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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Isn't that just showing the best of each contract?

Actually it’s just like Racer said it was, a starting point. If you note on many of the proposals it says “Adopt whichever language” and the caveat being “with modifications”

Modifications being a code word for improvements.

And again if NYer wants to argue against that terminology he has a pin drive with all the information about what’s been TA’d, the full language and what was last proposed to the Company regarding wages and benefits.

He even knows the wages that the Association asked for, again if he’d like to share that information perhaps?
October 20, 2015

Dear TWU-IAM Association Member,
As the regular Joint Association bulletins report, your Mechanic and Related/Stores and Fleet Service Negotiating Committees are working hard to finalize joint contract proposals. In the meantime, TWU-IAM Joint Association Leadership is preparing a longer term strategy and formal rollout plan to initiate joint contract negotiations with American Airlines, ensuring we enter the process in the strongest possible position to fight for our members. It has become necessary to correct the recent misconception—perpetuated by some individuals—that the TWU-IAM Association has somehow dragged its feet in this process.

The TWU-IAM Association was certified by the National Mediation Board (NMB), the federal agency that determines representation issues in the airline industry, on May 19, 2015, five months ago. Although the TWU-IAM Association was created in 2013, it did not have legal certification and thus could not act as a certified bargaining agent before NMB certification.

Since the Association was certified by the NMB five months ago, it has named the negotiating committees, conducted individual and joint committee training, and determined servicing and negotiating responsibilities for all work groups in all classes and crafts. The Mechanic and Related/Stores and Fleet Service Negotiating Committees have both met for six separate weeklong sessions to reconcile contract language from existing pre-merger agreements and write new joint contract language for 30,000 ground workers at American Airlines.

These are complex tasks and the committee members should be thanked for their hard work on behalf of Association members, not wrongly criticized for any delay.

What should be pointed out, however, is a less well known and politically motivated ploy that needlessly delayed the Association’s certification, thereby delaying the entire joint collective bargaining process. Due to the frivolous objection to the Association’s NMB’s certification by a misguided individual on August 21, 2014, the process to certify the TWU-IAM Association as the legal collective bargaining agent was set back for months. This unwarranted objection to the NMB came days after the TWU-IAM Association filed for a determination of single carrier status on August 6, 2014. Certification came 10 months later in May, 2015.

The failed attempt to derail the Association was dismissed by the NMB, but nonetheless had to be investigated and needlessly delayed the process of ultimate certification for many months. In contrast, both flight attendants and passenger service employees at American received a determination of single carrier status in less than two months and American pilots waited less than seven months for their NMB determination.

The TWU-IAM Association will be at the negotiating table shortly with American Airlines and will demand the industry’s best contracts for all 30,000 Association members. Rest assured, we will be prepared, and will not cut corners.

We understand the membership’s desire to gain the industry-best terms of employment you rightfully deserve. And terms of employment are more than just wage rates; they are strengthened job security provisions, fair health insurance, better working conditions, and enhanced retirement security, among many other components.

To obtain accurate information regarding joint contract negotiations, please refer to Negotiating Committee bulletins at www.usaamerger.com, www.twu.org, www.iam141.org, www.iamdl142.org and other applicable TWU local websites.
Thanks for looking that up. Pretty much what I said. Although mine was a very condensed version. Lol
Isn't that just showing the best of each contract?
That "Best of Both Contracts" was the most retarded, dumb arse thing I ever heard of. Things like shift differ, lead pay, no longevity, no true double time, only 7 holidays, no 1.5 holiday pay. Only 5 weeks of vacation. Obviously, they were shooting low, from the getgo.
Well then, why don’t you tell us where the starting points were for each article.

There isn't one set of starting points. We have a starting point and the Company has their own starting points. The act of negotiations is for those starting points to become agreements. Some are closer the our starting points and some are closer to their starting points.
Thanks for looking that up. Pretty much what I said. Although mine was a very condensed version. Lol

I very much like to look things up and share the facts.

There isn't one set of starting points. We have a starting point and the Company has their own starting points. The act of negotiations is for those starting points to become agreements. Some are closer the our starting points and some are closer to their starting points.

Did you seriously just write this? Wow.
That "Best of Both Contracts" was the most retarded, dumb arse thing I ever heard of. Things like shift differ, lead pay, no longevity, no true double time, only 7 holidays, no 1.5 holiday pay. Only 5 weeks of vacation. Obviously, they were shooting low, from the getgo.
Aiming at you?

Carry on.
There isn't one set of starting points. We have a starting point and the Company has their own starting points. The act of negotiations is for those starting points to become agreements. Some are closer the our starting points and some are closer to their starting points.
You really don’t know do you? You would rather make silly faces when something is put out there that you are not aware of.
Let me clarify “ starting points”. The starting points were not points that were the pinnacle of what we wanted and we bargained backwards like some people think. ( like asking for 40 hr hoping to get 35 hr ). Actually quite the opposite.
Both contracts were opened for both sides of the association. The starting point would be for example on holidays....START with IAM language and look to improve. (IAM have 7 TWU have 5)
So The STARTING POINT WAS IAM 7 and look to go up from there. (Which was improved). Or another example...paid lunches. TWU has much stronger language so obviously we should START with TWU language.
Hope that helps.
Someone and pardon me for not looking back and seeing who,talked about that alleged signing bonus.Its as big a joke as the profit sharing is.3k across the board? Nothing but a junior vote grabber.It should a rate times years of service arrangement.or better yet throw retro in there.The whole thing is nothing but a scam from a company that will happily tell you how appreciated you are on one hand while one of their henchmen are pissing in your morning coffee while you’re not looking.
Sorry Rat retro to what?
By the way Weez the idea of a card drive has reached JFK and is being seriously considered

Sounds cool Al. Hey let me know when they figure out what to call themselves ok?

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Maybe that’s why those two guys want a name change? They just don’t dig the Ass.

Me I still like it. I haven’t gotten that old yet.
I'm hearing its to big to fit on a bus seat.When you quit smoking you have a tendency to gain weight
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