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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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So it was announced today that the iam pension is in the red zone. Thats the **** zone. They put a pretty spin on it but it is what i told you igorant morons who keep believing lies. Now, you F's get what you deserve Again....well, you get F"d again but you still dont deserve it.
Keep listening to weez that the plan is fine. Now you F's cost me and you a shitload more of your future.
I tried warning them too Tim. It is just pathetic how much these guys believe everything they are told by this asso.
Negotiation update: No movement. No new dates were scheduled.
Once again weez and peterson were lying.
And btw, Mr baskett and weez said the company never made a comprehensive offer but I told our F'ing idiot members there was a comprehensive offer and final.

Mr Petersons podcast confirms I was right as that goof finally admitted it was true.
No movement?
No new dates?
No ILC or comprehensive offer is there to vote on?
Is this an update after this weeks nego's???
Wouldn’t it be by de facto saying your representatives aren’t giving you all the information allude to them lying?

But sure I am curious what the Company has divulged that our guys are supposedly keeping from us? Do tell?

BTW NOTOK thought you’d find this interesting. Guess who I found out this week is one of the Negotiators for the Company against the Association.

Mark Nelson. (The sellout)

I'll give you the sellout part for Mark Nelson...but he and Dianne Taber are nothing more than note takers in these negotiations... If they are asked anything its probably to clarify language in a current contract...ill add that Nelson has done us much more good on that side than he ever did as a president or VP of local 513...he's a smart guy but fair...once he presented 6 system board arbitrations in 1 day...513 hasn't had 1 system board arbitration in 10 years....i had a 15 minute chat with Mark at a local clothing store awhile back...he gets our side as you can imagine... He thought the biggest hurdle at the time was compensation to the IAM members for losing their medical...I think since then the company's stance on scope must have changed at some point because surely he would have seen that as being the biggest obstruction...
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Oh and by the way, you started this conversation by questioning me and leaving a smart ass remark as usual. Simple solution Dave, don't respond or reply to anything I post...real simple...even better, put me on ignore. But of course you couldn't get the text from 700 to me if you did that...lol
another thing, the negotiation team stood firm on the IAM pension and the company walked out making it clear that it doesn't want ANY PART OF THE IAM PENSION FOR ANYONE. Yet, the negotiation team held firm to this GODLESS PENSION. WTF is going on??????
"ICE" is coming.

Look Nelson you piece of chit, I’ve told you once about bring my name into your rantingsI challenge you to find one post from me saying much of anything about that pension other than I was stuck in it like anybody else. One last time keep my name out of your chit or I may decide to do everyone and big favor.
PLEASE do us a big favor...
Weez we had negotiators on here tryjng to sell us on the pension, well i got a letter in the mail today that tells me they were full of doody. See this is why im against their big salaries, it may make them do something they normally wouldnt to protect their own interests .Its human nature
Not only their salaries but their Grand Lodge Pensions are different from the memberships pension and they have no worries about their pensions as they will not get nor has been touched, cut, reduced. Now you gotta ask why is that???

Seems as though the Association has not been giving the members all the info...
No kidding. Been saying that for a long time.
I'll give you the sellout part for Mark Nelson...but he and Dianne Taber are nothing more than note takers in these negotiations... If they are asked anything its probably to clarify language in a current contract...ill add that Nelson has done us much more good on that side than he ever did as a president or VP of local 513...he's a smart guy but fair...once he presented 6 system board arbitrations in 1 day...513 hasn't had 1 system board arbitration in 10 years....i had a 15 minute chat with Mark at a local clothing store awhile back...he gets our side as you can imagine... He thought the biggest hurdle at the time was compensation to the IAM members for losing their medical...I think since then the company's stance on scope must have changed at some point because surely he would have seen that as being the biggest obstruction...
Did I hear Doug say the IAM members were offered $3000 to change their insurance (not saying that is fair or even close) but is that on top of the $3000 signing bonus?
Did I hear Doug say the IAM members were offered $3000 to change their insurance (not saying that is fair or even close) but is that on top of the $3000 of the signing bonus?

That's what I thought...i think he was mistaken and if he's not that's horrible compensation for the medical...Nelson, at the time thought allowing the IAM to keep their pension might be the answer to the medical piece...
C’mon little Conehead777, make a comment.
I'll give you the sellout part for Mark Nelson...but he and Dianne Taber are nothing more than note takers in these negotiations... If they are asked anything its probably to clarify language in a current contract...ill add that Nelson has done us much more good on that side than he ever did as a president or VP of local 513...he's a smart guy but fair...once he presented 6 system board arbitrations in 1 day...513 hasn't had 1 system board arbitration in 10 years....i had a 15 minute chat with Mark at a local clothing store awhile back...he gets our side as you can imagine... He thought the biggest hurdle at the time was compensation to the IAM members for losing their medical...I think since then the company's stance on scope must have changed at some point because surely he would have seen that as being the biggest obstruction...

"Selling out" is a common idiomatic pejorative expression for the compromising of a person's integrity, morality, authenticity, or principles in exchange for personal gain, such as money”

Anyway you cut it Mark and others took an oath when they won office. I’m not sure if that oath specified only as long as you continue to hold office or until you lose?

When Tony Noviello was “let go” from the International I called him on the phone and told him he should use his contacts and come back to AA as a Manager.

He didn’t quite say it this way and I actually argued with him but his integrity is what was holding him back.

I think Tony is driving a School Bus today isn’t he? (Integrity intact)
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of course not, your little child game of memes and videos rears it's ugly head (shocker) when you have had your ass handed to you.

Thanks again for the nice chat Ken. I hope you’re having a good day.
That's what I thought...i think he was mistaken and if he's not that's horrible compensation for the medical...Nelson, at the time thought allowing the IAM to keep their pension might be the answer to the medical piece...

I can bet that Doug was only talking about the $3000 Bonus as a catch all and nothing above that?

From what I’ve heard the fee to get out of the IAMNPF is pretty hefty. Of course the Company can afford it if they want but the question is are they willing to pay or will they just then keep the IAMNPF as a status quo for those already in it and maybe offer a 3% exrtra 401K Contribution to the IAM and we TWU get a 9% (or more) formula?
C’mon little Conehead777, make a comment.

"Selling out" is a common idiomatic pejorative expression for the compromising of a person's integrity, morality, authenticity, or principles in exchange for personal gain, such as money”

Anyway you cut it Mark and others took an oath when they won office. I’m not sure if that oath specified only as long as you continue to hold office or until you lose?

When Tony Noviello was “let go” from the International I called him on the phone and told him he should use his contacts and come back to AA as a Manager.

He didn’t quite say it this way and I actually argued with him but his integrity is what was holding him back.

I think Tony is driving a School Bus today isn’t he?

Literally in my first sentence I conceded on the "sell out" verbiage...oaths are taken for many occupations and some in those jobs including doctors and cops wipe their butts with said oaths...in the local's oath there is nothing that would hold up in any court if law to keep someone from being a turncoat... That said, Nelson has been the best advocate of all the fence jumpers of the past... The tallest midget as they say...

April 26, 2019

American, AGAIN, Shows Their Unwillingness to Negotiate an Agreement – NMB Fails with its Strategy

Brothers and Sisters,

The Association leadership met with American Airlines’ negotiators and Federal Mediators this week in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. The Mediator’s unorthodox approach to these negotiations failed to provide adequate space for the parties to face-off in the critical high stakes final issues to be resolved. The recent sessions were short threeday bursts that started late in the mornings and did not proceed into the evenings. The Mediators kept the negotiators in separate rooms instead of creating an environment that forced the negotiators to face each other to reach an agreement or stalemate. An arbitrary deadline was set (without agreement from the Association) that resulted in this session to be the last 3 days the NMB have scheduled for the parties to meet.

The company took advantage of this strategy (that undermines the process and favors the company) by continuing with their greed driven tactics and proposals. Company management is unwilling to acknowledge the workforce, whose sacrifices have created the world’s largest airline that makes Billions in profits.

Given the company’s unwillingness to move away from demanding massive concessions from our members, the Mediators have informed us that they will report to their superiors at the National Mediation Board (NMB) that they do not see a clear path to reaching an agreement. This process will take a number of weeks. It will be up to the NMB to determine the next step(s) in this process as outlined under the Railway Labor Act.

Since the beginning of these negotiations, company negotiators have continued to hold steadfast in their opening positions of massive concessions in SCOPE, failed to move off their substandard health and retirement positions and will not negotiate to secure best in the industry compensation. What they have focused on is continuing to spin their half-truths on Jetnet.

We are certain that the company will be lobbying the NMB to recommend a Presidential Emergency Board (PEB) since they cannot get the concessions they want from your negotiators. The recommendations from a PEB could favor the company. We must be prepared to reject those recommendations.

It is time for every Association represented member to clearly and unambiguously let the company know you will not accept another concessionary agreement. Your Association leadership has let the Company know that they are in for a fight. All of us must accept the fact this fight is truly on and it does personally affect each of us from this day forward.

Our collective success is up to you.


Your Association Negotiating Committees
Literally in my first sentence I conceded on the "sell out" verbiage...oaths are taken for many occupations and some in those jobs including doctors and cops wipe their butts with said oaths...in the local's oath there is nothing that would hold up in any court if law to keep someone from being a turncoat... That said, Nelson has been the best advocate of all the fence jumpers of the past... The tallest midget as they say...

The definition I posted was for the readers and not aimed at you.

I think Tony would have been an even better advocate and I never was necessarily condemning M. Nelson for the choice he had every right to make.

I admit I was taken aback finding out he was a part of the Company Negotiators but at least he’s in a “scribe” roll and not in direct confrontation with us.

April 26, 2019

American, AGAIN, Shows Their Unwillingness to Negotiate an Agreement – NMB Fails with its Strategy

Brothers and Sisters,

The Association leadership met with American Airlines’ negotiators and Federal Mediators this week in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. The Mediator’s unorthodox approach to these negotiations failed to provide adequate space for the parties to face-off in the critical high stakes final issues to be resolved. The recent sessions were short threeday bursts that started late in the mornings and did not proceed into the evenings. The Mediators kept the negotiators in separate rooms instead of creating an environment that forced the negotiators to face each other to reach an agreement or stalemate. An arbitrary deadline was set (without agreement from the Association) that resulted in this session to be the last 3 days the NMB have scheduled for the parties to meet.

The company took advantage of this strategy (that undermines the process and favors the company) by continuing with their greed driven tactics and proposals. Company management is unwilling to acknowledge the workforce, whose sacrifices have created the world’s largest airline that makes Billions in profits.

Given the company’s unwillingness to move away from demanding massive concessions from our members, the Mediators have informed us that they will report to their superiors at the National Mediation Board (NMB) that they do not see a clear path to reaching an agreement. This process will take a number of weeks. It will be up to the NMB to determine the next step(s) in this process as outlined under the Railway Labor Act.

Since the beginning of these negotiations, company negotiators have continued to hold steadfast in their opening positions of massive concessions in SCOPE, failed to move off their substandard health and retirement positions and will not negotiate to secure best in the industry compensation. What they have focused on is continuing to spin their half-truths on Jetnet.

We are certain that the company will be lobbying the NMB to recommend a Presidential Emergency Board (PEB) since they cannot get the concessions they want from your negotiators. The recommendations from a PEB could favor the company. We must be prepared to reject those recommendations.

It is time for every Association represented member to clearly and unambiguously let the company know you will not accept another concessionary agreement. Your Association leadership has let the Company know that they are in for a fight. All of us must accept the fact this fight is truly on and it does personally affect each of us from this day forward.

Our collective success is up to you.


Your Association Negotiating Committees

please declare an impasse. then we can finally see something from this take over. again its about...concessions in SCOPE, failed to move off their substandard health and retirement positions and will not negotiate to secure best in the industry compensation.

1) dues payers
2) medical plan guess who's?
3) retirement plan guess who's?

and then pay....
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