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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Laugh all you want X NYer knows his chit and the MIA folks rewarded him with a landslide election a couple of years ago

I wouldn’t go as far as to say landslide. Recording Secretary Manny Lorenzama had a landslide victory. But I digress and maybe you should be asking NYer those tough questions then Al instead of “bothering” others?

I wouldn’t go as far as to say landslide. Recording Secretary Manny Lorenzama had a landslide victory. But I digress and maybe you should be asking NYer those tough questions then Al instead of “bothering” others?

It might be tough to get anything out of NYer he doesn't spread gossip and if told something is confidential he keeps it that way.Perhaps I 'll go t Fly another reliable source.I 'll let you know what I see on Facebook since you are blocked on so many sites.I don't considerate it a bother because I consider you a friend
Well if it’s on Facebook it must be true ,that settles it then
I’m gonna pull back this time and bite my tongue.
Appears to b 3 factors melting the ice Tim's DOL uncuffing Sito,the card drive lighting a match to Sitos ass and last the company easing the scope language which they really didn't have to do because of the first two factors
Sorry dude the healthcare being held up was merely a bi product of you chasing your own self interest .Now you are just using that to cover your ass.I don’t believe for a minute that had you gotten elected you could have done anything about what may happen with healthcare hopefully you’ll live up to your other promises
Cover my ass?? How? I don't have to cover anything nor do I owe anyone anything. Well, at any rate, the health care isn't being held up anymore. Like I said, for me and many many singles at LUS, it's only a small bump like $50 but it really is thousands for families as you know. No dam stopping this now. I tried but not good enough. Sorry.
Appears to b 3 factors melting the ice Tim's DOL uncuffing Sito,the card drive lighting a match to Sitos ass and last the company easing the scope language which they really didn't have to do because of the first two factors
I'll wash out some of the small cost of health care increases for single, by reducing my dues. I suggest that all LUS reduce their dues by becoming a dues objector once the JCBA comes in and the IAM hoses their health care.
I'll wash out some of the small cost of health care increases for single, by reducing my dues. I suggest that all LUS reduce their dues by becoming a dues objector once the JCBA comes in and the IAM hoses their health care.
Tim you'll be TWU like me they get 4 hours a quarter to do their tests, that should cover our increase.Family plan holders are screwed
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sadly, your current health care is now on expedite to the trash. Tried telling you but you just dont listen. My health care will only go up $50.
Ironically, i was the only one holding this healthcare up thru legalities. Yet im the bad guy.
Well, enjoy. You will now get what you deserve. And i lost nothing nor gained nothing trying to block a jcba due to health care. You cant tell me with a straight face that any other soul will stand up to Sito on this. CB already stood down to keep his own check rolling in when he voted to hammer Uniteds healthcare.

I was fighting it over there but you blockheads busted my balls and said it was none of my business. Now you understand that when the iam agrees at another airline that Parker wants the same pattern.

No. no egg on my face. I tried my best even though a new contract will help me and i dont lose thousands on healthcare.

And another thing, im done fighting for your group. When the ta comes out, im not wasting my time explaining anything and im not going to resist it or campaign against it. Ill get my bonus just like the rest of you and take a 4 day resort vacation with my brand new 6th week!
Tim you'll be TWU like me they get 4 hours a quarter to do their tests, that should cover our increase.Family plan holders are screwed
for me, personally, the offer is a plus.
concession of $50 healthcare sucks.
increasing money into the projected critically status pension blows.(lus members are going to get hosed again here but its their own fault because they dont read or listen).
Increased part time (doesnt affect me)

The gains, 1 week of vacation
15 minute breaks
expanded double time
shift differ
10 paid holidays or 2 more weeks of vacation.
12 sick days
paid suspensions
4 hr training per quarter
save $14 a mnth being a dues objector
Time half on holiday.

Catering is going to stay. Lavs is gone.
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