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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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If 700 is half the “trade unionist” he claims to be, then I’m sure he disagreed with your stance, and explained how it runs counter to founding ideals labor is built on.
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If 700 is half the “trade unionist” he claims to be, then I’m he disagreed with your stance, and explained how it runs counter to founding ideals labor is built on.

Actually that wasn’t part of our Conversation. And to be honest here neither one of you currently are “trade unionists” or unionists at all actually since neither one of you currently belong to any Union. Not to insult my friend 700 but at least he does recognize that reality.

You and I can have a myriad of conversations on the subject but I’m the one who actually has dues checkoff coming out of my check and am under the protection of an employment contract.

Again although you claim to be striving for representation once again I don’t think the IAM is the organization best suited for you? Have you done any research into trying to discover a Labor unit that actually might fit your needs better?

SEIU perhaps?
I was just talking to 700 on the phone and told him that I knew you would be the first to chime in after my comment.

Sorry no I don’t believe the entire Country should be able to run for POTUS. Or under your philosophy I could conceivably receive a ballot that has hundreds of names running for one position which is goofy period.

The fact that there was 790 Locals that put in a choice on the last go around, no I don’t think raising the bar to 75 is unreasonable or should be unrealistic to obtain for any “qualified” candidates.

But if you’re that incensed by it then I need to comment that perhaps the IAM is not the Union for you and you should consider shifting your energy to seeking out a Union that fits you more comfortably? Or even perhaps settle in to the idea once and for all that there isn’t a Union that comes in your size.
Weez... tell 700 I said hi...

Does he have any idea how powerful of a man he is? He has several of these posters so paranoid that he'll shape-shift, morph, or somehow reincarnate, that they think EVERBODY that doesn't kiss Timmy's ring is him!

Now, dude... that's some f-ing CREDIBILITY!

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Each time NYer has been in office he has foregone an actual Political Coordinator expressly for the reason that Alex Garcia was the head of COPE. Even funnier that Alex office was right down the street from the Local 568 office.

Actually I’m not the best candidate for that job anyway. That man would be Jorge Blanco who actually personally knows the Mayor of Miami and possibly Miguel Pumariega but NYer has issues with him too. The man really knows the Political issues we face quite well. My Local did petition for 3 losing Candidates though. Bernie Sanders, Tim Canova over Wasserman-Shultz (Bad Move) and some guy at the TWU International who was running against John Samuelsen who didn’t even show up Joe Campbell (Guy reminds me of you)

As far as myself working for the IAM. I’m not an IAM Member and have no interest in that area anyway. But it is rather strange that you keep claiming I’m somehow attached to that Union when I’m a member of the TWU actually.

BTW what happened to your election rerun? I’ve heard no mention or read no evidence that that’s going to be a reality. So that seems to be over I guess. I understand if you try again in the future that they’ve now raised the bar to needing 75 Locals for a run as opposed to what you needed and didn’t reach, 25?

Sounds to me as if the IAM has squashed any further chances you may ever have to run as a candidate again. Sad
we will win a fair election, it has taken about 3 years to weed out corruption but we are getting there.
No, not 75, still 25.

That said, lets say that you are correct. If that would be the case, then I simply have no interest in participating in a union continues to lose members, that violates members, and doesnt become a progressive democratic union, so I would most likely focus my efforts on raiding most iam properties and its organizing campaigns.
Again although you claim to be striving for representation once again I don’t think the IAM is the organization best suited for you? Have you done any research into trying to discover a Labor unit that actually might fit your needs better?

Is there a union for puppeteers, ventriloquist, or handlers? Maybe he should start here...

You still being in a union just means you should know better.

Uh no. I just don’t subscribe to your line of thinking in many areas honestly. And with 53 years of life under my belt and 28 years having been in 2 Unions I think I’ve more than earned the right to have my own way of thinking.

You try to teach your children to think like you if you want though. They’re all yours. Good luck.
Of course you can think however you want.

Your thoughts just run counter to the core tenets of organized labor.

Good luck with that.
Of course you can think however you want.

Your thoughts just run counter to the core tenets of organized labor.

Good luck with that.

From your “outsiders” point of view I suppose huh?

Very pushy fellow.
Raising the threshold to 75 is a shitty/undemocratic move, regardless of candidate.
Why undemocratic? There are approx 800 locals. Getting 75 would still be less than 10%. Getting 25 is just over 3%... the democratic process is in tact when anyone can run. By that I mean, anyone can run to get put on the ballot. First you run an election campaign to gain enough support to Get your name on the ballot. If you are successful, you now get to run for a position. Its just a two fold democratic process.. That’s all.
Weez... Delta Airlines employees are VERY concerned that these talks will effect them (apparently)...

Hey W, I have to ask. SPIT is sniffing you so often and leaving you a trail of "Winner" gold and green, has he played this for you yet...LMAO!

Hey W, I have to ask. SPIT is sniffing you so often and leaving you a trail of "Winner" gold and green, has he played this for you yet...LMAO!

I’m more interested in why it’s bothering you so much? You seem rather obsessively focusing on it.

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