Hey Racer, a little research and you will see that "Time is money and Time wasted is money lost"
is a quote by Weasel. Can't have it both ways. As I have said in the past, do not feel you will be able to keep your medical and I think there are those in your own party who feel the same way.
Of course the first thing out of Weasels, 700 and spits mouth is Oh, you don't want the IAM to have that medical...geez. If AA says they are not moving, and the IAM says it's not negotiable, then where do we go Racer. If your thinking Section 6 will keep your medical, well you may be right, for the duration of the negotiations. And I guess the Association can celebrate that. But anything longer than that ain't happening in my opinion. In the meantime, the other half of the Association continues to work under their Bankruptcy contract. The TWU is and will continue to pay a heavy price. I have said it on more than one occasion, if the IAM does lose their medical, I think they should be made whole via some type of payment. But I guess if your not going to negotiate it, doesn't matter.
I can do nothing but voice my opinion and be labeled. That's cool, I don't socialize with any of you other than on these forums so it's not a big deal. But I do hope it works out for all and I do hope I'm out of her in the next four years, I will be 62 and ready to go.