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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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I would think the company has told the Association what it wants for the lawsuit to go away. Might be a sticking point for the unions as it will look pretty bad to the members to see they are getting hosed by the unions failure to defend itself from charges. Not so easy to finish the deal with that hanging over things. The greedy mgmt will want something for this. The question is what.

Yep, I suspect it something like this and we the ones who pay these guys our freaking dues are the ones getting hosed in all of this mess.
So damn frustrating
I would think the company has told the Association what it wants for the lawsuit to go away. Might be a sticking point for the unions as it will look pretty bad to the members to see they are getting hosed by the unions failure to defend itself from charges. Not so easy to finish the deal with that hanging over things. The greedy mgmt will want something for this. The question is what.

The "what" is obvious, they've been asking for it for the last few years. I think the airline would rather get a deal without using the hammer, and the Association may be trying to minimize the damage, but at a certain point that ends.

Since they start with the APA and the APFA soon, plus the contempt hearing is also on the calendar, seems time may be limited.

Hope the Association doesn't overplay their hand again.
The "what" is obvious, they've been asking for it for the last few years. I think the airline would rather get a deal without using the hammer, and the Association may be trying to minimize the damage, but at a certain point that ends.

Since they start with the APA and the APFA soon, plus the contempt hearing is also on the calendar, seems time may be limited.

Hope the Association doesn't overplay their hand again.
They will
Yep, I suspect it something like this and we the ones who pay these guys our freaking dues are the ones getting hosed in all of this mess.
So damn frustrating

That could very well be part of the delay as the Association looks to bury the cost of the so called company losses. This will be held against the company, and the Association as they are both guilty of lying to us and the court. There will be no peace.
Usually vacation accruals are for the following year anyway. In other words, we accrue in 2020 to take in 2021.
Any gains should be retro back to when the contract became amendable, PERIOD!
I think we will get hosed again because of the failures of this dysfunctional association. We have leadership leading the charge for Aircraft Maintenance that are not in the profession. We have a loud mouth who made things worse and the lawsuit with a permanent injunction. We can't negotiate the real issues independently because one group wants the me too clauses. It goes on and on. So the final results will be good enough for the old timers to prepare to leave within 5 years or less. The unborn get screwed but who cares because we the real members and employees are getting screwed on a daily basis. I don't believe the unions bull and the companies retarec. Amazing we pay over $1,000 a year for this?
The "what" is obvious, they've been asking for it for the last few years. I think the airline would rather get a deal without using the hammer, and the Association may be trying to minimize the damage, but at a certain point that ends.

Since they start with the APA and the APFA soon, plus the contempt hearing is also on the calendar, seems time may be limited.

Hope the Association doesn't overplay their hand again.
Their hand is only being "overplayed" if you're a TWU member.
is that what they TAd? Ill have to look but isnt our system what everyone should want in vacations?
I get to bid weeks for vacations i only earn along the way.
But your pushing a t.a. you havent even read? Timmy,timmt,timmy....
I think the airline would rather get a deal without using the hammer

i agree. if the company wants to step on us, by stepping on the assoc., the company will lose the employees who still follow their program.

that happens, i can't see our ceo and president remaining for 6 months. i don't believe they want to be removed. we know parker is excited about $60 oil and what that means for aa going forward - aa will never lose money again.
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