American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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You have a good point there 1AA. Yea he is a bit loss on his recollections of events of the past indeed.
I will say I witnessed the 2003 concessions live with you guys in Tulsa when AMFA was doing the card drive in around that time. A few of us from SWA flew up and visited with you guys at the card drive rally to answer questions and such directly from the members about AMFA and how they work. This was back when I met Brett for the first time and he told me he was currently applying to work at SWA. And BTW; The first visit we did with AMFA info meetings in Tulsa turned out very rough for the TWU as some were escorted off by the po-po for what they pulled. Good times though...

Really? And what do you have to back your quote?? Try again there junior.
You haven’t posted any inside information from negotiations, yet you claim to know what’s going on.
Just listened to the conference call, no deal yet. Evidently they worked late last night, and are still at it today. Facilities maintenance is a huge sticking point. Aircraft movement, and line maintenance scope to a lesser degree. Anticipating more meetings to be scheduled for next week. Shareholders pressing for contract to be done.
we are just screwed. nobody is getting duped.
Nothing we can do about it nor is there anything your craft wants to do now. After the jcba is signed, i would be shocked if mx didnt vote out the association.
It is better for fleet. We pretty much been carrying your craft as a big burden to us. We would have had a ta last year if you guys werent on our coattails. Nothing against you guys but your craft is global and the company will scale off some more of your jobs for pedro.

The parties’ positions have narrowed on Fleet Service Scope specific to the number of cities and flight thresholds in those cities.That was from Sep25rh 2019 update. And you have a fly on the wall lol.Fleer is not done!
any update from this weeks meetings?
Why? Are you expecting some good news?

We are making progress, please be patient and we will deliver that Industry Leading JCBA that we promised our membership as sure as we promised you a vote for the Association.

How's that for an update?
Anymore questions?
To be honest do you really think any good detailed information is going to be released other than the canned updates we've seen so far?
The parties’ positions have narrowed on Fleet Service Scope specific to the number of cities and flight thresholds in those cities.That was from Sep25rh 2019 update. And you have a fly on the wall lol.Fleer is not done!
been done. but rearranging the chairs. You know, the cosmetic stuff. Sorta like lipstick on a pig.
The jetnet proposal was better for current fleet. The new one is better for the labor organization since it keeps the iam pension and expands membership with new stations that current members are asked to subsidize with less top out pay. It was the union that insisted to management to scrap delta + 3% ($33.28) for a modest wage increase (something around $32) and scrap the $6,000 bonus for $3,000 and no retro in order to gain more members by using our subsidy and digging in our pockets to pay for a few new stations and future employees.
All second hand hearsay from fly.
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You haven’t posted any inside information from negotiations, yet you claim to know what’s going on.

Tell the mechanic from WN who thinks he knows what’s going in negotiations, while you and others who work at AA don’t.

Hey dummy, where you been? Nobody knows what is going on in the current mediated talks since the NMB put the cabach on any detailed info being released and the asso. just agreeing to do so. Hence all the rumors you here since then. BTW; I have not posted one thing claiming to know what is happening at the table since the return to the table with the gag order. All my references and info came prior to the gag order. Never have I ever claimed this, these are your words not mine. Show me where I have ever claimed or posted that I had inside info after the gag order. Feel free to ask others here how accurate I was (wasn't correct on a couple things, but most all were accurate or I corrected after brought to my attention) Especially around the merger time, I was the one telling the AA members that they would not have a vote all the while weezzle boy, 700, TWU, IAM, asoo. and even the co. was telling them they would have a vote. Then Bam!! No vote, asso. certified and new representational org. for AA and related groups. Now, Carry on.

been done. but rearranging the chairs. You know, the cosmetic stuff. Sorta like lipstick on a pig.
The jetnet proposal was better for current fleet. The new one is better for the labor organization since it keeps the iam pension and expands membership with new stations that current members are asked to subsidize with less top out pay. It was the union that insisted to management to scrap delta + 3% ($33.28) for a modest wage increase (something around $32) and scrap the $6,000 bonus for $3,000 and no retro in order to gain more members by using our subsidy and digging in our pockets to pay for a few new stations and future employees.

There ya go timmy. Now that sounds more like this fiasco asso. agreeing to pull shite back and agreeing to lower standards for their members...
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