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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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“There’s no way that my signature’s gonna go on a piece of crap Contract, regardless of who wants it or who doesn’t want it”

John Samuelsen, TWU International President.

Was he there? Obviously he is the one who needs to be convinced, not the members...
When you first came on your level of Professionalism was outstanding. I suspected by your handle that you were either currently in the ATD or were a former rep that still supported providing factual relevant information.

You recently stated that you lost your insider who was part of the Company and that again told me that you once were somebody.

Your sniping and vitriolic posts I think are beneath you. You come across as pretty bitter lately.

I have never been in the ATD. I do not recall ever saying I was somebody, I am not.
I have friends on both sides of the isle.

My professionalism is the same. my posts declined with the way our union declined.
I do not pick sides, the facts speak for themselves.
I have never been in the ATD. I do not recall ever saying I was somebody, I am not.
I have friends on both sides of the isle.

My professionalism is the same. my posts declined with the way our union declined.
I do not pick sides, the facts speak for themselves.

The facts in some cases are how you’re choosing to perceive them. Or which side of that isle you are again choosing to believe over the other.
When you first came on your level of Professionalism was outstanding. I suspected by your handle that you were either currently in the ATD or were a former rep that still supported providing factual relevant information.

You recently stated that you lost your insider who was part of the Company and that again told me that you once were somebody.

Your sniping and vitriolic posts I think are beneath you. You come across as pretty bitter lately.
Look whos talking what a friggin hypocrite and a blind one too
Wow oh wow what the he!! has become of this forums lately. Its one thing that we all agree n disagree but the stooping so low as to whats on here is unbelievable. The main focus ought to be standing up against those greedy selfish mgmt clowns n fight to get the best deal possible.
These people get it.

“The bankruptcy era is in the rearview mirror and has been for quite some time,” Schnitzler said in the memo. “The time is now for the Delta pilots to share in the success we have helped create through our past sacrifices and by the leadership we demonstrate on the line every day when interacting with our fellow employees and customers.”

Pilots are seeking “significant improvements to retirement and insurance, pay, quality of life and scope,” Schnitzler wrote in a Thursday memo to pilots, which included letters of support from pilots at Delta partners Aeromexico, Air France, KLM and Virgin Atlantic.

“The simple reality is that we still have a long way to go to get back to where we were prior to bankruptcy, but the good news is the Company can afford it like never before.”

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