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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Dude you are as bad as they are. Your not in maintenance you have no idea whats going on in maintenance. There was no job action. Just like there was no job action in fleet service but your bag numbers suck. Again im glad your not negotiating geez you woukd have given everything away begging for forgiveness.

Well, your opinion and my opinion don't matter. You know who says there was a job action, the person who decides such things. Judge McBryde.

He decide and issues an Injunction. There will also be a Contempt hearing, which will also find there was a job action.

That's all that matters, dude. What the Court says.
Well, your opinion and my opinion don't matter. You know who says there was a job action, the person who decides such things. Judge McBryde.

He decide and issues an Injunction. There will also be a Contempt hearing, which will also find there was a job action.

That's all that matters, dude. What the Court says.
Not really sure why that’s so hard for some to grasp
Well, your opinion and my opinion don't matter. You know who says there was a job action, the person who decides such things. Judge McBryde.

He decide and issues an Injunction. There will also be a Contempt hearing, which will also find there was a job action.

That's all that matters, dude. What the Court says.
Wait until February when sabre goes away and sceptre takes over. Talking to some of the planners working on the project....
Im sure that will be another work action.
Hell yea they are. Divide. Conquer. Though in this case, Divide. Conquer the divided
Sad but true robbed.

Works both ways. The longer it drags on the steady flow of dues continues until the mass exodus. There will be a reduction in head count unless the company reverses on all the outsourcing in central and south America and title 2. Guys will leave due to age and some will be forced out for various reasons. So dragging it out even for another four to six months is alot of mulla.
This asso. should be holding this co to make everyone whole. We did here, and as long you were here during "anytime" of the contract nego's you did in fact receive whatever pay you deserved. Even retirees and mechanics that have died or quit got paid retro deserved to them during their time period of waiting even if they did quit or retire.
Then you have the dip sh*t Samuelson to confirm it on video
Samuelson never confirmed anything sir. He did mouth off like a 2 yr old but he never confirmed any kind of a job action, period. He merely threatened a miserable summer is all and bloody at that.
Works both ways. The longer it drags on the steady flow of dues continues until the mass exodus. There will be a reduction in head count unless the company reverses on all the outsourcing in central and south America and title 2. Guys will leave due to age and some will be forced out for various reasons. So dragging it out even for another four to six months is alot of mulla.
I’ve heard that amt’s that have retired are getting letters offering 140k for six months work at the new maintenance facility in Brazil. Apparently starting a new maintenance program isn’t as easy as the company thinks. Wonder how many twu scabs will step up?
Wait until February when sabre goes away and sceptre takes over. Talking to some of the planners working on the project....
Im sure that will be another work action.
there was a job action by YOUR group. The injunction plus the video confirmed it. Just because you didnt like the outcome of the "botched" called shot doesnt make it go away.
Union guy for AA TWU. Says negotiation are going very well. The LUS medical is going to be adjusted to where the company picks up more of the cost. He feels probably have a new contract by Christmas. Everyone is hearing things, I would appreciate the Association to talk with its paying members!!!!
Well, your opinion and my opinion don't matter. You know who says there was a job action, the person who decides such things. Judge McBryde.

He decide and issues an Injunction. There will also be a Contempt hearing, which will also find there was a job action.

That's all that matters, dude. What the Court says.

he probably never saw any job action more clearer except for the great zenith television manufacturing slowdown of 1953..
Sure go back and check the bag numbers they were terrible. But its a maintenance job action. And you have clowns like the supposed insider helping the company perpetuate the myth covering their "new" and improved system imported from america west.

hard to explain...maybe the assoc. isn't capable of fighting it's corner.

i'm not an AMT, but the numbers looked bad.

- did us air AMT procedures and methodology cause numbers to rise, the more they were implemented? did the numbers get worse as more and more laa AMT procedures and methodology were eliminated?

- i'm also betting that there were more individual AMT heroes in 2016 than 2019. in 2016, you got 100 points and an above and beyond, in 2019 you're an assh0le.

- the overtime/field trip stories and hazing/threats were ridiculous. so what?? fire the hazers/bullies. the company needs 4 tough-guy, angry AMTs around to prove there was a grand conspiracy from the top levels of the unions??

the company acts as if it was helpless and the assoc., destroyed it's summer as it watched helplessly. right.

most people that post here care more about aa than the wizards at HQ.
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