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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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All this secrecy is BS! The contract is done. Both International are going to receive money from AA to push the companies shitty contract down our throats!!!!!
So you say. One thing I can say with a high level of credibility from the TWU's history of practices is we will get a contract shoved down our throats that is questionable with a side note that will read, This is the best we can do. We don't want an arbitrator to decide for us. Other than that keep guessing.
Says he, says she, says they, sources reported, reports coming in, chances are and so on and so on.
Amazing with the hush up order from the NMB there seems to be plenty of information (speculation)
going around this forum.
This what happens when the membership does not get detailed updates, rumors fly.
We had it too in the very beginning of our mediations. AMFA filed a request with the NMB to be able to give the membership "something" as the co. was using the gag order as propaganda to stir the pot with the members against the nego cmte. (sound familiar) So the NMB came up with some rule structure that all written updates would have to be approved by them (NMB) before releasing and that AMFA could give very detailed updates verbally at the monthly meetings. That work out very well as all the misinformation and rumors were all stopped as well as the co's propaganda machine was shut down. It's also when we all saw the unity get much, much stronger within the membership as well as, within all other unions on the property and when we got all the support from all other unions that backed us, first Pilots, then F/A's, Ramp, stores, agents and F/M. Now ya know why these co's always ask for the gag orders, they want the membership pissed off at the nego cmte and the division. Works better in the co's favor.
All this secrecy is BS! The contract is done. Both International are going to receive money from AA to push the companies shitty contract down our throats!!!!!
The co. is loving it. See post above...
So you say. One thing I can say with a high level of credibility from the TWU's history of practices is we will get a contract shoved down our throats that is questionable with a side note that will read, This is the best we can do. We don't want an arbitrator to decide for us. Other than that keep guessing.
The way they are handling the dissemination of information breeds a high level of mistrust. Both for the company and the union
This what happens when the membership does not get detailed updates, rumors fly.
We had it too in the very beginning of our mediations. AMFA filed a request with the NMB to be able to give the membership "something" as the co. was using the gag order as propaganda to stir the pot with the members against the nego cmte. (sound familiar) So the NMB came up with some rule structure that all written updates would have to be approved by them (NMB) before releasing and that AMFA could give very detailed updates verbally at the monthly meetings. That work out very well as all the misinformation and rumors were all stopped as well as the co's propaganda machine was shut down. It's also when we all saw the unity get much, much stronger within the membership as well as, within all other unions on the property and when we got all the support from all other unions that backed us, first Pilots, then F/A's, Ramp, stores, agents and F/M. Now ya know why these co's always ask for the gag orders, they want the membership pissed off at the nego cmte and the division. Works better in the co's favor.
Unfortunatley the twu and the association prefer that the menbership remains divided. The company, the only thing they despise more then passengers are employees.
So you say. One thing I can say with a high level of credibility from the TWU's history of practices is we will get a contract shoved down our throats that is questionable with a side note that will read, This is the best we can do. We don't want an arbitrator to decide for us. Other than that keep guessing.

Don’t forget “we just want to get a little cash in our member’s pockets.”
Don’t forget “we just want to get a little cash in our member’s pockets.”
Works both ways. The longer it drags on the steady flow of dues continues until the mass exodus. There will be a reduction in head count unless the company reverses on all the outsourcing in central and south America and title 2. Guys will leave due to age and some will be forced out for various reasons. So dragging it out even for another four to six months is alot of mulla.
This what happens when the membership does not get detailed updates, rumors fly.
We had it too in the very beginning of our mediations. AMFA filed a request with the NMB to be able to give the membership "something" as the co. was using the gag order as propaganda to stir the pot with the members against the nego cmte. (sound familiar) So the NMB came up with some rule structure that all written updates would have to be approved by them (NMB) before releasing and that AMFA could give very detailed updates verbally at the monthly meetings. That work out very well as all the misinformation and rumors were all stopped as well as the co's propaganda machine was shut down. It's also when we all saw the unity get much, much stronger within the membership as well as, within all other unions on the property and when we got all the support from all other unions that backed us, first Pilots, then F/A's, Ramp, stores, agents and F/M. Now ya know why these co's always ask for the gag orders, they want the membership pissed off at the nego cmte and the division. Works better in the co's favor.

Most of the rumors on this end was started by the Association and their mouthpieces like WeAAsles and 700.

When the NMB allowed the airline to release their proposals much of that went away. Then came the job action.
Most of the rumors on this end was started by the Association and their mouthpieces like WeAAsles and 700.

When the NMB allowed the airline to release their proposals much of that went away. Then came the job action.
Dude you are as bad as they are. Your not in maintenance you have no idea whats going on in maintenance. There was no job action. Just like there was no job action in fleet service but your bag numbers suck. Again im glad your not negotiating geez you woukd have given everything away begging for forgiveness.
Most of the rumors on this end was started by the Association and their mouthpieces like WeAAsles and 700.

When the NMB allowed the airline to release their proposals much of that went away. Then came the job action.

Ah yes, the Frittata Squad.™️

What an affront those guys are to labor.
Dude you are as bad as they are. Your not in maintenance you have no idea whats going on in maintenance. There was no job action. Just like there was no job action in fleet service but your bag numbers suck. Again im glad your not negotiating geez you woukd have given everything away begging for forgiveness.
CORRECT, no job action in maintenance. Can't speak for other departments.
like I’ve said I don’t know much about you guys situation works but from the outside looking it appears that way to me
Sure go back and check the bag numbers they were terrible. But its a maintenance job action. And you have clowns like the supposed insider helping the company perpetuate the myth covering their "new" and improved system imported from america west.
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