to worry about every job you do and make sure it is done to the letter of FAA law, then you can have our TOS wage. I have seen mechanics lose their licenses and essentially their livliehoods due to not following FAR’s. Do you have to worry about losing your licenses? Did you ever have an FAA inspector watch you work a task, then question every step? And God help you if you didn’t follow the procedure verbatim?
I am not saying you and your group do not do your jobs professionally... but questioning why you make less than a mechanic is a bit of a stretch.
I don’t complain because an automotive or plant mechanics makes what amounts to chump change less than I do and doesn’t have he FAA to worry about nor do I complain that a pilot makes more than I do
with not necessarily any higher level of education than I do. All employees in any organization at every level are important. Some just carry more responsibility than others and should be compensated for it!
I’ll tell you what WeAAz....when you have to worry about every job you do and make sure it is done to the letter of FAA law, then you can have our TOS wage. I have seen mechanics lose their licenses and essentially their livliehoods due to not following FAR’s. Do you have to worry about losing your licenses? Did you ever have an FAA inspector watch you work a task, then question every step? And God help you if you didn’t follow the procedure verbatim?
I am not saying you and your group do not do your jobs professionally... but questioning why you make less than a mechanic is a bit of a stretch.
I don’t complain because an automotive or plant mechanics makes what amounts to chump change less than I do and doesn’t have he FAA to worry about nor do I complain that a pilot makes more than I do
with not necessarily any higher level of education than I do. All employees in any organization at every level are important. Some just carry more responsibility than others and should be compensated for it!

If Bucky can question the differences in Crew Chief stipends I have absolutely EVERY right to question why you make $11.00 + more than me not even counting that $5.00 License premium.

Maybe we should earn the same wages then since your License is what actually makes you an AMT anyway?

I’m just going to start following other asinine posters narratives from now on, what do you say?
Are there negotiations going on or at least some secret sessions or is everyone on vacation?
Are there negotiations going on or at least some secret sessions or is everyone on vacation?
Al, there was an Association update posted here somewhere yesterday. But like most of their updates, it was pretty useless.
If Bucky can question the differences in Crew Chief stipends I have absolutely EVERY right to question why you make $11.00 + more than me not even counting that $5.00 License premium.

Maybe we should earn the same wages then since your License is what actually makes you an AMT anyway?

I’m just going to start following other asinine posters narratives from now on, what do you say?
No problem. So why don’t I make as much as a pilot? After all when the plane is on auto pilot, maintenance is actually flying it!
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