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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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There was no job action just piss poor management and 737 issues. Your dreaming if you think something as simple as a promise to not have a future job action means squat to AA. They know it was a bogus claim to begin with. Maybe a few isolated cases but the same isolated crap will happen again the next contract If talks drag on. The only action going on here is slow playing and the use of the railway labor act by the company to their benefit. Well actually having two unions with different agendas should share the blame for stalled talks as well.
You might be right about that. The 737s out and very bad mgmt implementing new ways of doing things that were the worst I've ever seen. The unions got abused in court as they obviously were not prepared. With all the horrible numbers made by the operational changes you would think they would have made a better case. The stuff I saw at DFW this summer was astounding. Maybe there were some incidents for slowing things down, but this was the perfect excuse for very bad mgmt and at the same time they get major advantage in talks with the unions.
When sito decides to tell he will tell us and not before. The iam writes the updates. The peons in the twu need to know their place
Why they can not figure out how to spin it they screwd up (The Union) These people are a disservice to the membership screw them!

How can you say that? The Association has your best interest...........

I couldn’t even finish that in jest.
You dont just sit down and write the literary masterpiece of an update, it takes time. Its not like the membership matters its not like we sit around and wonder what happens at the quartely negotiations.
They just keep copying and pasting the old ones there is never anything new . We have the worlds worst union
No meetings tomorrow?
Yes, there are meetings tomorrow, but a deal will not be struck...only more meetings to be announced.
P.REZ knows this as does CB, but they only comment when it is directed at their base...fact!
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