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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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You do not care about LAA EMPLOYEES either dude. You thought your insurance was in the bag. Not to many Iam showed up for the picketing. You guys and lady’s didn’t get upset till the talk of losing your insurance. It’s not about scope it seems Sito has pretty much gave up the store with all the contracting he has allowed especially in the m and r side of things. So I’m sick of this association bs and when I get a AMP card I’ll be another maintenance and related to sign a card and get a way from sito and samulsen the association is a mess go AMP

Cone head the cards are ready baby. Look at the AMP Website. It’s says for you to find an AMP Rep and he’s got cards. Go man, go. Sign those cards.

Gulfcoast1....I am in my 40th year. My family has more vested interest in the medical than a very large number of employees. They've been here longer than most of you thru me.
As far as being tired of waiting, buck up young fella!
Once the company sees you're willing to give up on an item truly worth fighting for, then the door is open for them to continue to find other benefits they can take a hard stand on. Everyone once, at every opportunity, should make their voices heard to the company on what we expect and how we wish to be treated. They constantly speak out of both sides of their mouth. "We wouldn't be this profitable without our excellent employees", yet they don't want to allow us to keep jobs and the health insurance to care for ourselves. They SHOULD want to protect their assets (you and i)!
You keep your medical let us twu have your holidays and holiday pay and the double time we do not get . Your medical would be nice but it is not worth another several years for the twu to be in bk contract it works ok for you as you get the cheaper medical while we f—— an do not tell someone to buck up when there losing money everyday there in this bk contract
Because we are not one group on the iam side you got the same pay raise the laa side did but we’re paying more for medical the iam side has more holiday and more holiday pay. Then the twu side so sorry until we are all compensated benefits the same we are on different groups
Hey,,,sounds like you MIGHT be catching on!
You keep your medical let us twu have your holidays and holiday pay and the double time we do not get . Your medical would be nice but it is not worth another several years for the twu to be in bk contract it works ok for you as you get the cheaper medical while we f—— an do not tell someone to buck up when there losing money everyday there in this bk contract
Maybe not!!
I don’t beleave that sito pretty much gave up the scope on the m and r side . So I do not believe that bs after the election sito will cave on all of it after all Boeing machinists turned down the Boeing contact to give up there pension then sito had another election and of course it was voted in. That’s why I’m signing a AMP card getting rid of these jokes of unions who never listen to the members are the locals. And the locals in the Boeing case was for the vote of no. But as history shows sito went against the wish of members and locals what a sorry excuse of a international officer making over 270000 a year he had to keep is member ship up even if the member ship lost its pension. Here is what Samuelson and Alex makes they only care to keep there pay and pensions
sito just went against the voice of 11,000 railroaders who voted no by 77% only for Sito to backstab them and become the first management shill to agree to binding arbitration since 1994.
Your amt group should get a copy of his decision and pass it around.
sito just went against the voice of 11,000 railroaders who voted no by 77% only for Sito to backstab them and become the first management shill to agree to binding arbitration since 1994.
Your amt group should get a copy of his decision and pass it around.
Sito would appear to be juggling to many things at once(Was he at UALs earnings call last week?) All the more reason for AMTS to sign card
Not mocking, eh WeAAz?

Alright guilty as charged Metal. But Jesus H man is it annoying when you have posters here who that’s all they talk about on EVERY thread for YEARS. And the lies to try and get there are sickeningly over the top BS sometimes.

Maybe if it wasn’t all over the place all the time I wouldn’t be such a dick?

And you know I really don’t believe that there’s a shot in hell. You guys had tons of better shots in the past and drew blanks. But NO I really don’t think you should give up either. I secretly always root for the underdog.

Just again if they could only stop lying and keep it fenced in a little more?
Alright guilty as charged Metal. But Jesus H man is it annoying when you have posters here who that’s all they talk about on EVERY thread for YEARS. And the lies to try and get there are sickeningly over the top BS sometimes.

Maybe if it wasn’t all over the place all the time I wouldn’t be such a dick?

And you know I really don’t believe that there’s a shot in hell. You guys had tons of better shots in the past and drew blanks. But NO I really don’t think you should give up either. I secretly always root for the underdog.

Just again if they could only stop lying and keep it fenced in a little more?

If I had to guess the underlying reason,,,it would have to be the ASSociation was forced down our throats without a vote. That is the main reason per my co-workers. They were jammed down ALL our throats, including your work group as well...
Also, we have nothing to lose by seeking other representation. We could very well have a contract proposal before anything happens.
If I had to guess the underlying reason,,,it would have to be the ASSociation was forced down our throats without a vote. That is the main reason per my co-workers. They were jammed down ALL our throats, including your work group as well...
Also, we have nothing to lose by seeking other representation. We could very well have a contract proposal before anything happens.

If anyone says what you have to lose automatically they get accused of fear mongering to avoid even having a real discussion about it. So I’ll avoid saying anything on that then cause I know your group is NOT ignorant.

And I agree 100% with what you said otherwise. Maybe as organizations they both deserve to get dumped for what they did. Problem I have is the two guys who signed off on it still got away Scott free clean. You guys aren’t going to hurt in the slightest Jim Little or Tom Buffenbarger. They’re gone.

So “maybe” you hurt some people who are trying to do the best they can with something even they don’t really agree with either?

Any way you cut it though IMO the timing is horrible. You guys QUIT on AMP in 2014 when you should have kept going with it. Now maybe in the bottom of the 9th you bring it back from the grave?

Seriously bad timing?
" We were told the company basically wanted to discuss giving up our current insurance and going to the LAA insurance instead. The company was told that we would not consider this." Stated in last weeks negotiations.

To you who say these are negotiations, and to those of you who say LUS medical has wiggle room, this doesn't have a hint of either one. Oh, that's right, we don't want to give the other team our playbook. If we are indeed in a stalemate, and it appears we are, looks as though section 6 and it's possible lengthy negotiations are in the cards. The TWU will be the losers during this process and we all could be losers in the end." But Hey, fight fight fight Alex and Sito.

As one of our beloved busy posters stated earlier "Time is money and time wasted is money lost."
" We were told the company basically wanted to discuss giving up our current insurance and going to the LAA insurance instead. The company was told that we would not consider this." Stated in last weeks negotiations.

To you who say these are negotiations, and to those of you who say LUS medical has wiggle room, this doesn't have a hint of either one. Oh, that's right, we don't want to give the other team our playbook. If we are indeed in a stalemate, and it appears we are, looks as though section 6 and it's possible lengthy negotiations are in the cards. The TWU will be the losers during this process and we all could be losers in the end." But Hey, fight fight fight Alex and Sito.

As one of our beloved busy posters stated earlier "Time is money and time wasted is money lost."

Time is money and Time wasted is money lost...by the WEEZ!
In the end , your ass will show even more!
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