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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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So are you trying to sell it too?
You know limp thru the summer, offer false hope for the holidays?

Whats in it for you? Did alex offer you an international slot as payoff?

Whats the story after the holidays? Damn we were so close?

Sell what? That we're closer to a JCBA than that update would lead you to believe.

A long time ago when most said this would take longer than most believed, I was explained why that wasn't the case. Everytime others, that we're directly involved, like CB and PRez said they close, I said they weren't. When WeAAsles and 700 said it would be two summers ago, the Thanksgiving, then Christmas, I said it wasn't so.

Now, everyone says they're far apart, but they aren't and the process itself is dictating that. The job action sped things up and now the finish line is within sight.
OK. So the update is taken as negative, but it may not be.


Usually in negotiations after a period of progress there comes a moment of WTF, when one side proposes something new.

It's usually when must things are done and the side holding the winning hand tries to bluff another bet from the players at the table.

If that's the case, then we're closer than ever. Hopefully, they get back to the table next week and keep working towards the JCBA.

The hammer is still the contempt case and that will be a better determinant of progress.

A little Hope and Optimism immediately following a post discussing a card drive eh.
Sell what? That we're closer to a JCBA than that update would lead you to believe.

A long time ago when most said this would take longer than most believed, I was explained why that wasn't the case. Everytime others, that we're directly involved, like CB and PRez said they close, I said they weren't. When WeAAsles and 700 said it would be two summers ago, the Thanksgiving, then Christmas, I said it wasn't so.

Now, everyone says they're far apart, but they aren't and the process itself is dictating that. The job action sped things up and now the finish line is within sight.
i'd like to believe you, unfortunately i dont see it. the association has no clear concise direction you have to groups that are so philosophically different a meeting of the minds will never happen. you have the iam confident in what they know and do and then you have the twu that changes direction on a daily basis so afraid of it shadow and membership its almost funny
Sell what? That we're closer to a JCBA than that update would lead you to believe.

A long time ago when most said this would take longer than most believed, I was explained why that wasn't the case. Everytime others, that we're directly involved, like CB and PRez said they close, I said they weren't. When WeAAsles and 700 said it would be two summers ago, the Thanksgiving, then Christmas, I said it wasn't so.

Now, everyone says they're far apart, but they aren't and the process itself is dictating that. The job action sped things up and now the finish line is within sight.
When the association was rubber stamped the AMT organizers said that it will be a long time until we get a JCBA. They were correct then and now we still wait a long time later.
True we are closer today than we were two years ago on getting a JCBA. I am also closer today to retirement than I was two years ago.
So basically without a JCBA done we are no closer today, tomorrow, last week, last year or last month to a JCBA. Say what you want, predict what you want but the truth is the clock keeps moving forward without a JCBA. Until we get a deal done there is no deal. That's a fact!
Dude, did you notice no mention of not meeting. That update was posturing, they'll meet.
Posturing. (Collins English Dictionary)
False behavior in order to impress or deceive people.

Well, I'm not impressed! But I do feel deceived!
This latest update is pure BS.
They say little movement made by the company will I count at least twice movement was made by the company towards the union

if one was matching southwest's wages for AMTs, what was the other?

the additional $3k for lus due to the painful transition to my insurance?

the company drew a red line on insurance. i expect the assoc. to draw a red line on retro.

if the company is balking, absolute stinginess.

the railway labor act protects the company's revenues and profits by making a strike almost impossible. no railway labor act to protect GMs profits and they took a hit with the recent strike.

the trade-off is retro pay...not a law, but it's understood. in the early 2000s a PEB in ua AMTs vs. ua stated that: "retroactivity is customary".

the PEB weighed and measured ua's fragile financials after 9-11 and still recommended retro - including interest, for any delay of retro pay from DOS to dates the retro was paid.

all that even after 9-11 and the financial disaster for the airlines and it's employees.

aa will be on $20+billion profit the past 5 years?

Sell what? That we're closer to a JCBA than that update would lead you to believe.

A long time ago when most said this would take longer than most believed, I was explained why that wasn't the case. Everytime others, that we're directly involved, like CB and PRez said they close, I said they weren't. When WeAAsles and 700 said it would be two summers ago, the Thanksgiving, then Christmas, I said it wasn't so.

Now, everyone says they're far apart, but they aren't and the process itself is dictating that. The job action sped things up and now the finish line is within sight.

Man you do live in a fantasy land don’t you.
We are on ice and won’t see anything this year.
It will be well into next year if we see anything
and the company just sits back and laughs at the total dysfunction of this group.
And we complain about how poorly run AA is they ain’t got nothing on this sorry excuse for a union
if one was matching southwest's wages for AMTs, what was the other?

the additional $3k for lus due to the painful transition to my insurance?

the company drew a red line on insurance. i expect the assoc. to draw a red line on retro.

if the company is balking, absolute stinginess.

the railway labor act protects the company's revenues and profits by making a strike almost impossible. no railway labor act to protect GMs profits and they took a hit with the recent strike.

the trade-off is retro pay...not a law, but it's understood. in the early 2000s a PEB in ua AMTs vs. ua stated that: "retroactivity is customary".

the PEB weighed and measured ua's fragile financials after 9-11 and still recommended retro - including interest, for any delay of retro pay from DOS to dates the retro was paid.

all that even after 9-11 and the financial disaster for the airlines and it's employees.

aa will be on $20+billion profit the past 5 years?


I suspect the company has agreed to retro but the IAM says no unless they include the insurance or the IAMPF.
The IAM is the one holding this up trust me but you won’t hear that from them
Thats posturing at the members expense

Depends. If the Company threw some new item on the table, likely, this posturing could help to eliminate that last minute curve ball. That would be the goal, anyway.
i'd like to believe you, unfortunately i dont see it. the association has no clear concise direction you have to groups that are so philosophically different a meeting of the minds will never happen. you have the iam confident in what they know and do and then you have the twu that changes direction on a daily basis so afraid of it shadow and membership its almost funny

You guys really forget things easily. The pending contempt hearing is what binds the two side towards a common goal.

Should really stop underestimating the legal hammer.
Sell what? That we're closer to a JCBA than that update would lead you to believe.

A long time ago when most said this would take longer than most believed, I was explained why that wasn't the case. Everytime others, that we're directly involved, like CB and PRez said they close, I said they weren't. When WeAAsles and 700 said it would be two summers ago, the Thanksgiving, then Christmas, I said it wasn't so.

Now, everyone says they're far apart, but they aren't and the process itself is dictating that. The job action sped things up and now the finish line is within sight.
And funny thing is, they have all vacated the premises. (Well, jury is still out on 700). One other thing I find a bit interesting, although W loved them all and believed every word, they were all IAM reps pumping till no end...now, silence. As Fleet, they tried burning in our collective heads that AA wanted us doing nothing but loading and unloading airplanes, PERIOD! Now, SILENCE!
In your post you claimed to know more than AA employees in regards to negotiations. You don’t and I called you out on it. See you lied and now you have to resort to name calling. You lied, got caught , you have no credibility. And if you believe Tim your even more of at fool.
Exactly. Correct. I do know more all the way up to the gag order. You didn't call out shite there skippy. I got more credibility than most on here and yes including some in this fiasco asso.
BTW dummy, I wasn't agreeing with timmy. You just don't know sarcastic when you read it. I never believe what he says. You are so easy...
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