You mean the way you do NYer? Hypocrite much?? I see you already have another comment waiting for me. Shoo, go away and take your "Winner" fairy with you. I have other adults I need to converse with and you two are a waist of time...later boys!
This response is not particularly for you but for the people who read here.
Here’s what I finally recognize about this particular poster. He’s under a time constraint. He has 4 years left to go and is trying to maximize that value prior to leaving. So yes in his Worldview he does see particular fights as being a waste of his time. Completely understandable now and if I were in his shoes I’d be feeling the same way. (I’m not in his shoes though)
The way I’m looking at it for maximizing my long term value is this way.
I have roughly 10 years or so left before I retire. I want our Negotiators to do it right this time so they have no excuses the next time when this contract comes up for renewal.
Historically now we’re seeing 4 and 5 year Contract Negotiations that we lose tremendous value on through compounded interest that the Company gets to keep despite any Retro pay.
If the Association Negotiators get this done right this first time and this is as expected a 5 year deal, the hope is all we need to ask for when it comes up for renewal is wages. Nothing more.
We’ve seen these Companies are willing to extend wages but Union Political positions require Leaders to want to open the full agreements (stupid) to try to capture even further improvements. And if our Contract is solid enough to begin with we on the floor can demand from our Leaders to NOT open the full agreements and instead just capture further wages.
I want a Contract today that even if it extended out all the way to the day I walk out the door, I can live with it.
That’s what it looks like to me these guys today are doing.