This what happens when the membership does not get detailed updates, rumors fly.
We had it too in the very beginning of our mediations. AMFA filed a request with the NMB to be able to give the membership "something" as the co. was using the gag order as propaganda to stir the pot with the members against the nego cmte. (sound familiar) So the NMB came up with some rule structure that all written updates would have to be approved by them (NMB) before releasing and that AMFA could give very detailed updates verbally at the monthly meetings. That work out very well as all the misinformation and rumors were all stopped as well as the co's propaganda machine was shut down. It's also when we all saw the unity get much, much stronger within the membership as well as, within all other unions on the property and when we got all the support from all other unions that backed us, first Pilots, then F/A's, Ramp, stores, agents and F/M. Now ya know why these co's always ask for the gag orders, they want the membership pissed off at the nego cmte and the division. Works better in the co's favor.