American Airlines Fails to Honor Their Word
July 18, 2018

July 18, 2018
Brothers and Sisters,
As was reported earlier, the Association Executive Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines June 25th through June 27th in Washington, DC. During those meetings, your committee and the company made some progress in Scope discussions and it was agreed that the company would deliver a comprehensive Scope proposal prior to our next meeting on July 17th.
Disappointingly, American failed to keep their word and deliver a counter on Scope. Instead, the company again insisted on cuts to Association members’ healthcare; a proposal equivalent to a “bankruptcy healthcare” plan in a time of extraordinary profits. No discussions were held on other important economic issues.
American Airlines management believes that this Association will cave in on the most important elements of our joint collective bargaining agreements.
The company continues to publicly claim that they want to finish these negotiations, but their actions behind closed doors at the bargaining table say otherwise and their rhetoric is a blatant attempt to divide us.
Providing access to the best plans for all Association members would increase the company’s total costs by just one-tenth of one percent (0.1%). This is a minuscule amount compared to the enormous profits —$2.4 billion in 2017— that we help generate.
Our members must let the company know that our Association will continue to remain strong and unified, and will not acquiesce to the company’s substandard demands.
Stay strong and tell the company you will not cave.
Your Association Executive Negotiating Committee